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I was dissapointed to die but it was because I exposed mafia lying. At least that's my theory.

No. one was bleeding at the moment when ai died and Flower said we should let TAC because he was bleeding which didn't happen.

What happened until now?
Can you omega kill TAC please? Since everything you did was undone you should also get your stuff back lol.
explain this:
Card Strike was used on ??? Triggering Banhammer Removing @King TheAncientCenturion for a cycle
I wanted tp kill him. I didn't know the kill triggers his out of the game.
This way we know the lynch is the only option.
Or an upgraded kill
Also he cannot be RCed, I used my one shot of RC first and after the kill. All my kills failed so I felt useless until Ekko helped me to kill Mango.
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