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Warning the following down below is my unfiltered, unorganised thoughts up to end of DP2.

Okay, so like I am not sure how Yoho survived Indigio shot, this tells me that Indigio was roleblocked. Or he was redirected/busdrived to another player who has BP but that player did not out at all. My guess would be whoever redirected/busdrive Yoho, redirected him to serial killer. It is more likely to assume that mafia can redirect/busdrive here than townies.

So, mafia probably know who the serial killer is. I find it hard to believe a townie who has BP would not out has BP is gone. So whoever got hit by indigio must be the serial killer.

Or you can make a case that Reloaded lied here and role blocked indigio here. But Naomi also claims to be roleblocked or that her ability failed. Not sure who the fuck would role block naomi here? like geniunely confused by this if scum role blocked naomi....There might be a chance that Naomi is lying about being role blocked here ngl with you. Kiku also claims her ability is not working???? not sure how or why but I do recall her hinting that she was gonna use an ability, I honestly thought she was probably the vig, when she asked polar who is scum, he said it would be ultra, so wouldn't be surprsied if mafia did something to her here to not let her duel work.... but wouldn't that make ultra look bad? unless scum wanna throw suspicion his way? lol I would like to think scum did something to kiku here during the NP, meaning they had no idea if she is a duelest per say lol. All of this ofcourse if we assume kiku is not lying here tbh regarding not being able to use her duel.

Also, Yoho scum reads where Ekko, Ultra, and Naomi.

I am willing to bet my non existence house that he slipped one of his mates in this list lmao. But he was willing to lynch Naomi here if it was up to him on who to lynch.

This does not look good to Ultra too tbh. Now I cannot recall Ultra interacting with Yoho at all in DP1 and if they did, it was insignificant. Makes you pause and go hmmmm for a bit.

I also have a theory, if indigio was not role blocked and scum redirected/busdrived Yoho with another player who has BP, then that player is most likely Fuji.... Makes sense if he is indie actually and him subbing out lines out with it as well. His interaction with ratchet was bad, idk why he assumed the vig is the one who targeted ratchet here... I will tell you why. Because Fuji is the serial killer probably, he unconciously assumed vig is who killed ratchet because he himself is the serial killer. Plus, Fuji subbing out fucking reeks!! The guy legit can't handle the heat and everytime he feels like he is being driven into a corner as scum or indie/serial killer he subs out. He did this every single damn time. Like on god he might even be fucking scum here not gonna hold you. But I think it's more likely he is serial killer here, but either way. He ain't town, that I know for sure now after him subbing out.

Also, I am extremely alarmed that Naomi refused to hammer Polar here and now she refused to vote for Yoho. I don't know how much of her lies I can just brush under the bridge as bad play and at one point you will have to pause and think.

Orca this DP also was bad, I am actually quite confident that he is just scum here. His own twin did not have him as townie, should tell you much. Also his comments regarding me when it came to fuji felt like he is happy that fuji is not using common sense and wanna death tunnel and die to prove that I am scum. If he is scum which I think is likely, he knows me and fuji are not mafia and would love to see nothing more than to see a mutual destruction happen. Also, he was voting ultra but never was he pushing him heavily, why? Like i would think if orca is townie here, he would of defended polar much harder here, but he let polar just die to the wolves. One would think orca would defend polar here much harder than I did, also his fixation on wanting to vote ultra without actually pushing for ultra hard is scummy. I think a townie orca would make a better case and push ultra better. Also, I do actually see scum Orca here wanting to lynch scum Ultra here to look good but without actually commiting to lynching ultra. Like he is playing it safe and safely place vote on Ultra stating that he is extremely confident that ultra is scum, but not pushing his perspective forward and actually getting an Ultra wagon going. I think there is a good equity here that Ultra and Orca might be mates here.

Red Night was tagging reloaded all DP2 with sad face but never elaborated, idk wtf was that about? but not big fan of RN here... I saw people say he just played really bad, but I think they fail to see that if RN was inactive townie and not paying attention, he would not come into EoD knowing that polar is the guy who needs to be lynched. Him being informed is falling deaf on some people idk why.

