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I don't care, you did as scum with with all the games I played with you. You just resign and leave the game when things get heated for you.
This is false, you cant use a sample size of 5 games to decide a pattern. Like Im sorry

, but still you sub out like a whenever things get too much for you. Wanna change such allegation? stop doing it. Again, actions speak louder than words.
But my actions are speaking louder then words, I dont do it at all. I did it this game because of valid reasons though.
I know you had your reasons. I just feel like Melkor should have looked first to keep you in the game, or at least make sure he had replacements lined up for the slots that really needed replacing. I get you were upset with Indigo, and just like Fuji leaving is within the rules and bounds of the game, so was you, so I'm not complaining about that. Just wish we had players who were still playing in those slots.
I think, especially when this kinda crap happens every game, it's death by a thousand cuts. You have multiple people subbing out emotionally, breaking rules, ate'ing, telling people to go off bridges. You probably think this was a cakewalk for us, but it is frankly exhausting to play in this environment as scum too. Then you had Fuji join scum chat and then start arguments with Kekko over arbitrage while the game was going.

It's just always a trainwreck here lol
I'd say it was a good game but it wasn't really. Deserved outcome, I should have trusted my instincts more on Ekko but what can you do. Even if we ly ch Orca today we never lynch Ultra before Reloaded, would have needed a miracle. I could sit here and list all the factors that went into it but whatever. Grats to Scum though I do feel like your job was made very easy, mostly by Town.

@Lord Melkor I have some questions. First, I think 4 scum with an extra kill is harsh. Secondly, I think your decision to perma rolecrush Alexis for deleting a post when it was easily fixed was completely disproportionate and mechanically did affect the game. Not only did you basically clear him Town, you robbed town of their ability to counter scum kills.

Also, your decision to replace Fuji and Naomi was baffling. I don't know why they subbed out. But to leave Town in a position where we were left with over half of then basically not playing the game, it's impossible. Mango, Watson, Red Night, Reloaded, Alexis, basically didn't play.

@Fujishiro I'm so glad we play Mafia and not sports because I feel like your decision to quit the game is one of the most anti-team moves I've seen. Seeing that you played another game after I'm not sure there was anything here that simply prevented you from playing, if there was, fair enough but... I think for future you need to learn to hang tough in games rather than abandon them.
I am a bit busy in meetings so will be brief.

Setup was approved by Rej and Flower with 0 comments. I made scum team powerful but there were no vanilla townies. Town had 3 shot vig with 1 shot conditional strongman, duel, roleblocker, day amp which countered almost everything scum could do with night actions, three investigative roles, seraph bodyguard. If Polar and Kiku made it to endgame together they could have vote power of 4. And @SoulKiller would get Kiku's super vote power if Kiku was dead before day 3.

Regarding subbing out people, i am not happy with this at all. But i thought i should not keep people in game against their will?

Regarding Alexis, Rej told me to modkill him, Flower and me decided rolecrush is better option. May be harsh in handisght, but I cannot change decisions on a whim.
I mean, he was. Me telling you to stop the pity party isn't this egregious statement that is equal to shouting at you Fuji. Is it blunt? Sure. Acerbic even. But it's not like it's personally targeted, I'm not going to apologise for being how I am, I will of course apologise for the fact that you were upset by it. But none of it means you need to quit on the game. I've seen you tolerate much worse from other players, so like with Watson yesterday, why is it so much worse because it happens to be me?
Bro, you know what I will just pull up the quotes because this is ridiculous.
I think, especially when this kinda crap happens every game, it's death by a thousand cuts. You have multiple people subbing out emotionally, breaking rules, ate'ing, telling people to go off bridges. You probably think this was a cakewalk for us, but it is frankly exhausting to play in this environment as scum too. Then you had Fuji join scum chat and then start arguments with Kekko over arbitrage while the game was going.

It's just always a trainwreck here lol
I posted 3 times Ultra, stop overreacting good lord.
Says the dude who wants me criminally charged for saying you live with your brother, kek

You're welcome for the victory!
Not what I said. Its borderline criminal, which it is cause you went to another site and are using it to harass, intimidate, and bully. Then you tried to get me replaced and talk to Ratchet cause I was voting you...while specifically at the time being on either Soul or Red Night. You are a piece of shit
Ratchet I feel as if you have a tendency to be tonally condescending and it rubbed Fuji the wrong way. My ire was directed toward you because of that and I do apologize for the reaction.
It clearly impacted Fuji and I was upset on his behalf with how you handled interacting with him - - I understand you aren't going to apologize for who you are, but there are unintended consequences how you approach and speak to people. I'm a good example of that. I likely am no longer in good grace with several people because of my play and reactionary behavior.

It's a buildup.

As for your comments not being egregious? Sure. But it certainly makes one feel borderline imbecilic and raises cortisol levels.
I don't know why you spoke to Fuji in that way in particular this game, I really don't. You didn't speak to me that way perhaps because you took in consideration I react rather poorly to it. But you seemingly didn't consider Fuji being very transparent he was getting stressed there. He was getting stressed with the way you approached him and continued to approach him aswell as snark him.
My question is what did he do this game for you to throw some snipes his way?
Not what I said. Its borderline criminal, which it is cause you went to another site and are using it to harass, intimidate, and bully. Then you tried to get me replaced and talk to Ratchet cause I was voting you...while specifically at the time being on either Soul or Red Night. You are a piece of shit

To say what? You have a brother? Good lord. Is the sun assaulting you when you walk outside?


