Bougya A List Of Elder Lee Hung’s Personal Bitches

What up you godless thots,

Today is a monumentous day, as today I have personally come into possession of over one hundred and forty personal bitches. Everyone go ahead and congratulate my bitches for this illustrious honor:

@comrade, @Topi Jerami, @Shanks, @RayanOO, @Nidai_Kitetsu, @HA001, @Garp the Fist, @Guymieux, @Shiroyru, @Vlad D. Impaler, @BOCCHI, @Mr. Reloaded, @SmokedOut, @trav, @Rukusho, @Reign, @LolonoisZolo, @Himura, @Ryuarashi, @Red Admiral, @Just a member, @Awayeah, @CbShadow, @Thabeast, 9ShishiolsBack, @baboura, @zoroebok, @Virecit, @Den_Den_Mushi, @Kishido, @Fleet Leader Fenaker, @Ryuma, @Dark
Admiral, @Superior to you, @KageFumi, @Alter, kumae, @Hanzo hattori, @Marimo_420, @Daikenki, @Kiku, @RecoomeBoom, @mly90, @Roronoa-sama, @Gauntlet, @zhenon, @Debanv, @Malick the last Light, @Biff, @Y-foe, @Aster, @Oblivion, @pastorlul, @Roo, @Raphaelxblack, @Peroroncino, @BigAmmi, @ConquistadoR, @opml, @mOnst3Rx, @MonsterKaido, @Vanlax, @NAMELESS, @Windfall Island, @Owari Da, @nostromo, @KhunRan, @Sheer D. Lusion, @Malio, @Therefir, @Arthur Fleck, @Kaen, @mosyawe, @Scotch\No.3/, @Sterbeen, @Swallalala, @wrongidea, @Tyrant MUUGEN, @Vajabaja, @roronoa_fan, @Ilskandar1997, @SOKIN, @Fleet_AdmiralKoby, @BornInAbyss, @Sasparan, @Adamxero, @Jack D. Jobber, @hk1992, @JayKitetsu, @Franosuke, @zenox, @just-for-fun12, @Medieval Era, @Seatonnes, @Cyrus, @Unlimited
@Rulebook, @Pringles, @Blazing Lion, @DarkestKnightofSpoilers, @Gladwing0, @SoufianeKh, @Akagami Law, @Charlie, @Kerkovian, @Glahuh, @RomanRiquelme10, @OGshine, @Pandaman, @Monster
Zoro's Tesla Supplier, @ZoroFan23, @Demarlkh, @DenifClock, @Levi, @Peppercore, @Croco boy, @Leggendofkirk, @HellBlazer04, @Durableguy, @GUI VI, @Jaekins, @10tT1tan1cCapta1n, @Getku, @Agent31, @Darkvie123, @RebelliousSoma, @Mark chadsend, @taph, @Pizza the Ghoul, @DavyJones, @Sekai Saikyö @Mihawk, @Nadel, @Thunderbolt, @Nyos, @CaeDBoyd, @HurricaneBilly, @Kumathegoat, @D. Plant

Now I know what you’re thinking.

“But wait, Lee Sama, why do these guys get to be your bitches? Can’t I be your bitch as well?”

And the answer to that is, of course! There is no limit to the amount of bitches who get on their knees in service to my power, but today we’re here to honor the first one hundred and forty.

You see, this group of gigabrains has the illustrious dishonor of getting single handedly solo’d by me at a mere faction of my prime:

As this group voted “No!” In the question of does Ryokugyu have a black blade.

And of course, we now have the most official coloring of Ryokugyu that we’ve gotten yet:

“bUt WaIt!!!! DiDn’t ThE vIvRe CaRd StAfF wAtCh ThE aNiMe???!!!”

Turns out the entirety of Toei Animatiom are now my bitches as well. Everyone congratulate Toei Animation on becoming my personal bitches.