Ultra feels natural in his thought process, but it feels bad that the dude somehow tries to paint me as scum because he can't seem to admit that I just had a very good read and understanding of the situation which is why I did not hammer polar, plus he seems not to take into account that I wanted to see who would jump the wagon and hammer polar here and let things play out and get reactions from alot of players regarding polar situation to get as much reads as possible to further help in solving the game. Sure, I was bit conflicted at one point, but I decided to trust my guts here and have faith in my read on the guy, his play overall is just NOT scum pov, and I was right on the money. He stated that if Yoho is scum then I look better, and he also stated that me and Reloaded very unlikely to be team mates. So why does he still have me as scum? isn't it a natural progression to move me to his townie reads if he believed yoho and reloaded have high chance of being scum? I feel like he has me as scum here because he want to keep his options open. But still think there is a chance despite that that he might be townie here. But I think we will need to get a claim out of him tbh. I also think he is self concious about his slot, coming to the thread aware that ratchet kill has happened so he can be mislynched, and I do recall when I questioned him on why he is not giving his opinion on ratchet DP1. He answered, but then shortly after was analyzing and making further statement regarding ratchet here. But the thing is that it felt kinda forced, like he did it to make himself look bit better after calling him out on it.

Reloaded still looks very bad, I would honestly vig this slot or let york to duel him. Which speaking of kiku, I think her claiming the duel thing does not necessairly look bad, and her posts did not strike me as savage as she usually do as scum. I actually think she possibly is just townie here tbh but my resolve is shaken abit regarding her. At first I thought she was hinting being a vig. but now she is a duelest and for some reason her duel is not working. I can see scum doing something cause she hinted she will do something, scum probably caught into it and did something to her. Ofcourse, there is the chance she is lying here but how much stocks we gonna put into this? me personally, not that much as of right now. Will see how DP3 progress.

Mango is just weird for me this game, I am getting similar vibes of him as scum last game.... But idk he is too free spirited that is giving me the pause not gonna lie with you. It't worth keeping in mind that he also lowkey pushed naomi here and said that he view her as mafia....

Not gonna lie Ekko, I expected to see more action from you, but you were very passive this DP, I am assuming you already used your ability here on someone to prove your claim. But if scum has bus drive or redirect, it's possible they might redirect you to one of their mate and buff them.... So won't necessairly blame you if you have your reserves tbh of not using it...

My PoE right now :
Orca, Reloaded, RN, Ultra

I would probably not gun for ultra before Orca/Reloaded/RN and if one of them or if 2 or more for some god damn reason flipped townie, especially if orca flips townie here.Then nuke ultra.

I personally would push Orca first and get a claim out of him, probably just lynch him tbh and then if someone can nuke RN/Reloaded. York should use her duel in one of these two, I think RN is playing dumb on purpose here tbh. The guys is not clueless as he pretends to be.

Fuji is probably the serial killer.

York/Mango is the dark horse here

That's the PoE I am having right now.
Nice notes

Wanna see mine
@Ratchet Actually as scum, I tend not to aim for you necessairly or any player who I enjoy playing with actually. Now, I won't say there was not situations where I killed you NP1 for I truly don't recall and might of done it few times in the past 12 years we played and if I ever did then context is vastly different probably. But I enjoy me the challenge and the thrill usually.



Red Night
Mr. Reloaded
The Orca

  • Alexis kinda goes without saying here
  • Ekko’s probably just town after counterclaiming Polar Day 1 in conjunction with Yoho’s flip which fits a very similar role niche
  • If there’s anyone in my town it would be Fuji or maybe Naomi I guess, mostly for angleshooty reasons. They both seem a bit more frustrated than usual but neither is hard to reconcile.
  • Kiku there mostly there because she claims interference with their Duel but I find it hard to reconcile anyone goes out of their way to use anything on Kiku. Claims duel is Day 2+ only which does fit description from previous melkor games. Also said they were planning on dueling me which fits with the idea that I was being set up for a mislynch
  • I see Mango posted near EoD but didn’t really get much of anything from it, he’s kinda here by default
  • Red Night is notorious for doing extremely scummy things as town so of all the people here I could see him being towniest actually. But he also does scummy things as scum so I can’t really take him out
  • Reloaded asked earlier why he would bother TMI’ing Polar here and when I responded to him detailing why he just dropped it. From a claim standpoint, Roleblockers can sometimes be town, but too many players have claimed interference which seems unlikely if he blocked exactly who he said he did. Most likely scum.
  • Orca just popped in and voted me without reacting to info on Yoho or doing anything else. If he’s not scum probably needs to go anyhow
  • Soul kinda looks good off Yoho’s flip but can also reconcile the pressure on him being distancing since after looking back he kinda fell off his radar and at EoD didn’t ask for him to claim like he did Reloaded. Been a while since I’ve seen him as scum but I think that’s in his range, would require me assuming Reloaded is town here.

