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You didn't leave after that though, only after you went back and forth with ratchet. But either way, subbing out generally speaking when things get too heated is not something I take too keen on personally.
Yeah this is a waste of time, ''Hey man I told you the worst thing ever'' but you tried to keep playing still and Ratchets attitude was the cherry on top and you left but Im not keen on what you did.

Youre not reading my posts here, and it shows lol.
They started reading each other more specifically after the accusations came. It's an advanced form of new meta called distancing irl. They even stopped wearing identical outfits.
@Ultra this is what I'm referring to

You're not out to get him nor a boogie man even here, but you are poking the dolphin here which in turn induces further paranoia from him
It's what he perceives as part of the whole crusade against him in a literal way

No, this isn't coddling him, I'm pointing out it's just going to make him divebomb further into the current conspiracy he's concocted
What you do with this is up to you
Don't be surprised he's going to keep insisting on the current narrative and treat you like you're living in his walls

Like sure, I snapped and said stuff I am not supposed to say, but let's not act like you are an angel here and play the victim card.
I never said I was an angel? I said I left because of what you told me and Ratchets attitude towards me.

Stop deflecting.

I noticed this and Ultra did too, there is always a ''but'' when you apologize. Not even sure why youre saying oh well you death tunneled me so you know you deserve what I told you and you shouldve just kept playing anyways despite me stating in the thread right now that my dad is an alcoholic and it has ruined my family so the subject of alcohol and drinking yourself to death is not something that makes me feel great.
I gotta say if your reaction to getting cased is to tell someone to off themselves, that's very weak, and far worse than tunneling. Shouldn't defend it, work on it.
It had nothing to do with getting cased, the game was basically impossible to play at that point with fuji, and told him multiple times to back off, and he refused until I snapped and said what I said.

Not defending what I said at all actually. I acknwoledge what I did is wrong.
@Ultra this is what I'm referring to

You're not out to get him nor a boogie man even here, but you are poking the dolphin here which in turn induces further paranoia from him
It's what he perceives as part of the whole crusade against him in a literal way

No, this isn't coddling him, I'm pointing out it's just going to make him divebomb further into the current conspiracy he's concocted
What you do with this is up to you
Don't be surprised he's going to keep insisting on the current narrative and treat you like you're living in his walls

The appropriate response to someone saying deranged nonsense is to ignore them, not throw your pal under the bus!
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