Questions & Mysteries Will IMU or Blackbeard be the Final Villain?


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"Will a pirate be the final villain when Oda is hyping Nika as the saviour of the world against WG who is led by Imu "

That's how silly this question is

BB being the FV died completely when Imu was introduced
Don't be like zoro fans who believed into ZkK
No matter how logical your arguments may sound, Teach isn't the FV. Even his crew aren't top tiers, they got clowned so much.
Arabasta Kingdom/Arc,
Narrator said this, not me:

[Those who lament the fight] ---> Citizens & Innocents & Most People
[Those who fight] ---> Imu's Side vs Joy Boy's Side
[Those who stir up the fight] ---> Final Villain Side
[And those who know the truth and are trying to stop it] ---> Luffy Side
[All carrying...]
[Their misunderstood emotions...]
[They will collide in Alubarna] ---> Final Battlefield

So yeah, it's neither Imu or Blackbeard
Final Villain is a New Character
It is Teach.

One Piece is the key to ruling the world, according to VegaPunk.

The world doesn't get liberated by defeating Imu alone if Teach is aiming for One Piece.

Anyone aiming for One Piece must be dealt with.

Last group standing is SHP and BBP.

..and maybe Buggy lol.


Kitetsu Wanker
Neither of them is the final villain.
You are just choosing between those two because you haven't seen the Final Villain yet.
However, Blackbeard is stronger than Imu and will outlast him.
The final villain is the new Kuma, who arrives when you think it is all over.
Usually people use Blackbeard’s crew as an excuse for not being the end opponent
You are foolish to think they’ll survive, Blackbeard will engulf them at one point, he won’t need a crew once he reaches his final form
Good D., bad D., and Imu will have equal stakes in the final war
The final villain is the new Kuma, who arrives when you think it is all over.
Actually, i believe Story's Kuma is gonna be Death itself
Can't call it Final Villain because Luffy won't face it, it's more like a Test, rather than a Final Fight

The reason i'm saying this is because of what Kuma ended up doing,
The whole concept behind Thriller Bark is that it was like a Nightmare & They couldn't face the Dawn unless Moria was Defeated
Who ended up taking all Zombies with him, ending the Long Night & entire existence of Zombies (For that Arc)

So it's like They woke up, like the Nightmare didn't exist & They can pretend like it never happened,
But then Kuma shows up like a Judge, like He was telling them that you can't just wake up for Free, you must pay for what you have done

The Nightmare needs to remain with someone (It's like imagine We all had a Shared Nightmare & when We finally managed to wake up from it, only one of us continue to suffer from it, while others were able to forget)

It's like someone needs to be the Dreamer,
That's when Zoro offered himself (Sanji also tried)
And what Kuma gave him? All of Luffy's Pain/Damage from Thriller Bark Arc.
After Sanji saw what happened to him, it looked as if only Zoro experienced Thriller Bark Nightmare, He ended up as the Dreamer
And He said "Nothing Happened", which matches with what i said, Thriller Bark Night was like just a Dream, it was only Real for Zoro

So what's the only thing that matters in Thriller Bark? Meeting Brook which happened "Before" They entered TB, and his Recruitment/Backstory/Song ... etc which also happened "After" Night was Over

In other words, Story's Brook is who Luffy bonded with before his Journey started, it was Shanks, One Piece Manga is his Story Arc.
The Whirlpool that took Luffy as soon as He started his Journey represented the Start of Nightmare, just like when Thriller Bark "ate" SHs.
(So it's possible that this Whirlpool Guy is like Tararan of Story, his Role is to Capture & Deliver People to Final Villain so that He uses his Power on them whatever it is and use it to keep the Nightmare ongoing)

Once Final Villain is Defeated & One Piece can finally be enjoyed (Just like Dawn).
Death will appear that isn't glad with what happened, demanding Luffy's Life

This whole One Piece Story is inspired by Movie "Adventures of Baron Munchausen"
Whether it's the War itself, the Adventure, Celestial Dragons, Whirlpools, Elbaf, Poseidon, Death, Blackbeard Pirates, the Ending

I believe OP Ending will make everyone question what was True & what was a Lie, exactly like that Movie.
In short, the events themselves in One Piece are "Lies" but aftermath or results are "True".


Heavy Metal
BB will be the final antagonist for the one piece. But the fall of Imu will come after.

So my guess is it will be a war:

Imu + 5 Gorosei


Luffy/Joyboy + Blackbeard, Kid, Law, Zoro, Sanji
BB will be the final antagonist for the one piece. But the fall of Imu will come after.

So my guess is it will be a war:

Imu + 5 Gorosei


Luffy/Joyboy + Blackbeard, Kid, Law, Zoro, Sanji
I don't understand why Imu has to be reserved for after Laughtale when we already know that there are people who know of him

One Piece isn't the rio poneglyph anyway


Heavy Metal
I don't understand why Imu has to be reserved for after Laughtale when we already know that there are people who know of him

One Piece isn't the rio poneglyph anyway
Because it seems the one piece is the key to know the whole history, to learn about all the tragic. Which will be trigger for luffy to go against Imu.

right now; luffy doesn’t even know about Imu, also he has no reason to go against him. Why should he? There need to be a hure trigger and that seems to be the one piece.