I'd say Reloaded is my prime suspect, sorta, but don't wanna rush into a lynch there, think we should get claims out of Mango/RK/Orca at the very least and then go from there



Red Night
Mr. Reloaded
The Orca

  • Alexis kinda goes without saying here
  • Ekko’s probably just town after counterclaiming Polar Day 1 in conjunction with Yoho’s flip which fits a very similar role niche
  • If there’s anyone in my town it would be Fuji or maybe Naomi I guess, mostly for angleshooty reasons. They both seem a bit more frustrated than usual but neither is hard to reconcile.
  • Kiku there mostly there because she claims interference with their Duel but I find it hard to reconcile anyone goes out of their way to use anything on Kiku. Claims duel is Day 2+ only which does fit description from previous melkor games. Also said they were planning on dueling me which fits with the idea that I was being set up for a mislynch
  • I see Mango posted near EoD but didn’t really get much of anything from it, he’s kinda here by default
  • Red Night is notorious for doing extremely scummy things as town so of all the people here I could see him being towniest actually. But he also does scummy things as scum so I can’t really take him out
  • Reloaded asked earlier why he would bother TMI’ing Polar here and when I responded to him detailing why he just dropped it. From a claim standpoint, Roleblockers can sometimes be town, but too many players have claimed interference which seems unlikely if he blocked exactly who he said he did. Most likely scum.
  • Orca just popped in and voted me without reacting to info on Yoho or doing anything else. If he’s not scum probably needs to go anyhow
  • Soul kinda looks good off Yoho’s flip but can also reconcile the pressure on him being distancing since after looking back he kinda fell off his radar and at EoD didn’t ask for him to claim like he did Reloaded. Been a while since I’ve seen him as scum but I think that’s in his range, would require me assuming Reloaded is town here.

I'd say Reloaded is my prime suspect, sorta, but don't wanna rush into a lynch there, think we should get claims out of Mango/RK/Orca at the very least and then go from there
If orca is truly townie here I would think he would push harder on you here and make better case to defend polar here. But he kinda let polar die to the wolves. Last DP he avoided voting for yoho and just placed a vote on you and dipped. Also polar did not have orca as townie in his read list, but had him as null. I think Orca chances of flipping scum is high. I would say there is a world where there is equity between you and him as well.

Does orca as town would help polar here more from your experience with him and push against his lynch ?
I kinda wanna pressure this slot for now. I do think the lynch here should be reloaded but let's take a step back and utilize the DP first pls.

Vote Lynch : Orca

@The Orca

I want to see your reads, thoughts of the game. Depending on how you answer me, will probably require you to claim here as well.

Warning the following down below is my unfiltered, unorganised thoughts up to end of DP2.

Okay, so like I am not sure how Yoho survived Indigio shot, this tells me that Indigio was roleblocked. Or he was redirected/busdrived to another player who has BP but that player did not out at all. My guess would be whoever redirected/busdrive Yoho, redirected him to serial killer. It is more likely to assume that mafia can redirect/busdrive here than townies.

So, mafia probably know who the serial killer is. I find it hard to believe a townie who has BP would not out has BP is gone. So whoever got hit by indigio must be the serial killer.

Or you can make a case that Reloaded lied here and role blocked indigio here. But Naomi also claims to be roleblocked or that her ability failed. Not sure who the fuck would role block naomi here? like geniunely confused by this if scum role blocked naomi....There might be a chance that Naomi is lying about being role blocked here ngl with you. Kiku also claims her ability is not working???? not sure how or why but I do recall her hinting that she was gonna use an ability, I honestly thought she was probably the vig, when she asked polar who is scum, he said it would be ultra, so wouldn't be surprsied if mafia did something to her here to not let her duel work.... but wouldn't that make ultra look bad? unless scum wanna throw suspicion his way? lol I would like to think scum did something to kiku here during the NP, meaning they had no idea if she is a duelest per say lol. All of this ofcourse if we assume kiku is not lying here tbh regarding not being able to use her duel.

