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Hmmmm at worst I see him as indie tbh if your ability somehow worked.
Ask the host how this works Nat

If the ability does not work on ratchet, will you get the results of only 2 players and ratchet true alignment won't be confirmed?

Like, there is a chance the two non townie here are TAC and surpisingly... Indigio..... Not sure how much I wanna gambit on this though, but it's def possible.
You said at the start of the game. You can't have been redirected and I can't have been busdriven. Because it would fail. I suppose we could have the targets checked to confirm but it won't be on me. Think you're just lying though, I can't figure out mechanically how your story works.
But I also checked you and got scum


The End and the Beginning
Fuji is very clear to me that my passive is absolute. There is no way to explain Nat's results, none, I can't be included in the count. I suppose the only way would be if Indigo is non-town. But between that and Nat being scum, I think the latter is more plausible.
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