Questions & Mysteries Why oda made them this dumb?

Thats not the point dumbass Zolo literally says he needs to attack after using Koh first time when Alber is in flame off mode. But you are so stupid as a ZKKwanker you literally go against Zolo's own words on when he should attack.

Last attack Zolo baited Alber to not block him so he could attack, if Zolo could simply beat Alber he wouldn't need to ask him why you are blocking.

Why Zolo simply doesn't overpower him instead asking and baiting Alber shouldn't block:

You just write your own cope ZKK story, I showed you the page clown.

Let me prove how dumb you are.

Maybe you are too dumb so I need to explain: Smoker is flying while Luffy is running so Luffy gets tired faster. Since Smoker has no comparable stats he would still lose to Luffy in Punk Hazard if they fight but if it was a race Smoker would win via flight.

Alber has better stats, better long range attacks such as laser like attacks and also is flying, Zolo is running, so Zolo will get tired faster as Zolo himself admitted.

Alber let Zolo learn his weakness by getting close to Zolo and giving up on his flight and long range attack advantage.
1. For the last time king didn't think his flames would work. He didn't want to be hit by koh. Zoro didn't bait king wtf. Do you even know what baiting means. If it was bait king would have kept his flames on and let zoro hit him. He didn't do that but turned them off to create distance in the sky. That's showing king didn't want to be hit by koh zoro not that zoro baited him to be hit. You can't even comprehend what you read to say zoro baited king. Zoro overpowered his strongest attack, cut through his coa hardened sword, and cut off his wing all in 1 attack. Zoro in your scenario doesn't need to know kings abilities as by the end of the fight kings durability is irrelevant as Zoro's ap can break it. King himself was no longer confident in his flame on state and went for a ranged attack from the sky to finish zoro. While king was in the sky he lost so king staying in the sky doesn't change that he's defeated. So it's not dumb that he went to the ground.

2. You use a gag of luffy burning the ground running. Why hasn't Luffy's much fasters forms ever burned the ground running? I guess nami is stronger than luffy zoro and sanji and by extension everyone they beat because she constantly beats them. Where is it stated king has more stamina flying? You are just making stuff up. You made this up, you made up king being dumb for fighting where he's strongest, you made up zoro running out of stamina and still won't show where he gassed out using way more stamina fighting king on ground than in the air, you made up it's dumb for king to go out of flame on mode just because someone might figure out his abilities so to you it's smart to just not use your abilities, etc. You are just making stuff solely to argue because to you since sanji opponent did something dumb Zoro's must have so you have to create it. I mention kaido yet you refused to even talk about him but keep trying to turn king into some coward that's to afraid to leave the sky and use his best abilities on ground. Yea that made up version of king sure is smart where he won't use the majority of his abilities in a fight.

3. It's a fight he's going to use his powers if someone figures it out that's not him being dumb. That is where you give you opponent credit for figuring it out not to try and hide most of your abilities because the opponent might figure out how your durability works. It'd be dumb to not use your powers and not fight where you are strongest. You think for king to be smart he has to stay in the sky and never leave his flames on mode? You limited king from the majority of his abilities to the point he's massively weakened. Who could this king even beat in a fight? Nerfing yourself is smart in your eyes no wonder you think he's dumb. King wasn't supposed to use any other abilities but flight and aerial attacks how dumb of him to use all his abilities and fight where he's strongest.
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You are clearly ignoring zoros own progression and thought process and kings actions to push this agenda though

1.Zoro establishes that with the flame off his defense drops but his speed gets faster.

2.zoro uses KOH purgatory onigiri, and in response king chooses to dodge this attack with his flame on.

3.Zoro sees the flame, and for some odd reason oda does not have him notice that king chose to dodge here with the flame on but oda has zoro strictly focus on The flames and say no point in attacking now the flame is on.

4.king then turns off flame and zoro notices this and attacks with bird dance.

5.king turns back on flame and admits that zoro has figured out how his body works,mind you in this moment zoro is not using koh he is simply using ryou to block and have a back and forth with king.

6.Kings actions-previous moments in the fight zoro using ryou king would let him hit him with no damage what so ever, tatsumaki that damaged kaido did no damage to king, shishisonson which is a better attack did no damage to king, king let zoro stab him and did no damage to king. Now back to the current fight.

