Controversial Mass migration is objectively bad

Mass migration is bad

I don’t want to shit on immigrants themselves. My parents were immigrants and most immigrants I have met were decent, hard working people.

But immigration in of itself isn’t an inherently good thing. Mass migration is fundamentally driven by global inequality, climate change, and conflicts. Sure some of the people from these affected countries are lucky enough to escape to safer and wealthier countries. But for every few that immigrate, there are millions who don’t have that opportunity and are stuck in their struggling nations.

Not only does is mass migration caused by these factors, it also feeds into the systems that bring about these conditions. Immigrant labor is routinely exploited in wealthy nations, leveraging the migrant’s lower status as a non-citizen to force them to work for less. Furthermore by siphoning off labor and in particular skilled labor from developing countries, mass migration ensures that wealthy countries will remain wealthy and poor countries will remain poor.

Lastly, mass migration is neither ideal for the migrant or the host country. For the host country, you have a rapid change in demographics, which can disrupt social cohesion and breed resentment.

For the migrant, there is a significant amount of stress and trauma that comes from leaving one’s home and moving to a new land. I hardly have any family in the USA and I think immigrating was a significant factor in my mom developing schizophrenia. She didn’t have any friends or family nearby except for me and my father, who she tbh doesn’t have the best relationship with.

Ultimately there is nothing wrong with immigrants themselves, they’re normal people just like everyone else. But mass migration isn’t good and rather than glorifying immigration, I wish America and other western countries would work to ensure people didn’t have to immigrate in the first place.
Immigrant labor is routinely exploited in wealthy nations
mass migration ensures that wealthy countries will remain wealthy and poor countries will remain poor.
As usual. Instead of targetting the right problems, depoliticized people target others.

By saying that mass immigration is bad you are targetting immigrant EVEN when you are telling that you met "a lot of good ones". You know full well that what you said has an impact on those people so you quickly tried to deresponsibilized yourself by saying that "some are cool". But in reality you are just creating two categories : Those who are hardworking and the others. Which leads, in reactionnary ideology to the bashing of migrants as a whole.

Coming from an immigrant, it's really something to witness..

Now, as I said, you - like many depoliticized people - are targetting the wrong problem and instead of denouncing the right stuff, you are finding the scapegoat in immigration.

Alors, Spoiler : Immigration or mass immigration is impossible to stop without resorting to real violence.

So starting from that, we can understand that sayin that "mass immigration is bad" - on top of being the wrong problem - is simply non pertinent, unless of course you intend to stop people from coming with firearms.


The real problem is not immigration. It's the system that pushes people to leave and the system that pushes other people to exploit migrants. Within a great system, you could have the same immigration scale without ANY issues.

So ? What pushes people to leave ? Well you mentionned some of the issues yourself, but you glaze over them:

You are lucky I've shared a lot of content about that:


- [VIDEO] - An overview of colonialism
- [VIDEO] - Post colonialism or the impact of colonialism on our current society - A case study : Britain
[VIDEO] - Remains of the colonization: How the West is keeping Africa poor and underdeveloped
- [VIDEO] - The ungoing colonization of Palestine by Israel - A Brief history
- [RESSOURCE] - Defining war crimes, ethnical cleansing, Genocide and Crimes against Humanity
- [VIDEO] - Colonization of Congo - Genocide of 10 000 000 People
- [THREAD + SOURCE] - Colonization of Abya Yala! (America) - The BIGGEST Genocide in history : 70 000 000 People
- [VIDEO] - Arguments used by people to justify Genocide : The genocide of Gaza - Some More News - IMPORTANT


- [RESSOURCES AND STUDIES] - The scientific consensus on climate change
- [MOVIE] - How a capitalist society denies the rise of problems such as climate change - Don't Look Up
- [VIDEO] - No really, capitalism is destroying us and the climate... Wake the F up - IMPORTANT
- [VIDEO] - Why we need to END CAPITALISM to fix climate change

And Bonus :

Those are the real problem that PUSHES people to leave (and I didn't mentionned the interior politics). Now for the reasons why people are exploited :


