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Conejo Share was used to Ultra Kill @hime / Gambling
You are Gambling!

''Best of luck, player.''

[Passive - Luck of The Draw] All of your actions depend on lady luck, and you simply wouldn't have it any other way. You live for the thrill of going on a winning streak, the pain of going on a losing streak, and the roller coaster in between. If you're lucky you'll be rolling high. But if you hit a rut you'll be stuck with scraps. At the start of each day phase, you'll have the hosts roll a 6-sided dice for yourself, the result will be the number of actions you can use that cycle.
---[High Roller]--- Nothing is better than being on a lucky streak. If you consistently roll higher than 3 with your Luck of The Draw passive for at least 3 days in a row, you will gain double action on all of your abilities for a cycle.
---[In A Rut]--- Conversely, nothing beats a bad rut. If you consistently roll lower than 3 with your luck of the draw passive for at least 3 days in a row, you will be roleblocked for the cycle.

[Passive - Jackpot] Each day the host will randomly assign a player as The Jackpot. If you successfully guess the player with The Jackpot your karma will be doubled.

[Passive - Coin Flip] With a passion for gambling like yours, your luck is your life, literally. Your life is ever in the hands of a coin flip and each time you're targeted by a kill you'll have a 50% chance to avoid it, excluding ultra kills, in which you'll have a 10% chance of surviving.

[Active - High and Low] Each night, you can wager an amount of karma on whether more than 3 people are going to die, less than 3 people are going to die, or exactly 3 people are going to die. If you guess High or Low correctly you'll double the karma wagered. If you guess incorrectly you'll lose the karma wagered. If you guessed exactly 3 and win, however, your karma wagered will be tripled.

[Active - Roulette Wheel] You may activate this ability and choose 3 other players, placing a bet on one of them. The host will then spin a wheel with their name on it, if you’re correct the winner will receive a refill for one of their abilities.

[Active - Slot Machine] You can activate this ability and select two players, you will engage them both in a game of R/P/S. If you win both times, you'll roleblock them both for the phase. If you win once you will instead redirect them towards each other. If you lose both their actions will be made unstoppable for the phase. You cannot discuss your R/P/S hands in the thread.

[Active - Double of Nothing] Most gamblers fold just before they were about to make it big. But not you, you can activate this ability to allow a target to reuse an ability that ended in failure. This time any effects of the ability will be upgraded, but if it ends in failure again, you and your target will both be rolecrushed.

[Active - Hang Man's Bet] There's a morbid thrill that makes death and gambling go so well together. Each night you can place a bet on which player you think is going to be lynched the next day. If you guess correctly, you'll be able to get an item from the karma shop for free the following night.
---[Prop Bet]--- You can make an additional bet on who will be the second leading wagon. If you're right on both you'll gain TWO free items from the karma shop! But if you guess wrong on your Prop Bet you won't win anything, even if you correctly guessed the main lynch.

[Active - No Dice Active] Misery loves company, and sometimes when you’re in a hole it’s better if you pull someone else down with you. You can take some bad luck and give it to another player, causing that player to automatically fail any chance based abilities they may encounter or engage in.

[Active - Old Fashion Gambling] You can challenge another player to R/P/S, wagering a pre selected amount of karma set by yourself. If you win you’ll take that much karma from the other player if they have it, or otherwise taking whatever they do have. If you lose, then they’ll receive that amount of karma from you.
---[Different Kind of Currency]--- You can also choose to engage in this same R/P/S match, but opt to instead use your vote power as currency, with the winner taking the loser’s vote power for the phase.
---[The Highest Stakes]--- Alternatively, you can take your chances to engage in the ultimate game of gambling, challenging the closest thing this game has to a god with your life on the line as currency. You can challenge the host, who will be using a random generator, to a game of R/P/S. If you win, you may craft yourself a new basic ability under their supervision. If you lose, you’ll die and be janitored.

[Active - Russian Roulette] Nothing is more thrilling than putting your life on the line in a game of chance. Fulfill your self-destructive tendencies by having yourself and 5 other players of your choosing engage in a game of Russian Roulette. Each one of you will be randomized to a number between 1-6. The player that lands on lucky #6 will receive a random prize from the karma shop. The unfortunate loser who lands on unlucky #1 aka the snake eye will be targetted by a kill. [1-Shot]

[Active - Casino Opening] Locked.

