Chapter Discussion Is Oda cooked or is Elbaf's server broken?

Idk if it’s that weird but when nami fell down she didn’t end up getting hurt at all with another pitch black panel popping up before we see her land. Same type of panel popped up when she woke up
Yeah this does seem like it's a hallucination. Maybe it's just a reflection of reality. Not a full illusion but they're not seeing what they're really doing. Or maybe like people think, Loki with a devil fruit
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They are mistakes, we see people outside of the SH perspective
Those people aren't changing constantly though
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That's the ONLY thing that seems weird to me. This was a pretty big fall yet no trace of Nami being wounded.

But the events happening are real, this is not a Nami's dream. We literally have people outside the castle completely unrelated reacting and discussing current events (like the Ear God getting defeated).
What is possible though is that they are all collectively and partially hallucinating some stuff (while being awake).
Imagine if they all hallucinated Chopper as a monster cat and they just beat him up.
Maybe the entire area is in a pocket dimension. Yggdrasil is smaller than it "should" be.
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Making an entire chapter without one single mistake is very hard by design.. but here... it's just another level.

The nature are similar, yes. The recurrence are not normal.

(Chap 1126)
- The sword with a spherical pummel and a simple circular guard appears
- The bandana appears
- The circle vest button appears

Chap 1127:
> The sword disappears
> The band on the left arm disappears

- The sword reappears

> The sword had now a circle pummel

- The bandana reappears

> The circle vest button is a square now

> The sword disappears

- The sword reappears

> The band on the left arm disappears

> The sword now has a fancy guard, not a circular one

- The band on her left arm reappears

(notice here that even in panels where Nami is just suggested, Oda take the time to draw the sword and the band on her arm)

- Usopp's bag appears

> The sword diseappears (middle panel)

(Notice that those three are on the SAME page)

(still no sword)

> The band on the left arm disappears

- The sword reappears
- The band on the left arm reappears

> The sword disappears
> Usopp's bag disappears

- The bag reappears

(Still no sword)

(Still no sword)

> The band on the left arm disappears

(Clearly still no sword)

> Usopp's bag disappears

(still no sword ?)

(yeah, still no sword)

> Luffy uses a Gear 3 attack but calls it Gear 4
> Luffy has no weapon behind his back
> Luffy has no strawhat showing

Why is Nami shocked ? (she should know that the trio would take care of that)

(Still no sword)

> A sword appears on Luffy's back

(Still no Usopp's bag)
(Still no sword on Nami)
(Still no strawhats)

- The band on her left arm reappears

(Still no strawhat)

The dialogue here, feel a bit eefy, but it could be a confirmation bias

> An axe appears on Luffy's back
> Is this really Enma on the bottom left ?

(Still no sword)

> The vest button is a CIRCLE again

I count at least 20 mistakes and at least 20 inconsistancies.

Something is off.
Very well summarized btw.
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Oda stopped drawing Nami with sword after page 8.
Strawhat can be hidden behind his fur coat.
Small Mistakes in small panels are common.
There seems to be only 3-4 genuine mistakes.
Gear 3 /Gear 4 thing are just people headcanon.
No, trust me.

This many "mistakes" certainly isn't normal.

2 or 3 small inconsistencies maximum can happen (shouldn't due to the editors, but sometimes it happens), but not 20 (!) huge inconsistencies.
Dude the errors are mostly just a sword that Oda has never drawn before and is just for this one arc and is not the part of Nami Oda cares about.

You’re reading way too deep into this
No, in this case I have to agree with Logiko.

There are way too many obvious "errors" this chapter.

Logiko even listed a lot of them.

Imho the biggest ones are Nami's belly button being completely different while being presented very prominently on two consecutive pages (that's pretty obviously done one purpose and every editor would've noticed) and the constant disappearing/re-appearing and changing of weapons.

The cat turning into a lion and Nami not having a scratch after her fall is Oda's meta-hint at things being suspicious this chapter.
Easily explainable.
Which is why I said that it wasn't an error like the other ones, but a deliberate hint by Oda himself that things are suddenly changing/switching this chapter and something is up.

Imho it's crystal clear that there is some kind of hallucination/trickery involved here.

The sheer amount of inconsistencies/errors this chapter is way too much. Not even a totally stressed out Oda would write 20+ inconsistencies without noticing while his editors correct none of them after checking the chapter.

Doesn't happen.
Which is why I said that it wasn't an error like the other ones, but a deliberate hint by Oda himself that things are suddenly changing/switching this chapter and something is up.

Imho it's crystal clear that there is some kind of hallucination/trickery involved here.

The sheer amount of inconsistencies/errors this chapter is way too much. Not even a totally stressed out Oda would write 20+ inconsistencies without noticing while his editors correct none of them after checking the chapter.

Doesn't happen.
How exactly would a G4 attack look and be named after a G3 attack be a hallucination

Just mistakes.
Easily explainable.
Yes. Every weird errors, mistakes and weird things taken separately are explainable. But when put together, they form a big pattern with the thematic of the arc.

I've explained in a thread explaining what makes a great chapter that one of the aspect of many chapters in One Piece is the underlying story that each chapters are telling. A subtext.

Here, the key word is in the title : Mystery. Everything is a mystery, environment, characters, animals, situations, even the reality itself seems to be weird here. And for me, this is by design.

I think Oda is preparing the introduction of one of the major character of Elbaf : Loki.

How exactly would a G4 attack look and be named after a G3 attack be a hallucination

Just mistakes.
If you watched a lot of SF, you should know that weird alien tend to create illusion based on the thoughts and imagination of the guinea pigs. It would be far fetch to think that Gear 3 is actually confused with G4 simply because Nami or one other character doesn't really understand the move.
How exactly would a G4 attack look and be named after a G3 attack be a hallucination

Just mistakes.
So Oda makes over 20 (!) mistakes in a single chapter - some of them ridiculously obvious - and his editors don't notice a single one of them during their proofread?

Sorry, you're free to believe whatever you want of course, but imho it's crystal clear that this was done on purpose.
What is funny is that:

- If it was not intentional, it means that there is a big problem with either Oda or the current process of creation (or this chapter's creation) and this needs to be discussed.


- It is intentionnal and I think it's one of the best Meta move that Oda has ever done.

The simple fact that this chapter created the debate that if we are or not in an illusion is in itself a masterclass. That's why reading the chapter week by week is really the best way to experience One Piece. No one will ever live this again with this story.
No it's terrible. :kobeha: it means the fandom expects Oda to be so inattentive that him making these mistakes NOT on purpose is an actualactual possibility
Of course it's a possibility, Oda is human and anything can happen. So a big serie of error could've lead toward those mistakes. It's not specifically Oda, it's every author's possibilities.

Now.. the real deal comes if it's intentionnal. And in this case, it's a highly bold move. And this is just a masterclass. This is not even a debate. In term of storytelling, it doesn't get better.