- [VIDEO] - How capitalism creates oppression - A basic overview - IMPORTANT
- [VIDEO] - Capitalism is killing and asserving the poors
- [VIDEO] - Good ethical business under capitalism ? Not really..
- [ARTICLE AND STUDY] - How capitalism impacts and is killing science
- [VIDEO] - How homeless people are treated in a capitalist society - Last Week With John Oliver


- [VIDEO] - Understanding the notions of capitals and the myth of meritocracy - IMPORTANT
- [VIDEO] - The American dream ? Its meritocracy - A con to control you
- [VIDEO] - Why meritocracy can't exist
- [VIDEO] - What is liberalism and why it has NOTHING to do with the fact of being "woke" - IMPORTANT
- [VIDEO] - Leftism VS Liberalism or why liberalism is NOT leftism
- [ARTICLE] - Liberals, from a leftist point of view


- [ARTICLE & RESSOURCES] - Why color blindness is sociologically problematic
- [VIDEO] - What is the process of racialization and why we use the term "racialized people" ?
- [VIDEO] - What is systemic/institutional racism ?
- [ARTICLE, RESSOURCES AND STUDIES] - 10 Examples of systemic racism in the USA - IMPORTANT
- [ARTICLE] - The racist 1890 law that’s still blocking thousands of Black Americans from voting
- [VIDEO] - Why teaching CRT is important and how conservatives are trying to stop it - Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
- [STUDY] - Systemic racism explained by science - Individuals and interactions, institutions and society
- [STUDY] - Systemic racism explained by science - Definitions, Examples, Health Damages and approaches to dismantling
- [RESSOURCES & STUDIES] - Example of institutional Racism : What it is and what you can do
- [VIDEO] - Analysis of Islamophobia - Philosophy Tube
- [VIDEO] - French Muslims are either invisibilize or perpetual immigrants
- [VIDEO] - The impact of Racism on health
- [VIDEO] - You don't think systemic racism exist ? Yes it DOES
- [VIDEO] - The racism and prejudices against Asian Americans - Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
- [WIKIPEDIA] - What is the far Right ?
- [WIKIPEDIA] - The danger of cryptofascism
- [STUDY] - A reason for the rise of far rightism : The Negativity bias - The bad outweight the good
- [STUDY] - A reason for the rise of far rightism : Conservatives are more likely to fall for bias and missinformation
- [VIDEO] - Conspiracy theorists fueled by the far right in Germany
[VIDEO] - The problem with Trump : The rise of Fascism - Some More News
- [ARTICLE] - The problem with Trump : Timeline of Trump’s Coronavirus Responses
- [ARTICLE] - The problems with Trump : "Twitter Files" - Trump - Not Biden - Tried to Censor tweets
- [VIDEO] - The problems with Alex Jones - Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
[VIDEO] - The problems with Brazil's far-right ex-president Jair Bolsonaro - Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
- [VIDEO] - The problems with Jordan Peterson - Some More News
- [VIDEO] - The problems with Elon Musk's Hitler problem - Some More News - IMPORTANT
- [VIDEO] - The problems with Ben Shapiro - Some More News
- [VIDEO] - A cynical view on the problem of incels
- [DEBUNK] - Far right propaganda : Sex crimes bill
[VIDEO] - White supremacy and the great replacement theory
- [VIDEO] - What is fascism ?
- [ENCYCLOPEDIC ARTICLE] - National socialism (Nazism) was NOT socialism in any way, but in fact the opposite
- [RESSOURCE] - A practical guide for understanding and identifying "Ur Fascism" - Umberto Eco's speech - IMPORTANT
- [VIDEO] - The rise of the far right and/or fascism through libertarianism
[VIDEO] - The rise of the far right and/or fascism in our current world - USA
- [VIDEO] - The rise of the far right and/or fascism in our current world - Israel 1 - (Note the date)
- [VIDEO] - The rise of the far right and/or fascism in our current world - Israel 2 - (Again. Note the date)
- [VIDEO] - The rise of the far right and/or fascism in our current world - Israel 3 - Dehumanization
- [VIDEO] - The rise of the far right and/or fascism in our current world - Israel 4 - Getting out of sionism - A testimony
- [VIDEO] - The rise of the far right and/or fascism in our current world - Europe
- [VIDEO] - The rise of the far right and/or fascism in our current world - Germany
- [VIDEO] - The rise of the far right and/or fascism in our current world - Argentina
- [VIDEO] - The rise of the far right and/or fascism in our current world - Italia
- [VIDEO] - The rise of the far right and/or fascism in our current world - Russia
- [VIDEO] - The rise of the far right and/or fascism in our current world - France (showing 1% of the actual problem)

The problems are not Immigration or even mass immigration. The problems are the SYSTEMS that push people to leave and push people to exploit those who leave.

