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The End and the Beginning
Just a reminder to swerve away from direct insults please, game is already skirting the line between what is acceptable or not and we're at the point where it isn't. I really don't want to take any moderative action while the game is ongoing but if we can't avoid flaming then that's what we'll have to do.
Just a reminder to swerve away from direct insults please, game is already skirting the line between what is acceptable or not and we're at the point where it isn't. I really don't want to take any moderative action while the game is ongoing but if we can't avoid flaming then that's what we'll have to do.
Does the term "bubblebutt" qualify as a direct insult
[Active - Eye of Eternity] Starting on D4, Kalecgos can take himself and another player to his personal realm, The Netherstorm, removing them both from the game for a cycle. At the end of the cycle, he can choose to challenge them to a game of his choice (within reason). The loser will be ultra-killed with no means of revival. [1-Shot] Non-refillable.

Since I am an honest indi, I will be transparent - I am going to use this and challenge someone to a pokemon battle if I do not get my way.

You will lose. Unless you are Mr. Reloaded....
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