Conejo Share was used to Superkill @xenos5 / Marceline
You are Marceline the Vampire Queen!

"Sometimes I do drink blood, but it's not the blood that I like. It's the color."

[Passive - Cambion Vampire] Due to being turned into a vampire long ago, Marceline is now a half-vampire/half-demon hybrid, giving her access to an array of different passive abilities.
---[Vampiric Fortitude]--- Even before becoming a vampire. Marceline had increased durability compared to mortals. Now as a vampire, she is further augmented to the point of being bulletproof and can regenerate any amputated ability after a cycle.
---[Daylight Sensitivity]--- Marceline can survive in the day, but she finds herself weakened in direct sunlight. Her abilities are downgraded during the day.
---[Consume Red]--- Vampires from Marceline’s universe don’t need to drink blood inherently, but they must consume the color red. Blood just so happens to fit the bill. Marceline will heal anyone she visits of the bleed status effect.

[Passive - Feral State] When Marceline is deprived of red, she enters into a "feral" state, and will instinctively try to kill others and drink their blood, if Marceline goes 3 cycles without visiting either another player who has been painted red or pink by another ability or a player that is bleeding, she will randomly attempt to kill another player.

[Active - Soul Siphon] From her demonic father, Marceline has inherited the power to absorb a person's soul. She can target another player and mark them for Soul Siphon, if they die while marked by this ability, Marceline will gain one of their abilities for herself. [2-Shot]

[Active - Demonic Axe Bass] Marceline’s iconic axe guitar, she can use it to amputate an ability from another player. [1-Shot]

[Active - Terror Form] Marceline can activate this ability to take the form of a tentacled eldritch horror that’s enough to keep anyone away. Any player that visits her while in this form will be redirected away from her at random. [2-Shot]

[Active - Vampiric Abilities] After absorbing the essence of several powerful vampires, Marceline has gained several supernatural powers over the years. From each of these vampires, she has stolen the following corresponding power:
---[The Fool]--- Marceline can activate this ability to fly and dodge the next non-killing action that targets her. [1-Shot]
---[The Empress]---
Marceline can activate this ability to allow herself to avoid triggering reactive abilities. She will also be rendered invest immune while in this state. [2-Shot]
---[The Hierophant]---
Marceline can activate this ability to shapeshift into different forms. She can activate this ability to copy the last ability used on herself as a one-shot. [1-Shot]
---[The Moon]---
Marceline can activate this ability to rapidly heal, healing her of any status effect she might be suffering from. [3-Shot]

[Active - Telekinesis] One of Marceline's most handy abilities, potentially stolen from the former Vampire King himself, is her ability to move objects with her mind. She can use this telekinetic power to target another player and redirect them to a target of her choice. [2-Shot]

[Active - Dance Of The Dead] Marclene can summon and raise the dead to serve her, usually, they make for great partygoers, but occasionally a servant comes in handy too. She can target a dead role and copy one of their non-one-shot abilities. [2-Shot]

[Active - Vampiric Cloud] Marceline can release the vampiric essence she absorbed from the Vampire King, transforming her into a similar black, cloud-like form that he is capable of achieving. In this state, she was powerful enough to go to toe to toe with all sorts of creatures. She will become untargetable for a phase and her abilities will become unstoppable. [1-Shot]

Ban Hammer was used to Kami Kill @Naomi / Kelsier
You are Kelsier!

“Being an annoyance is something that I am very good at. In fact, I’m far more than just a ‘mild’ annoyance--people tell me I can be downright frustrating. Might as well use this talent for the cause of good, eh?”"
[Passive - Survivor of Hathsin] Kelsier has an uncanny ability to escape from where no man has escaped before. If Kelsier is game removed, he will return a cycle later.

[Passive - Steelsight] The Hemalurgic spike in Kelsier's right eye socket grants him access to both regular vision and the steelsight, allowing him to see via not only normal light but also through detecting trace metals. Kelsier will not be affected by ninja passives or other abilities that would typically fool watchers or tracker-based abilities.