And if you really want one word to describe the real problem, it's this :

It was useful for America at one point in taking over the Wild West, but in an already developed country mass migration is a recipe for disaster.

It's not really immigration per se. You always need some degree of immigration. But mass migration is just used as a tool to supress wages and fuck over the middle class of the country.
As usual. Instead of targetting the right problems, depoliticized people target others.

By saying that mass immigration is bad you are targetting immigrant EVEN when you are telling that you met "a lot of good ones". You know full well that what you said has an impact on those people so you quickly tried to deresponsibilized yourself by saying that "some are cool". But in reality you are just creating two categories : Those who are hardworking and the others. Which leads, in reactionnary ideology to the bashing of migrants as a whole.

Coming from an immigrant, it's really something to witness..

Now, as I said, you - like many depoliticized people - are targetting the wrong problem and instead of denouncing the right stuff, you are finding the scapegoat in immigration.

Alors, Spoiler : Immigration or mass immigration is impossible to stop without resorting to real violence.

So starting from that, we can understand that sayin that "mass immigration is bad" - on top of being the wrong problem - is simply non pertinent, unless of course you intend to stop people from coming with firearms.


The real problem is not immigration. It's the system that pushes people to leave and the system that pushes other people to exploit migrants. Within a great system, you could have the same immigration scale without ANY issues.

So ? What pushes people to leave ? Well you mentionned some of the issues yourself, but you glaze over them:

You are lucky I've shared a lot of content about that:


- [VIDEO] - An overview of colonialism
- [VIDEO] - Post colonialism or the impact of colonialism on our current society - A case study : Britain
[VIDEO] - Remains of the colonization: How the West is keeping Africa poor and underdeveloped
- [VIDEO] - The ungoing colonization of Palestine by Israel - A Brief history
- [RESSOURCE] - Defining war crimes, ethnical cleansing, Genocide and Crimes against Humanity
- [VIDEO] - Colonization of Congo - Genocide of 10 000 000 People
- [THREAD + SOURCE] - Colonization of Abya Yala! (America) - The BIGGEST Genocide in history : 70 000 000 People
- [VIDEO] - Arguments used by people to justify Genocide : The genocide of Gaza - Some More News - IMPORTANT


- [RESSOURCES AND STUDIES] - The scientific consensus on climate change
- [MOVIE] - How a capitalist society denies the rise of problems such as climate change - Don't Look Up
- [VIDEO] - No really, capitalism is destroying us and the climate... Wake the F up - IMPORTANT
- [VIDEO] - Why we need to END CAPITALISM to fix climate change

And Bonus :

Those are the real problem that PUSHES people to leave (and I didn't mentionned the interior politics). Now for the reasons why people are exploited :


- [VIDEO] - How capitalism creates oppression - A basic overview - IMPORTANT
- [VIDEO] - Capitalism is killing and asserving the poors
- [VIDEO] - Good ethical business under capitalism ? Not really..
- [ARTICLE AND STUDY] - How capitalism impacts and is killing science
- [VIDEO] - How homeless people are treated in a capitalist society - Last Week With John Oliver


- [VIDEO] - Understanding the notions of capitals and the myth of meritocracy - IMPORTANT
- [VIDEO] - The American dream ? Its meritocracy - A con to control you
- [VIDEO] - Why meritocracy can't exist
- [VIDEO] - What is liberalism and why it has NOTHING to do with the fact of being "woke" - IMPORTANT
- [VIDEO] - Leftism VS Liberalism or why liberalism is NOT leftism
- [ARTICLE] - Liberals, from a leftist point of view