And on the subject of slobbery pregnant canines, everyone go ahead and congratulate the WorstGen mod staff as well:

@Aids Sama @Booger @Bitcho @Thot D. Slut @Jiihad (we cool) @Kiwithot @Gnatalicka @Pansexual @Pot Inhaler @BraiyanOO @TheAidsStrickenClitGauntlet @Titty_Milk @Uncle Pan’s Cum Dumpster

^Anytime you guys feel like having your noses broken by a pair of huge, whopping, hairy tentacles, give me a call and I’ll be glad drag my sweaty ballsack across your useless faces.

Alright that does it from me! Let the festivities commence to celebrate the crowning of my army of personal bitches!

@SakazOuki @Kurozumi Wiwi @The White Crane @Wuuuke @silverfire @scoobie3 @AkainuTheGrimReaper @Apollo @Admiral Mou Bu @ZenZu @Extravlad @kurwa @haxxor @EmperorKinyagi @Blackbeard @Owl Ki @TheKnightOfTheSea @God Buggy @Sentinel @Tyki_Mikk @Veku @Mr. Tuna Sandwich @GoldDiamond @Dragon777 @Weeman @Cadis Etrama Di Urek @Djordje @BaboonMihawk @Negan @The Buddha @Djordje @Germinator @DarkestKnightofSpoilers
I have a perfect joke ... but it might get me banned too ... something like

"This post is such a bomb you should've started it with an A**** ***** "
That's odd. I don't seem to remember I rejected the idea of Greenbull having a black blade. According to my posts, it was always either "looks like a black blade", at most giving Mihawk the benefit of the doubt by saying "we should reconfirm".

But yes, now reading the bio of the character Greenbull is based on ("an exceptionally skilled swordsman), Greenbull stocks are rising.

ah yes the famous black blade user that never uses his blade lol.

Look, even if he had a black blade.. Just having it is not enough, he needs to forge it himself. If it's like another Zoro situation with Shusui, do you really wanna flex that?

Actually, I really hope that he's a swordsman, because his current fighting style of turning into that ugly broccoli thing just ain't it.
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I didn't expect to wake up this morning being tagged in a post like this.
And for your argument lets see whats Jakis color in vivre card
Oh no its green same should be in anime and manga right?
WROOOOOOOONNNNGGG its pink. No way vivrecard made a mistake they are so reliable and doesnt do a thing without Oda. :usoprice:
This thread should stay so 140 people sees how you made a fool of yourself. :HoldThisL:
I didn't expect to wake up this morning being tagged in a post like this.
And for your argument lets see whats Jakis color in vivre card
Oh no its green same should be in anime and manga right?
WROOOOOOOONNNNGGG its pink. No way vivrecard made a mistake they are so reliable and doesnt do a thing without Oda. :usoprice:
This thread should stay so 140 people sees how you made a fool of yourself. :HoldThisL:
Aside from taking a third rate charcater drawn in background as a proof, you know anime and Digital colored manga don't come from Oda, no?

If anything, the VCs, being a Databook, are canon.
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What up you godless thots,

Today is a monumentous day, as today I have personally come into possession of over one hundred and forty personal bitches. Everyone go ahead and congratulate my bitches for this illustrious honor:

@comrade, @Topi Jerami, @Shanks, @RayanOO, @Nidai_Kitetsu, @HA001, @Garp the Fist, @Guymieux, @Shiroyru, @Vlad D. Impaler, @BOCCHI, @Mr. Reloaded, @SmokedOut, @trav, @Rukusho, @Reign, @LolonoisZolo, @Himura, @Ryuarashi, @Red Admiral, @Just a member, @Awayeah, @CbShadow, @Thabeast, 9ShishiolsBack, @baboura, @zoroebok, @Virecit, @Den_Den_Mushi, @Kishido, @Fleet Leader Fenaker, @Ryuma, @Dark
Admiral, @Superior to you, @KageFumi, @Alter, kumae, @Hanzo hattori, @Marimo_420, @Daikenki, @Kiku, @RecoomeBoom, @mly90, @Roronoa-sama, @Gauntlet, @zhenon, @Debanv, @Malick the last Light, @Biff, @Y-foe, @Aster, @Oblivion, @pastorlul, @Roo, @Raphaelxblack, @Peroroncino, @BigAmmi, @ConquistadoR, @opml, @mOnst3Rx, @MonsterKaido, @Vanlax, @NAMELESS, @Windfall Island, @Owari Da, @nostromo, @KhunRan, @Sheer D. Lusion, @Malio, @Therefir, @Arthur Fleck, @Kaen, @mosyawe, @Scotch\No.3/, @Sterbeen, @Swallalala, @wrongidea, @Tyrant MUUGEN, @Vajabaja, @roronoa_fan, @Ilskandar1997, @SOKIN, @Fleet_AdmiralKoby, @BornInAbyss, @Sasparan, @Adamxero, @Jack D. Jobber, @hk1992, @JayKitetsu, @Franosuke, @zenox, @just-for-fun12, @Medieval Era, @Seatonnes, @Cyrus, @Unlimited
@Rulebook, @Pringles, @Blazing Lion, @DarkestKnightofSpoilers, @Gladwing0, @SoufianeKh, @Akagami Law, @Charlie, @Kerkovian, @Glahuh, @RomanRiquelme10, @OGshine, @Pandaman, @Monster
Zoro's Tesla Supplier, @ZoroFan23, @Demarlkh, @DenifClock, @Levi, @Peppercore, @Croco boy, @Leggendofkirk, @HellBlazer04, @Durableguy, @GUI VI, @Jaekins, @10tT1tan1cCapta1n, @Getku, @Agent31, @Darkvie123, @RebelliousSoma, @Mark chadsend, @taph, @Pizza the Ghoul, @DavyJones, @Sekai Saikyö @Mihawk, @Nadel, @Thunderbolt, @Nyos, @CaeDBoyd, @HurricaneBilly, @Kumathegoat, @D. Plant

Now I know what you’re thinking.

“But wait, Lee Sama, why do these guys get to be your bitches? Can’t I be your bitch as well?”

And the answer to that is, of course! There is no limit to the amount of bitches who get on their knees in service to my power, but today we’re here to honor the first one hundred and forty.

You see, this group of gigabrains has the illustrious dishonor of getting single handedly solo’d by me at a mere faction of my prime:

As this group voted “No!” In the question of does Ryokugyu have a black blade.

And of course, we now have the most official coloring of Ryokugyu that we’ve gotten yet:

“bUt WaIt!!!! DiDn’t ThE vIvRe CaRd StAfF wAtCh ThE aNiMe???!!!”

Turns out the entirety of Toei Animatiom are now my bitches as well. Everyone congratulate Toei Animation on becoming my personal bitches.

And on the subject of slobbery pregnant canines, everyone go ahead and congratulate the WorstGen mod staff as well:

@Aids Sama @Booger @Bitcho @Thot D. Slut @Jiihad (we cool) @Kiwithot @Gnatalicka @Pansexual @Pot Inhaler @BraiyanOO @TheAidsStrickenClitGauntlet @Titty_Milk @Uncle Pan’s Cum Dumpster

^Anytime you guys feel like having your noses broken by a pair of huge, whopping, hairy tentacles, give me a call and I’ll be glad drag my sweaty ballsack across your useless faces.

Alright that does it from me! Let the festivities commence to celebrate the crowning of my army of personal bitches!

@SakazOuki @Kurozumi Wiwi @The White Crane @Wuuuke @silverfire @scoobie3 @AkainuTheGrimReaper @Apollo @Admiral Mou Bu @ZenZu @Extravlad @kurwa @haxxor @EmperorKinyagi @Blackbeard @Owl Ki @TheKnightOfTheSea @God Buggy @Sentinel @Tyki_Mikk @Veku @Mr. Tuna Sandwich @GoldDiamond @Dragon777 @Weeman @Cadis Etrama Di Urek @Djordje @BaboonMihawk @Negan @The Buddha @Djordje @Germinator @DarkestKnightofSpoilers

Lee when an admiral is within a 1000000000000 kilometer radius ^

This man is calling out the entire forum over a blade color we've never seen anything like this since critical mindset 😭😭😭😭