The End and the Beginning
Dont make me bring the quotes because I will. Im talking about day 2. You went off on me and then called my play utter shit and then accused me of basically not doing anything but side commentary when I posted my POE day 1 and we discussed many players, something I kept doing day 2.
None of that is some horrible screaming at you Fuji. Think you're taking this far more to heart than necessary to be honest. I don't want to speculate but I would like to say that I think you should know that nothing I said there was personal or an attack against you.
Prove it, off the games I played this year how many times did I sub out. The answer is like 2-3 times.
This year, sure. In totality? It's quite a lot. But that aside, it's not even really relevant. Subs should only be used on an as and when needed basis.
@Ratchet please ban Ultra for publically doxxing my private info to this board. I'm tired of his shit, harassment and trying bully mr and to get me banned/replaced for playing a game my way. Its totally fucking bullshit he is allowed to play and do the shit he has. Its borderline criminal depending on what country you live in. Leave me the fuck alone Ultra
I haven't seen him doxx you. I would ask that you calm down please, you seem very stressed out right now so step away for a bit. I'm not going to make any rash or quick decisions so don't worry about that.
tbh you should put a new rule of players afk all game more then one game, can't sign up, till there more active.. this what kills town.

I don't understand why afk player can sign up and kill the game for town.
Yeah, I mean the problem is there are so many... I dunno, just need more effort I guess.
Soul being scum? How did you arrive to this conclusion?
Try reading the thread, might help you.
Dont an ass and just tell me, he was hard defending Polar Bear until the end.
Why tell you when you can read it for yourself. Go do and stop bothering me with useless pedantry. If I wanted you to repeat what his positions were I would ask for it.
Dear god idk whats gotten over you this game but youre being annoying man. I didnt read the thread from when I went to sleep to when I woke up when the day was done. So please just fucking tell me why you think he could be scum after Polar Bear flipped town.
And lets stop acting as if my word is law here, I gave my thoughts but most people dont give a shit about it in this game.
Probably for good reason!
Random jab at me calling me shit.
No, we won't leave it alone. Was it you? Because that's a shot I see you making unironically. They're already useless btw, they've already shot town. If you've got nothing useful to say, stop spamming my mentions with utter dreck and go bother someone else.
Telling me to stop bothering you when youre the one who engaged me in this discussion and was bothering me.
The only issue I have is when you spam me for absolute shit. You didn't push any lynch yesterday is the answer, so beating your chest about Polar and crying about being ignored isn't really pertinent here.

Let's see your scum list, like actually do something, instead of sideline chirping all game.
Absolute shit like what? Me thinking Polar Bear was genuine and giving reasonings and you ignoring it???

I did, SK and then Polar Bear who I then unvoted.

Notice, how I didnt start the day beating my chest over being right about Polar Bear. In fact I didnt say a single thing because you are right. I didnt fight his lynch enough and I didnt propose an alrernative. But then you went and said that people dont listen to me for good reason. To which I said why? I have good reads, I mean I was right about Polar Bear being town. This is the difference.

Why are you lying man? I literally gave out my PoE and compared it with yours, cleared some people like Emil and then Red night and Alexis and gave reasonings. The fuck are you talking about?

This is fucking aggravating.

To say what? You have a brother? Good lord. Is the sun assaulting you when you walk outside?
That's not what you said. You have been contantly harassing about cheating you fucktard, trying to get me banned after getting me "banned" elsewhere, then cried about a vote and tried to get me replaced or warned for voting you...yes you are the one doing this shit. I just want to be left alone to play a fucking game
That's not what you said. You have been contantly harassing about cheating you fucktard, trying to get me banned after getting me "banned" elsewhere, then cried about a vote and tried to get me replaced or warned for voting you...yes you are the one doing this shit. I just want to be left alone to play a fucking game
I'm sure the damages to both your physical and mental health are substantial. I would sue.
Ratchet I feel as if you have a tendency to be tonally condescending and it rubbed Fuji the wrong way. My ire was directed toward you because of that and I do apologize for the reaction.
It clearly impacted Fuji and I was upset on his behalf with how you handled interacting with him - - I understand you aren't going to apologize for who you are, but there are unintended consequences how you approach and speak to people. I'm a good example of that. I likely am no longer in good grace with several people because of my play and reactionary behavior.

It's a buildup.

As for your comments not being egregious? Sure. But it certainly makes one feel borderline imbecilic and raises cortisol levels.
I don't know why you spoke to Fuji in that way in particular this game, I really don't. You didn't speak to me that way perhaps because you took in consideration I react rather poorly to it. But you seemingly didn't consider Fuji being very transparent he was getting stressed there. He was getting stressed with the way you approached him and continued to approach him aswell as snark him.
My question is what did he do this game for you to throw some snipes his way?
This @Ratchet That whole SK thing day 1 soured my mood and I wanted to keep it going and you just wouldnt let me breath.
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