- [ARTICLE & RESSOURCES] - Why color blindness is sociologically problematic
- [VIDEO] - What is the process of racialization and why we use the term "racialized people" ?
- [VIDEO] - What is systemic/institutional racism ?
- [ARTICLE, RESSOURCES AND STUDIES] - 10 Examples of systemic racism in the USA - IMPORTANT
- [ARTICLE] - The racist 1890 law that’s still blocking thousands of Black Americans from voting
- [VIDEO] - Why teaching CRT is important and how conservatives are trying to stop it - Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
- [STUDY] - Systemic racism explained by science - Individuals and interactions, institutions and society
- [STUDY] - Systemic racism explained by science - Definitions, Examples, Health Damages and approaches to dismantling
- [RESSOURCES & STUDIES] - Example of institutional Racism : What it is and what you can do
- [VIDEO] - Analysis of Islamophobia - Philosophy Tube
- [VIDEO] - French Muslims are either invisibilize or perpetual immigrants
- [VIDEO] - The impact of Racism on health
- [VIDEO] - You don't think systemic racism exist ? Yes it DOES
- [VIDEO] - The racism and prejudices against Asian Americans - Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
- [WIKIPEDIA] - What is the far Right ?
- [WIKIPEDIA] - The danger of cryptofascism
- [STUDY] - A reason for the rise of far rightism : The Negativity bias - The bad outweight the good
- [STUDY] - A reason for the rise of far rightism : Conservatives are more likely to fall for bias and missinformation
- [VIDEO] - Conspiracy theorists fueled by the far right in Germany
[VIDEO] - The problem with Trump : The rise of Fascism - Some More News
- [ARTICLE] - The problem with Trump : Timeline of Trump’s Coronavirus Responses
- [ARTICLE] - The problems with Trump : "Twitter Files" - Trump - Not Biden - Tried to Censor tweets
- [VIDEO] - The problems with Alex Jones - Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
[VIDEO] - The problems with Brazil's far-right ex-president Jair Bolsonaro - Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
- [VIDEO] - The problems with Jordan Peterson - Some More News
- [VIDEO] - The problems with Elon Musk's Hitler problem - Some More News - IMPORTANT
- [VIDEO] - The problems with Ben Shapiro - Some More News
- [VIDEO] - A cynical view on the problem of incels
- [DEBUNK] - Far right propaganda : Sex crimes bill
[VIDEO] - White supremacy and the great replacement theory
- [VIDEO] - What is fascism ?
- [ENCYCLOPEDIC ARTICLE] - National socialism (Nazism) was NOT socialism in any way, but in fact the opposite
- [RESSOURCE] - A practical guide for understanding and identifying "Ur Fascism" - Umberto Eco's speech - IMPORTANT
- [VIDEO] - The rise of the far right and/or fascism through libertarianism
[VIDEO] - The rise of the far right and/or fascism in our current world - USA
- [VIDEO] - The rise of the far right and/or fascism in our current world - Israel 1 - (Note the date)
- [VIDEO] - The rise of the far right and/or fascism in our current world - Israel 2 - (Again. Note the date)
- [VIDEO] - The rise of the far right and/or fascism in our current world - Israel 3 - Dehumanization
- [VIDEO] - The rise of the far right and/or fascism in our current world - Israel 4 - Getting out of sionism - A testimony
- [VIDEO] - The rise of the far right and/or fascism in our current world - Europe
- [VIDEO] - The rise of the far right and/or fascism in our current world - Germany
- [VIDEO] - The rise of the far right and/or fascism in our current world - Argentina
- [VIDEO] - The rise of the far right and/or fascism in our current world - Italia
- [VIDEO] - The rise of the far right and/or fascism in our current world - Russia
- [VIDEO] - The rise of the far right and/or fascism in our current world - France (showing 1% of the actual problem)

The problems are not Immigration or even mass immigration. The problems are the SYSTEMS that push people to leave and push people to exploit those who leave.

And if you really want one word to describe the real problem, it's this :

Post automatically merged:

It was useful for America at one point in taking over the Wild West, but in an already developed country mass migration is a recipe for disaster.

It's not really immigration per se. You always need some degree of immigration. But mass migration is just used as a tool to supress wages and fuck over the middle class of the country.
Birth rates dropped post 1980s in USA amongst the majority White population
In turn immigration increased