[Passive - Ruthless Nature] Kelsier is a psychopath, or at least has some psychopathic tendencies. He shows little empathy or fear, and has high ego, making him incredibly dangerous as he’s willing to go extremely far to achieve his goals. He will not loose karma for killing or lynching his own alignment.

[Passive - Ghostblood Leader] Kelsier is the leader and presumed founder of the Ghostbloods, believed to be the most powerful organization in all the cosmere. This influence will allow him to ‘acquire’ items from the karma shop at half price.

[Active - Allomancy] As a Mistborn, Kelsier can burn every one of the 16 Allomantic metals as a conduit to give him access to their corresponding ability. He can use 5 of his [Allomancy] abilities in a cycle.
---[Steel]--- Kelsier can burn Steel to push back another player’s next action, deflecting it back at themselves. [1-Shot] Excludes kills.
---[Iron]--- Kelsier can burn Iron to pulls another player off target, redirecting their next action to a target of his choosing. [1-Shot]
Kelsier can burn Pewter to increases his physical abilities, making his next action unstoppable. [1-Shot]
Kelsier can burn Tin to increases sense, allowing him to track another player at night. [1-Shot] Non refillable.
---[Zinc]--- Kelsier can enflame another player’s emotions, doubling their vote power for a phase. [3-Shot]
Kelsier can burn Brass to soothe another player’s emotions, vote draining them for a phase. [2-Shot]
Kelsier can burn Copper to hide his own presence, allowing him to hide behind another player for a phase. [1-Shot] Non refillable.
---[Bronze]--- Kelsier can burn Bronze in order to boost his ability to hear pulses, putting him on alert and informing him of anyone who visits him for a phase. [1-Shot]
Kelsier can burn Duralumin to enhances one of his other metals, amping its effect. [1-Shot]
Kelsier can burn Aluminum to burn his reserves, allowing him to refill one of his other metals. [2-Shot]
Kelsier can burn Niscrosil to enhances the burn rate of his target, amping their next action. [1-Shot] Non refillable.
---[Chromium]--- Kelsier can burn Chromoum to wipe the reserves of target his target, destroy one of their X-Shots. [2-Shot]
Kelsier can burn Gold to reveal his own past, allowing him to see one player who visited him the previous phase. [1-Shot] Non refillable.
---[Cadium]--- Kelsier can burn Casium to slow time around another player, moving them to bottom priority for a phase. [2-Shot]
Kelsier can burn Electrum to reveal his own future, allowing him to be told of the next action targeting him in advance and giving him the option to stop it. [1-Shot]
Kelsier can burn Bendalloy to speed up time around himself or another player, increasing their priority for a phase. [1-Shot]

[Active - Flaring]--- Kelsier can burn these metals at an accelerated rate, causing them to "flare", granting him more power, but at the cost of depleting his metal reserves. At any time he can upgrade the use of one of his Allomancy abilities but it will cost an additional X-Shot to perform.

[Active - Seon Messenger] Seons are magical entities that appear as floating orbs of light that can form bonds with individual humans. Kelsier has an unknown Seon which he uses to communicate with his allies across great distances. He can send a message to another player. [1-Shot]

[Active - Equalizer] He tends to hate nobility and believes that they're to blame for much of this world's plights. And even if he knows not all nobles should be fought, it doesn't change his dislike for those who hold inherent political power. Kelsier can target a lynch wagon and make it immune to any kind of manipulation. [1-Shot]

[Active - Recruitment] Kelsier knows that to achieve his ends, even someone as remarkable and talented as himself will need allies. Once a cycle he can invite another player to join a neighbor chat that is able to hold a maximum of 5 people. He can also kick a person from the chat at the end of each cycle if he chooses to.

[Active - Saboteur] Kelsier is a terrific agent of chaos and is excellent at tearing things down and messing with what other people want. He can target an action in a write up that isn’t a kill and destroy it. [1-Shot]

[Active - Messiah Complex] Perhaps as a result of his egotism and arrogance, several of Kelsier’s plans involve setting himself up as a powerful, mysterious, or even divine figure. During the game he can target one member of the Night Council and set himself up as their replacement upon their death.

[Passive - Cognitive Shadow] Locked.
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