7.KEY MOMENT:Zoro says OHHH!!! he notices that unlike before when king would let zoro hit him this time with his flame on he behaving differently. He is blocking and zoro calls him out. Why bother block my attacks? I thought they did nothing to you!!! Unless... you're SCARED of what i can do!!!

The only thing that changed for zoro is he gained advanced conquer haki. This is what king is afraid of, and this is why oda has him with a scared face who then proceeds to go to the air as fast as possible and attack from range. There is no baiting from zoro lol idk how you can even read that and say zoro baited him.
He's just making stuff up because he knows he's wrong. King being baited to him somehow means king turning of the flames where he's less durable and flying to the sky where he's harder to hit. He obviously wanted to be hit by zoro there.
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1. For the last time king didn't think his flames would work. He didn't want to be hit by koh. Zoro didn't bait king wtf. Do you even know what baiting means. If it was bait king would have kept his flames on and let zoro hit him. He didn't do that but turned them off to create distance in the sky. That's showing king didn't want to be hit by koh zoro not that zoro baited him to be hit. You can't even comprehend what you read to say zoro baited king. Zoro overpowered his strongest attack, cut through his coa hardened sword, and cut off his wing all in 1 attack. Zoro in your scenario doesn't need to know kings abilities as by the end of the fight kings durability is irrelevant as Zoro's ap can break it. King himself was no longer confident in his flame on state and went for a ranged attack from the sky to finish zoro. While king was in the sky he lost so king staying in the sky doesn't change that he's defeated. So it's not dumb that he went to the ground.

2. You use a gag of luffy burning the ground running. Why hasn't Luffy's much fasters forms ever burned the ground running? I guess nami is stronger than luffy zoro and sanji and by extension everyone they beat because she constantly beats them. Where is it stated king has more stamina flying? You are just making stuff up. You made this up, you made up king being dumb for fighting where he's strongest, you made up zoro running out of stamina and still won't show where he gassed out using way more stamina fighting king on ground than in the air, you made up it's dumb for king to go out of flame on mode just because someone might figure out his abilities so to you it's smart to just not use your abilities, etc. You are just making stuff solely to argue because to you since sanji opponent did something dumb Zoro's must have so you have to create it. I mention kaido yet you refused to even talk about him but keep trying to turn king into some coward that's to afraid to leave the sky and use his best abilities on ground. Yea that made up version of king sure is smart where he won't use the majority of his abilities in a fight.

3. It's a fight he's going to use his powers if someone figures it out that's not him being dumb. That is where you give you opponent credit for figuring it out not to try and hide most of your abilities because the opponent might figure out how your durability works. It'd be dumb to not use your powers and not fight where you are strongest. You think for king to be smart he has to stay in the sky and never leave his flames on mode? You limited king from the majority of his abilities to the point he's massively weakened. Who could this king even beat in a fight? Nerfing yourself is smart in your eyes no wonder you think he's dumb. King wasn't supposed to use any other abilities but flight and aerial attacks how dumb of him to use all his abilities and fight where he's strongest.
Zolo baited Alber by telling him why you are blocking, then Alber stopped blocking in flame off mode and decided to clash with Zolo without blocking, thats a bait you clown.

Next page, dumb Alber takes the bait:

Thats why Alber was dumb just like you clown is lmao.

Smoker wasn't getting tired because he could fly, thats not gag.

Are you that stupid you don't know flight >>> running?

''I gotta figure out a way to land a hit! Otherwise, I'm just wearing myself out!!''

Same apply to Alber, he had speed and range advantage as he could fly, while Zolo constantly need to run as Zolo himself admitted.

Alber is dumb because:

- Gives up on his flight advantage, gets close and let Zolo learn his weakness
- Then takes Zolo's bait and he stops blocking and decides to attack with flame off mode
Zolo baited Alber by telling him why you are blocking, then Alber stopped blocking in flame off mode and decided to clash with Zolo without blocking, thats a bait you clown.

Next page, dumb Alber takes the bait:

Thats why Alber was dumb just like you clown is lmao.

Smoker wasn't getting tired because he could fly, thats not gag.

Are you that stupid you don't know flight >>> running?

''I gotta figure out a way to land a hit! Otherwise, I'm just wearing myself out!!''

Same apply to Alber, he had speed and range advantage as he could fly, while Zolo constantly need to run as Zolo himself admitted.

