- York is now a Celestial Dragon, Kizaru wqs ordered to remain on Egghead to serve the new Vegapunk and follow her orders like he would to any other Celestial Dragon
- Same orders to CP0
- Stussy was captured by Lucci, York will clone her to a Seraphim and kill her afterwards, she calls her a stupid clone
- York wears a spacesuit now
- Scene switch to Vegapunk's brain, we see Saturn there
- Scene switch to Straw Hats, buccaneers powers allows them to gein very strong haki when someone they care for is hurt, it's the power of "love" similar to Sanji
- Franky is crying out of joy
- Newspaper arrived with new bounties (we don't see them)
- One of the news mentions Garp missing on Pirate Island, Straw hats switch in two, one group goes to Pirate Island, other to Elbaf
- Group Pirate Island: Luffy, Jinbei, Brook, Franky, Nami, Broggy
- Group Elbaf: the rest
- Akainu sends Ryokugyu on Elbaf
- Dragon and Karasu are going to attack a group of Holy Knights spotted recently
- Break next week
Almost believed until Dragon going out of his away to attack :suresure:
I completely gave up on Saturn beign down this arc
Isn't it the first time the "main" villain with emotional connection to the protagonists of the arc (Bonney, Kuma) don't fall? My guess is that Oda plan for Bonney & Kuma to properly defeat him later once the "weakness" to elders immortality is known. It'd be a lame shit if he survives to get defeated by some smuck with no connection to him later