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Agendas > plot.

We know Oda is going to convulate the plot within 15 chapters with random characters we don't care for.

We know strawhats won't get any shine, and it will be nikka glaze 3.0.

We know Ussop won't do shit.

So it's better not to hope for anything and just enjoy the agenda.
pre-emptive copium

all but admitting that you don't actually have any hopes for zolo

retroactively conceding that all your over the top wank was just the equivalent of a histrionic episode; a collective tantrum of zolocucks being denied by daddy Oda.

zolo fan with a homoerotic image of zolo = check
zolo fan posting an image from another site as if we come here to see what reddit/twitter are saying = check

another worthless poster, as if they're being mass produced from an assembly line. Soulless, defective, incapable of actual human thought.
you are genuinely one of the most immature, miserable pathetic pieces of shit I've ever had the misfortune of seeing
Clowns still twerking to Zoro-fan propaganda?
Lmao actually pathetic.

Again. It doesn't matter how much Sanji gets "humiliated" (can't even be called as such) early or mid arc. When the big battles happen where new PL's are drawn he and Zoro will stand shoulder to shoulder defeating oponnents that are nigh equals themselves...because Zoro and Sanji were and will always be equals.

Until the inevitable chicken wing malding comes, keep twerking Zoro keks. 🤣
Clowns still twerking to Zoro-fan propaganda?
Lmao actually pathetic.

Again. It doesn't matter how much Sanji gets "humiliated" (can't even be called as such) early or mid arc. When the big battles happen where new PL's are drawn he and Zoro will stand shoulder to shoulder defeating oponnents that are nigh equals themselves...because Zoro and Sanji were and will always be equals.

Until the inevitable chicken wing malding comes, keep twerking Zoro keks. 🤣
They still trying to convince people that sanji’s had a terrible egghead performance while pretending zoro was the mvp
Okay so we can do some scaling here. The giants themselves are shocked that these giant animals are being defeated.

So at the very least we can scale these giant animals above fodder giants.

Not bad. Usopp has some level of redemption from the original spoilers here now. It seems these fucking animals are no joke.

and this cat specifically seems ridiculous. Like Zoro alone used that Tatsumaki attack to literally overpower Kaido’s 3 Tornado attacks on the rooftop. And that was a way weaker Zoro than the current Zoro. So that Tatsumaki attack alone is ridiculously powerful.

this fucking cat taking the Tatsumaki attack, plus a G4 attack plus Max power Sanji attacks is fucking wild

this Cat could legit be like fucking YC tier just for requiring that much power
it says how utterly mindbroken you are that you actually posted this thinking this is some sort of epic slander. friendship between crewmates, something you will never relate to.

You're essentially snitching on yourself, and telling us more than we need or want to know about the sad state of your classic zolo fanboy. incel zolofans are enamoured with the idea of Zolo being an edgy loner plotting to secretly backstab Goofy and present his head as a marriage dowry to fraudhawk.
Depression is the same as being miserable. It’s not as if i’m making fun of his depression. No one should go through it

But don’t dish out what you can’t take is the message i’m trying to get across. I could never be miserable
what are you crying about lmfao
Zoro is a great character am I supposed to be ashamed that he's one of my favorites or something
“Great” lol
But yes, yes you are. It’s pitiful
Depression is the same as being miserable. It’s not as if i’m making fun of his depression. No one should go through it

But don’t dish out what you can’t take is the message i’m trying to get across. I could never be miserable

“Great” lol
But yes, yes you are. It’s pitiful
It's okay man. The drawing Oda made at 4am on a Tuesday won't hurt you.
you are genuinely one of the most immature, miserable pathetic pieces of shit I've ever had the misfortune of seeing
I believe you. Considering the reality that the biggest Zoro dickriders have 0 contact or experiences of the outside world beyond than their own reflection staring back at them as they load up pages on worstgen
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