Alber is dumb because:

- Gives up on his flight advantage, gets close and let Zolo learn his weakness
- Then takes Zolo's bait and he stops blocking and decides to attack with flame off mode
Taking the bait would be letting zoro hit him with flames on to show he wasn't scared. Zoro didn't bait king but realized king didn't want to be hit by him anymore. Why don't you get it through your skull king didn't want to be hit by koh because he thought it'd break his durability. If kings flames on mode could still no sell koh attacks why didn't he keep fighting the same and take the hit and counter attack like he did thier entire fight? The obvious answer is he wasn't confident his durability would hold up that's why he went to the sky.

2. It is a gag luffy has never burned the ground running and hasn't since when he's much faster. You made something up now show king useslast stamina fighting flying than fighting on the ground. If you can't and want to use a gag you are wrong and I'm not taking you seriously on that point.

3. King doesn't have the range advantage as they both can hit each other from that range. And kings speed is irrelevant as it did nothing to zoro while in the air. Ironically zoro only struggled with speed when king suddenly got faster turning his flames off. Almost like using all your abilities isn't dumb.

- learning kings abilities is not dumb on kings part for the last time. Why do you think king not using his abilities is smart?

- Second there was no bait stop making stuff up. King went to the sky and got speed blitzed. King didn't want to be hit by zoro. If it was bait he would have stayed and tried to tank the attack. King didn't have confidence in his durability anymore so went for speedto create distance and try to finish zoro from the basically confirmed what zoro just said right before if you were reading not trying rewrite the manga to fit your delusion.
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1. For the last time king didn't think his flames would work. He didn't want to be hit by koh. Zoro didn't bait king wtf. Do you even know what baiting means. If it was bait king would have kept his flames on and let zoro hit him. He didn't do that but turned them off to create distance in the sky. That's showing king didn't want to be hit by koh zoro not that zoro baited him to be hit. You can't even comprehend what you read to say zoro baited king. Zoro overpowered his strongest attack, cut through his coa hardened sword, and cut off his wing all in 1 attack. Zoro in your scenario doesn't need to know kings abilities as by the end of the fight kings durability is irrelevant as Zoro's ap can break it. King himself was no longer confident in his flame on state and went for a ranged attack from the sky to finish zoro. While king was in the sky he lost so king staying in the sky doesn't change that he's defeated. So it's not dumb that he went to the ground.

2. You use a gag of luffy burning the ground running. Why hasn't Luffy's much fasters forms ever burned the ground running? I guess nami is stronger than luffy zoro and sanji and by extension everyone they beat because she constantly beats them. Where is it stated king has more stamina flying? You are just making stuff up. You made this up, you made up king being dumb for fighting where he's strongest, you made up zoro running out of stamina and still won't show where he gassed out using way more stamina fighting king on ground than in the air, you made up it's dumb for king to go out of flame on mode just because someone might figure out his abilities so to you it's smart to just not use your abilities, etc. You are just making stuff solely to argue because to you since sanji opponent did something dumb Zoro's must have so you have to create it. I mention kaido yet you refused to even talk about him but keep trying to turn king into some coward that's to afraid to leave the sky and use his best abilities on ground. Yea that made up version of king sure is smart where he won't use the majority of his abilities in a fight.

3. It's a fight he's going to use his powers if someone figures it out that's not him being dumb. That is where you give you opponent credit for figuring it out not to try and hide most of your abilities because the opponent might figure out how your durability works. It'd be dumb to not use your powers and not fight where you are strongest. You think for king to be smart he has to stay in the sky and never leave his flames on mode? You limited king from the majority of his abilities to the point he's massively weakened. Who could this king even beat in a fight? Nerfing yourself is smart in your eyes no wonder you think he's dumb. King wasn't supposed to use any other abilities but flight and aerial attacks how dumb of him to use all his abilities and fight where he's strongest.
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He's just making stuff up because he knows he's wrong. King being baited to him somehow means king turning of the flames where he's less durable and flying to the sky where he's harder to hit. He obviously wanted to be hit by zoro there.
Yea not sure what he is on tbh the reading comprehension is not hard what so ever. He is jumping through so many loops to try and prove this point while we are giving him manga facts which he for some reason won't acknowledge :milaugh:
Yea not sure what he is on tbh the reading comprehension is not hard what so ever. He is jumping through so many loops to try and prove this point while we are giving him manga facts which he for some reason won't acknowledge :milaugh:
It's the first time I've ever seen someone say zoro baited king. Even then they think running to the sky's means he was baited to take a attack. He's delusions are in conflict.
Yea out of all the people that say king was dumb this pretty much takes the cake. I don't get those who say king was dumb at this point in the story with all the info we have it just makes logical sense that king was simply afraid of zoro and his use of adv coc haki even with his flame on. I guess they don't want to accept that zoro scared king that much so they cope and call king dumb in 2024 when he defensive prowess just keeps growing
Taking the bait would be letting zoro hit him with flames on to show he wasn't scared. Zoro didn't bait king but realized king didn't want to be hit by him anymore. Why don't you get it through your skull king didn't want to be hit by koh because he thought it'd break his durability. If kings flames on mode could still no sell koh attacks why didn't he keep fighting the same and take the hit and counter attack like he did thier entire fight? The obvious answer is he wasn't confident his durability would hold up that's why he went to the sky.
These ZKKclowns are extremely dumb :luffylaugh:

