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Certified Memelord
I basically quit d1 yeah bc of flower and the others. After a heart to heart with the hosts, @Zemmi kind words (really appreciate it), a pick me up from another, my outlook has changed a bunch

If I die I'm getting revived much like the reason I wanted flower lynched and revived

I will only become stronger in death!
say no more, can grant u a swift death friend, i love to help tbh
Can someone explain it to me like 5.

Red night came out and said that someone has faked an ability on ultra to make it seem like red night visited him, and ultra confirmed that he faked his result. So ummm how exactly is RED night outed because of that?


Certified Memelord
The Karma Shop has opened!​

Players may spend their karma to purchase items from the shop's inventory which includes a selection of town abilities from past games. Abilities and prices are listed below. The inventory will be updated each cycle with new abilities. All of the following abilities exist as one shots. To access the Shop simply PM hosts which item you would like to purchase in your role PMs. Purchases will resolve at the end of each phase.

Standard Inventory​
[Active – This One’s Mine!] Hemet has been known the get greedy with his kills. He may mark a player as his prey for a cycle and if they are targeted with a kill by another player, Hemet will super-kill them before they get the chance in order to claim the kill for himself.
- Price: 300 Karma. 1 in stock.

[Active – Saboteur] Thalyssra may target another player and destroy their next action.
- Price: 150 Karma. 2 in stock.

[Active - Honorable Sacrifice] If Eitrigg is voted to be lynched by the town, he can choose to sacrifice himself, taking down another player of his choice with him. This ability can only be used once in the game.
- Price: 400 Karma. 1 in stock.

[Active – Leader in Death] Prince Farondis knows that some things are worth dying for, and he can rally other ghosts to his cause, even if following him got them killed in the first place. Once during the game, Prince Farondis may command the votes of up to 3 dead town players, giving himself up to 3 vote power for the phase.
- Price: 80 Karma. 1 in stock.

[Active- Wild Magic] Kalecgos is proficient at calling the powers of nature to help him as such he may use one of these abilities per cycle. He cannot use the same ability in a row.
-Green: Target a player and restore any destroyed abilities.
-Purple: Target a player and delay their actions for a cycle.
-Blue: Target a player and make their next X-shot ability free of charge. Doesn't work on non-refillables.
-Red: Target a player and grant them double action on their next ability.
-White: Target a player and roleblock them for a phase.
-Black: Target a player and destroy one of their abilities for cycle.
- Price: 300 Karma 1 in stock.

[Active/Item - Shalamayne] Using this sword you may challenge someone to a 1v1 in R/P/S, if you win they will be unable to preform harmful actions, including kills that cycle, if you lose you will be role blocked. [3-Shot]
- Karma Price: 300. 1 in stock.

[Active - Cryogenic Freeze] Target a player and soften their harmful abilities by a stage. I.e: a super-kill will become a regular kill. Lasts a cycle. [2-Shot]
- Karma Price: 200. 1 in stock.

[Active- Ice Barrier] Jaina encases herself in an nearly impenetrable barrier of ice, making immune to being targeted by abilities for a cycle. However this will cut her off from everyone else, thread silencing her, and leaving her unable to talk in side chats. Jaina may not use any other ability in conjunction with Ice Barrier. Emergency Mass Teleport will not trigger either. [1-Shot]
- Karma Price: 300. 1 in stock.

The Vault
The Karma Shop's maximum security selection. These abilities cannot be stolen from the shop.​

[Active - Eye of Eternity] Starting on D4, Kalecgos can take himself and another player to his personal realm, The Netherstorm, removing them both from the game for a cycle. At the end of the cycle, he can choose to challenge them to a game of his choice (within reason). The loser will be ultra-killed with no means of revival. [1-Shot] Non-refillable.
- Price 1000 Karma. 1 in stock.

[Active – Political Sway] You may at one point during the game target a wagon and lock it as the final wagon for the day. Usable Day 3 or later.
- Price 600 Karma 1 in stock



i want kills!

why does it make me confirmed scum????

Players will be reward on a hidden scale karma scale that rewards the following actions with a spectrum of karma determined by random chance each time a player is rewarded.
- Voting
- Posting
- Successfully lynching a member of another alignment
- Successfully killing a member of another alignment
- Being elected to Night Counci
Voting: You didn't vote.
Posting: You had 3 posts.
Successfully lynching a member of another alignment: Didn't happen if you're Town.
Successfully killing a member of another alignment: Didn't happen if you're Town.
Night Council: You are not there.

So where would the Karma come from if not from my lynch which proves you're not Town?

Red Night

Chise and Joseph
Can someone explain it to me like 5.

Red night came out and said that someone has faked an ability on ultra to make it seem like red night visited him, and ultra confirmed that he faked his result. So ummm how exactly is RED night outed because of that?
Ultra admitted pretty late. Duel already started and I can't win against Watson since nobody can vote for me to win the duel
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