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Well adam said ( a bit earlier in the game ) that there are some people who feel like they're here but they aren't.....i'm getting that feeling with Sallu feels like he's playing too low i also just voted him before going to sleep but i don't seem to have gotten any reaction from him ( i mean i'm sure he's gonna react after i said this but you know scum hunting instincts doing their job! )
I didn't want to react to this, but here we go.

You have Polar in your town list. Polar is vouching me for and vice versa. Connect the dots and maybe your thoughts will change.


Argonauts, roll out!
Because you are asked if you are willing to let somebody copy your abilities and if yes, what ability you allow them to get copied.

You. Choose.
Ehm.. I mean, perhaps you're seeing something that I'm not, but how does "being willing to have your abilities copied" translate into being able to choose what they can copy?
You are playing mafia girl, if you don’t wanna read and catch up to scum hunt then wtf are you doing as townie?

You think going back and forth with me over something stupid and waste your time tunnelling that one point is more productive? Do you think you are bringing anything new to the table? You think you are scum hunting here? You are already in a long line of players who decided to come my way and go back and forth with me. Nothing new.

Why are you self conscious of how players view you? Don’t you want your own actions to speak for itself that you are townie? Wouldn’t you wanna spend that time pushing someone that is not named SoulKiller which if you were not paying attention half of the players are doing exactly that. You think you doing something new here?

Why don’t you start a discussion with someone else?

What are your reads anyways? Who you town read and who you scum read?
there is nothing to be self-conscious abt, i have not been around at all in 80 pgs
how r ppl supposed to read an inactive?

relying on mech to clear me is boring af, sure i could let my actions speak for me but that just turns this into more of a button mashing fest

i am pushing u cuz ur here and i want to play live and u have stuff against u rn
never said im doing anything new here, its actually pretty obvious im following after ultra considering i asked him to explain the case on u

town: ultra, flower, pot, naomi, worst, ekko off the top of my head
scum: u, watson, adam, baki, ghostface

probs some others i can lean in certain directions like charlie and ratchet for town (and blue for indie) but id need to think further


Custom title
I‘m getting tilted af because some people keep making bullshit excuses why refusing to get your abilities checked is okay.
Well some times is ok isn't it ? Like maybe some times you just don't want other people to peek in your closet cuz you didn't cleaned up in a while



I‘m getting tilted af because some people keep making bullshit excuses why refusing to get your abilities checked is okay.
There is a difference between abilities getting checked and giving one of your abilities to someone.
You think you can catch scum with this? What is the point here? Let say Soul did give Indigo a Roleblock ability, what does it mean? What did you achieve?


It is. You lose nothing and can give something harmless or in my case what is only useful for Town. It is also unwillingness to cooperate.
I agree it will help town if you give it to a confirmed town, but if the one asking for the ability is in your scum list, then why would you?
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