Also, Yoho scum reads where Ekko, Ultra, and Naomi.

I am willing to bet my non existence house that he slipped one of his mates in this list lmao. But he was willing to lynch Naomi here if it was up to him on who to lynch.

This does not look good to Ultra too tbh. Now I cannot recall Ultra interacting with Yoho at all in DP1 and if they did, it was insignificant. Makes you pause and go hmmmm for a bit.

I also have a theory, if indigio was not role blocked and scum redirected/busdrived Yoho with another player who has BP, then that player is most likely Fuji.... Makes sense if he is indie actually and him subbing out lines out with it as well. His interaction with ratchet was bad, idk why he assumed the vig is the one who targeted ratchet here... I will tell you why. Because Fuji is the serial killer probably, he unconciously assumed vig is who killed ratchet because he himself is the serial killer. Plus, Fuji subbing out fucking reeks!! The guy legit can't handle the heat and everytime he feels like he is being driven into a corner as scum or indie/serial killer he subs out. He did this every single damn time. Like on god he might even be fucking scum here not gonna hold you. But I think it's more likely he is serial killer here, but either way. He ain't town, that I know for sure now after him subbing out.

Also, I am extremely alarmed that Naomi refused to hammer Polar here and now she refused to vote for Yoho. I don't know how much of her lies I can just brush under the bridge as bad play and at one point you will have to pause and think.

Orca this DP also was bad, I am actually quite confident that he is just scum here. His own twin did not have him as townie, should tell you much. Also his comments regarding me when it came to fuji felt like he is happy that fuji is not using common sense and wanna death tunnel and die to prove that I am scum. If he is scum which I think is likely, he knows me and fuji are not mafia and would love to see nothing more than to see a mutual destruction happen. Also, he was voting ultra but never was he pushing him heavily, why? Like i would think if orca is townie here, he would of defended polar much harder here, but he let polar just die to the wolves. One would think orca would defend polar here much harder than I did, also his fixation on wanting to vote ultra without actually pushing for ultra hard is scummy. I think a townie orca would make a better case and push ultra better. Also, I do actually see scum Orca here wanting to lynch scum Ultra here to look good but without actually commiting to lynching ultra. Like he is playing it safe and safely place vote on Ultra stating that he is extremely confident that ultra is scum, but not pushing his perspective forward and actually getting an Ultra wagon going. I think there is a good equity here that Ultra and Orca might be mates here.

Red Night was tagging reloaded all DP2 with sad face but never elaborated, idk wtf was that about? but not big fan of RN here... I saw people say he just played really bad, but I think they fail to see that if RN was inactive townie and not paying attention, he would not come into EoD knowing that polar is the guy who needs to be lynched. Him being informed is falling deaf on some people idk why.

Ultra feels natural in his thought process, but it feels bad that the dude somehow tries to paint me as scum because he can't seem to admit that I just had a very good read and understanding of the situation which is why I did not hammer polar, plus he seems not to take into account that I wanted to see who would jump the wagon and hammer polar here and let things play out and get reactions from alot of players regarding polar situation to get as much reads as possible to further help in solving the game. Sure, I was bit conflicted at one point, but I decided to trust my guts here and have faith in my read on the guy, his play overall is just NOT scum pov, and I was right on the money. He stated that if Yoho is scum then I look better, and he also stated that me and Reloaded very unlikely to be team mates. So why does he still have me as scum? isn't it a natural progression to move me to his townie reads if he believed yoho and reloaded have high chance of being scum? I feel like he has me as scum here because he want to keep his options open. But still think there is a chance despite that that he might be townie here. But I think we will need to get a claim out of him tbh. I also think he is self concious about his slot, coming to the thread aware that ratchet kill has happened so he can be mislynched, and I do recall when I questioned him on why he is not giving his opinion on ratchet DP1. He answered, but then shortly after was analyzing and making further statement regarding ratchet here. But the thing is that it felt kinda forced, like he did it to make himself look bit better after calling him out on it.

