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nat has "mechanical" information that 2/3 players she chose are not town TAC, Rat, Indigo, ratchet has been claiming since d1 that he has a passive that anyone under top 5 posters can not target him nat had a PR until c3.
N1 in the sex chat. An exchange between Ratchet & Mango about the autograph picture thing, makes me believe Ratchet isn't lying about his passive. There was a mix up or something, I don't remember all the details.


No dude... that's a bike...!!
Top 5 right now

5. @Flower she 100% could of subbed into a scum slot, every action that slot makes is scummy and she said herself she didn't know how to defend it

4. @Emil he claimed zatch bell but @Michelle controls his abilities I honestly can't say for sure if he's scum, town or indie but I believe we need to flip this one to solve @Michelle I think of @Emil flips scum then the odds Michelle is also scum goes down significantly

3. @ORCA when I did my investigations last day phase and narrowed down 7 suspects he was one of the 7 and it was either him or PB that tried changing my pov to the 21 tho with PB flipping town he could very well be town just looking into it

2. @Ratchet and @Natalija both of them are cold blooded murderers and are currently in a he said she said battle either one of them could be bluffing but as we saw in previous days abilities like the one Nat claimed to have used shouldn't have affected Ratchet unless she was boosted some how they could both be scum on two different teams

1. @Worst he just gives off scum vibes

This is where I'm currently working for the day
think mich is town cuz she hasnt been using my abilities much. tells me maybe she doesnt have a team to use it for her

not a leakproof reason but possible
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