If Alber kept blocking Zolo, Zolo was in trouble as he couldn't keep using Enma for long, so he wanted Alber to clash with him.

Thats what Alber did clown, you think its coincidence Alber stopped blocking and attacked Zolo in flame off mode?

I guess in your ZKKclown mind, Zolo asking Alber why he is blocking, then Alber stops blocking and attacks Zolo with his own attack in flame off mode is just coincidence? Are you that stupid?
2. It is a gag luffy has never burned the ground running and hasn't since when he's much faster. You made something up now show king useslast stamina fighting flying than fighting on the ground. If you can't and want to use a gag you are wrong and I'm not taking you seriously on that point.

3. King doesn't have the range advantage as they both can hit each other from that range. And kings speed is irrelevant as it did nothing to zoro while in the air. Ironically zoro only struggled with speed when king suddenly got faster turning his flames off. Almost like using all your abilities isn't dumb.

- learning kings abilities is not dumb on kings part for the last time. Why do you think king not using his abilities is smart?

- Second there was no bait stop making stuff up. King went to the sky and got speed blitzed. King didn't want to be hit by zoro. If it was bait he would have stayed and tried to tank the attack. King didn't have confidence in his durability anymore so went for speedto create distance and try to finish zoro from the basically confirmed what zoro just said right before if you were reading not trying rewrite the manga to fit your delusion.

Is this clown seriously arguing Luffy getting tired while running and Smoker flying not getting tired is gag? :luffylaugh:

Is this gag or are you too retarded as ZKKclown?

''I gotta figure out a way to land a hit! Otherwise, I'm just wearing myself out!!''

Learn to read.

Alber wasn't wearing himself out because he was flying.

No matter how big your ZKK butthurt is, it doesn't change the fact Alber was dumb and thats why he lose. Not only 1 reason, 2 reasons he was dumb.

1- Alber let Zolo learn his weakness by giving up on flying and getting close range, but you ZKKclown is so dumb you want to wank Zolo all times you say dumb things and deny this.

2- Alber stopped blocking Zolo when Zolo's Enma time limit was going to end, then he decided to attack in flame off mode, once again proves Alber is dumb and you are just being butthurt for denying this as a ZKKclown, even the guy who made this thread is a Zolo fan and he says Alber is dumb, it looks like these retarded ZKKclowns are even worse than ZKKclown L57, I see there are levels to ZKKretardation:rolaugh:
They were bound to be defeated. But queen was written in dumb way in general.
Is your avy an anime character?
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Of course Queen was dumb but not Zolo's opponent Alber, ZKK reign supreme.

All Alber had to do fly above and Zolo himself said he had difficult time landing his attack while Alber is flying also Zolo couldn't block Alber's laser like attack. But dumb Alber decided to fight Zolo in close distance then.
I am convinced now it is medically impossible for Lerkek to go 24 hours with mentioning Zoro a hundred times minimum. :milaugh:

@Lor D. Coast
@Kurozumi Wiwi
These ZKKclowns are extremely dumb :luffylaugh:

If Alber kept blocking Zolo, Zolo was in trouble as he couldn't keep using Enma for long, so he wanted Alber to clash with him.

Thats what Alber did clown, you think its coincidence Alber stopped blocking and attacked Zolo in flame off mode?

I guess in your ZKKclown mind, Zolo asking Alber why he is blocking, then Alber stops blocking and attacks Zolo with his own attack in flame off mode is just coincidence? Are you that stupid?