Reloaded still looks very bad, I would honestly vig this slot or let york to duel him. Which speaking of kiku, I think her claiming the duel thing does not necessairly look bad, and her posts did not strike me as savage as she usually do as scum. I actually think she possibly is just townie here tbh but my resolve is shaken abit regarding her. At first I thought she was hinting being a vig. but now she is a duelest and for some reason her duel is not working. I can see scum doing something cause she hinted she will do something, scum probably caught into it and did something to her. Ofcourse, there is the chance she is lying here but how much stocks we gonna put into this? me personally, not that much as of right now. Will see how DP3 progress.

Mango is just weird for me this game, I am getting similar vibes of him as scum last game.... But idk he is too free spirited that is giving me the pause not gonna lie with you. It't worth keeping in mind that he also lowkey pushed naomi here and said that he view her as mafia....

Not gonna lie Ekko, I expected to see more action from you, but you were very passive this DP, I am assuming you already used your ability here on someone to prove your claim. But if scum has bus drive or redirect, it's possible they might redirect you to one of their mate and buff them.... So won't necessairly blame you if you have your reserves tbh of not using it...

My PoE right now :
Orca, Reloaded, RN, Ultra

I would probably not gun for ultra before Orca/Reloaded/RN and if one of them or if 2 or more for some god damn reason flipped townie, especially if orca flips townie here.Then nuke ultra.

I personally would push Orca first and get a claim out of him, probably just lynch him tbh and then if someone can nuke RN/Reloaded. York should use her duel in one of these two, I think RN is playing dumb on purpose here tbh. The guys is not clueless as he pretends to be.

Fuji is probably the serial killer.

York/Mango is the dark horse here

That's the PoE I am having right now.
Just going to respond to what strikes out to me here - I read Yoho's ISO as well and had a similar thought, but I don't like how you've just focused on his scum reads here. He gave a list that had Fuji/Reloaded/Orca as well. I'm actually more willing to bet he's got a team mate he stashed there, unless Ekko is scum which I'm not really seeing here

Also don't like you unapologetically angleshooting Fuji here. In any case IIRC you told him to play in traffic or something approximate so wouldn't hold that against him either way

Agree on Orca

Agree on Red Knight

As for you, basically I know you’re a good scum player and the type of play you were doing D1 is something I can see myself doing as scum, because I’ve done exactly that before. Polar/Orca are very pocketable and also pretty bad players respectively. They’re also joined at the hip so if both are town if you defend one it’s a bargain deal. I’ve done this before with them on OLF when I was indi.

So I can see you taking his side knowing he would flip town yes. And I honestly don’t know why you would hesitate or still be uncertain after Ekko came in. I felt pretty confident Polar was scum before Ekko softed that he was lying but after he did that I was like 99% sure. Him not reading his role correctly isn’t something I could possibly anticipate.

I also can reconcile your pressure on Yoho being distancing since after looking back he kinda fell off your radar and at EoD you didn’t ask him to claim like you did Reloaded. Though I do think it looks good for you, if I assume you're competent as scum sidelining him as your partner while primarily pushing Reloaded is something I can see from you. It's been a while since I've seen you play mafia so I don't really know what your inclinations are here
If orca is truly townie here I would think he would push harder on you here and make better case to defend polar here. But he kinda let polar die to the wolves. Last DP he avoided voting for yoho and just placed a vote on you and dipped. Also polar did not have orca as townie in his read list, but had him as null. I think Orca chances of flipping scum is high. I would say there is a world where there is equity between you and him as well.

Does orca as town would help polar here more from your experience with him and push against his lynch ?
I would say that Orca and Polar are attached at the hip and felt like Orca was basically repeating Polar's solve Day 1.


The End and the Beginning
@Ratchet Actually as scum, I tend not to aim for you necessairly or any player who I enjoy playing with actually. Now, I won't say there was not situations where I killed you NP1 for I truly don't recall and might of done it few times in the past 12 years we played and if I ever did then context is vastly different probably. But I enjoy me the challenge and the thrill usually.
In the last scum game you killed me Night 2. So I don't really think this stands up.

That being said, I think Yoho ending the day early yesterday is probably tactical, which would lean to you being Town.

In terms of PoE, I would say Reloaded, Mango, York and then Ekko on the outside. Ekko on play reads like scum and he would also kill me early, but he did counter claim Polar which would be weird to do as scum. York could be town, I dunno. Mango doesn't feel like Town. Reloaded first though.
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