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Please no one hammer, I want to get a claim out of reloaded here.

@Mr. Reloaded

Claim please.

@The Orca @Polar Bear

You guys put your vote on reloaded here.
Vote lynch reloaded

@Polar Bear can you tell me the player you are most confident is scum?
I truly believe ultra

i seen him like this when he was scum.

he was open insult, telling other to shut up in agressive tone in other game compared to me who just meme a clown, and calling other people behavior to why they are scum.

now when i remember that game, i am but a kitten.

compared to how nasty he got when he actually insulted. @Polar Bear
Someone insulted me? Or you? I've missed a bunch while out
Final vote count day 1 New
Polar: 8
Ultra: 3
Reloaded: 1
Soulkiller: 1

Emil: Fujishiro -> Polar
Ultra: Reloaded -> Soulkiller -> Emil -> Polar
Naomi: Ratchet -> Soulkiller
Ratchet: Emil -> Polar
Reloaded: Soulkiller -> Alexis -> Polar
Orca: Ultra -> Soulkiller -> Ultra -> Red Knight -> Ultra
Mango: Fujishiro -> Polar -> Ultra -> Soulkiller -> Ultra
Fujishiro: Soulkiller -> Polar -> Unvote
Polar Bear: Ultra
Soulkiller: Fujjshiro -> Reloaded
Indigo: Polar
York: Polar
Alexis: Polar
Yoho: Polar​
Vote Lynch Polar Bear
Final vote count:

Polar: 9
Ultra: 3
Reloaded: 1
Soulkiller: 1

Emil: Fujishiro -> Polar
Ultra: Reloaded -> Soulkiller -> Emil -> Polar
Naomi: Ratchet -> Soulkiller
Ratchet: Emil -> Polar
Reloaded: Soulkiller -> Alexis -> Polar
Orca: Ultra -> Soulkiller -> Ultra -> Red Knight -> Ultra
Mango: Fujishiro -> Polar -> Ultra -> Soulkiller -> Ultra
Fujishiro: Soulkiller -> Polar -> Unvote
Polar Bear: Ultra
Soulkiller: Fujjshiro -> Reloaded
Indigo: Polar
York: Polar
Alexis: Polar
Yoho: Polar
Red Night: Polar​
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