Is this clown seriously arguing Luffy getting tired while running and Smoker flying not getting tired is gag? :luffylaugh:

Is this gag or are you too retarded as ZKKclown?

''I gotta figure out a way to land a hit! Otherwise, I'm just wearing myself out!!''

Learn to read.

Alber wasn't wearing himself out because he was flying.

No matter how big your ZKK butthurt is, it doesn't change the fact Alber was dumb and thats why he lose. Not only 1 reason, 2 reasons he was dumb.

1- Alber let Zolo learn his weakness by giving up on flying and getting close range, but you ZKKclown is so dumb you want to wank Zolo all times you say dumb things and deny this.

2- Alber stopped blocking Zolo when Zolo's Enma time limit was going to end, then he decided to attack in flame off mode, once again proves Alber is dumb and you are just being butthurt for denying this as a ZKKclown, even the guy who made this thread is a Zolo fan and he says Alber is dumb, it looks like these retarded ZKKclowns are even worse than ZKKclown L57, I see there are levels to ZKKretardation:rolaugh:
So I'm done repeating to a delusional person. No using all your powers aren't dumb. No zoro didn't bait king. No king doesn't have more stamina flying. King lost in the sky so even if he stayed there like you want he still loses. I hope you actually start reading the manga at some point and not your delusions. Can't even make a post without insults or say zkk. I'm embarrassed for you, your real life must suck.
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Is your avy an anime character?
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I am convinced now it is medically impossible for Lerkek to go 24 hours with mentioning Zoro a hundred times minimum. :milaugh:

@Lor D. Coast
@Kurozumi Wiwi
Obsessed with zoro more than his fans. At this point I think zoro did something to him personally.
So I'm done repeating to a delusional person. No using all your powers aren't dumb. No zoro didn't bait king. No king doesn't have more stamina flying. King lost in the sky so even if he stayed there like you want he still loses. I hope you actually start reading the manga at some point and not your delusions. Can't even make a post without insults or say zkk. I'm embarrassed for you, your real life must suck.
You are so delusional, first you disagree with your fellow ZKKfan saying Alber is dumb in the first post, then I provided the panels shows why Alber is dumb af, you still are in denial just to wank your precious ZKK because ''no no its not possible a Zolo opponent can be dumb'' :luffylaugh:

In your ZKK twisted mind:
Its just a coincidence Alber decides to attack Zolo in flame off mode right after Zolo asks why he is blocking, not baiting.

You are so delusional you simply can't accept Zolo's opponent is dumb, which is proven with 2 facts that he first let Zolo learn his weakness by getting close range (again you are so delusional you deny this again), and then let Zolo bait him. Before that you also deny Zolo himself says he can't block Alber's laser like attack, you claim he could, not even mention you think flying = running despite I showed how Smoker wasn't getting tired while flying vs Luffy getting tired due to running.

When I debunk your ass about Buggy stuff then you start talking about something else in Shanks vs Mihawk thread instead of admitting you were wrong, thats how delusional your real life must be, I can't imagine what kind of delusional can be this clown is in real life if he is like this here.
You are so delusional, first you disagree with your fellow ZKKfan saying Alber is dumb in the first post, then I provided the panels shows why Alber is dumb af, you still are in denial just to wank your precious ZKK because ''no no its not possible a Zolo opponent can be dumb'' :luffylaugh:

In your ZKK twisted mind:
Its just a coincidence Alber decides to attack Zolo in flame off mode right after Zolo asks why he is blocking, not baiting.

You are so delusional you simply can't accept Zolo's opponent is dumb, which is proven with 2 facts that he first let Zolo learn his weakness by getting close range (again you are so delusional you deny this again), and then let Zolo bait him. Before that you also deny Zolo himself says he can't block Alber's laser like attack, you claim he could, not even mention you think flying = running despite I showed how Smoker wasn't getting tired while flying vs Luffy getting tired due to running.

When I debunk your ass about Buggy stuff then you start talking about something else in Shanks vs Mihawk thread instead of admitting you were wrong, thats how delusional your real life must be, I can't imagine what kind of delusional can be this clown is in real life if he is like this here.
You still here? If I'm such a zkk fan why do you want to keep quoting me? Sorry not trying to live in delusion with you. Maybe someone else will.
He didn't make them dumb, he gave them personality, not everyone are gonna be like Akainu, bloodlusted and going all out from the start.

Thats why One Piece is good, you can have OP characters that can be defeated if you outsmart them or use their personality for your benefit.