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Argonauts, roll out!
All of us are bound to have some wrong reads, but for me, both of you are town and I'm not even second guessing it. :kayneshrug:

The sus slots are:

Random Asshole
Pot Goblin
Polar Cat

I'm aware Pot got an *innocent*, so he can go to the bottom.

Which of these can you see in a team?

Damn imperials and their lists!
Survival Instincts was used on ???
Derringer is used on ???
Choking Gas was used on ???
Desert Eagles was used to superkill @Dr. Watson / Lu Bu

You are Lu Bu!

"The strongest in the world... is me. Except for me, in the sky and earth, there are only weak people"

[Passive - Strongest Warrior in History] Lu Bu is considered to be a warrior without equal, his raw power alone was already enough for him to be recognized as the strongest man in the Three Kingdoms. He is super bulletproof.
---[Godlike Strength]--- Despite only being a human, Lu Bu has the power to take on the gods. No mortal can hope to stand in his way. His actions cannot be roleblocked.

[Passive - Flying General] Lu Bu earned the name 'The Flying General" due to never bowing his head to anyone. His vote cannot be tampered with.

[Passive - Menacing Aura] Lu Bu has displayed the ability to intimidate people with his presence is so terrifying that he's able to make soldiers and horses who come to face him flear in terror just from his presence. The first person to target Lu Bu each cycle with anything but a kill will be redirected away from him at random.

[Passive - Furious Dragon] Lu Bu's pain tolerance is the stuff of legend, and he is capable of pushing forward through any injury. While rolecrushed, Lu Bu is still capable of using his active abilities.

[Passive - Sky Piercer] Lu Bu's halberd was granted the ability to break any form of defense, even shattering the strongest defense in Heaven. His actions will ignore passive defenses.

[Active - Sky Eater] His strongest swing is capable of even parting the clouds for several miles. Lu Bu can amputate a target's active ability. [3-Shot]

[Active - Imposing Force] Few things can get past Lu Bu should he choose to stand in the way. He can choose to guard one of his teammates, taking any kills for them instead. He may choose to guard a different teammate each cycle. This will act as a reverse hide mechanically for the purpose of kills only.

[Active - Poison Spit] Lu Bu is capable of surviving poison strong enough to kill an elephant by removing the poison from his body by sucking his own blood and spitting it out. When poisoned, Lu Bu may target another player and spread the poison to them instead, curing himself in the process.

[Active - Red Hare] Lu Bu's trusty steed is an extension of himself. While mounted his mobility is second to few. Lu Bu can activate this ability to grant himself priority for a phase. [2-Shot]

[Active - God of War] Lu Bu lives to face down a worthy challenger, only feeling alive in the heat of combat. He may challenge another player to a duel that will run alongside the main lynch, resulting in the loser’s death.[1-Shot]

[Active - Fearless Executee] Lu Bu has proven that he fears not death but only boredom. If he is set to be lynched, he can choose to take one of his voters with him, targeting them with a super kill. [1-Shot]
Scouting Arsenal was used on ???
Blossom was used on ???
Wildflower was used on ???
Double or Nothing was used on ???
Verbotenes Obst was used on ???
Evils Soft Touches
Possession was used on ???
Telekinesis was used on ???
White was used on ???
I’m Getting Pretty Sick Of All These God Damn Revives was used to Delete @Adam 🍎 / Saitama from the game
Fatherly Love was used on activated
Hide was used on ???
Chad Supplex was used on ???
Sonic Screwdriver was activated
Phone Call was used on ???
Time Travel was activated
Paint The Walls was activated
Black was used on ???
Pink was used on ???
Silver was used on ???
Bronze was used on ???
Light Blue was activated
Metallic Purple was used on ???
Fluorescent Purple was used on ???

@Mr. Reloaded was revived as a tree stump from a different alignment from his original one


Argonauts, roll out!
Survival Instincts was used on ???
Derringer is used on ???
Choking Gas was used on ???
Desert Eagles was used to superkill @Dr. Watson / Lu Bu

Scouting Arsenal was used on ???
Blossom was used on ???
Wildflower was used on ???
Double or Nothing was used on ???
Verbotenes Obst was used on ???
Evils Soft Touches
Possession was used on ???
Telekinesis was used on ???
White was used on ???
I’m Getting Pretty Sick Of All These God Damn Revives was used to Delete @Adam 🍎 / Saitama from the game
Fatherly Love was used on activated
Hide was used on ???
Chad Supplex was used on ???
Sonic Screwdriver was activated
Phone Call was used on ???
Time Travel was activated
Paint The Walls was activated
Black was used on ???
Pink was used on ???
Silver was used on ???
Bronze was used on ???
Light Blue was activated
Metallic Purple was used on ???
Fluorescent Purple was used on ???

@Mr. Reloaded was revived as a tree stump from a different alignment from his original one
@Light D Lamperouge your champion.. dead

If Lu Bu is scum, then does that mean Town are the Gods?

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