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Honestly, i don't mind either way

as i'm not really competitive

i would allow them to play together anyway

but i can see the POV of the more invested players being against it, that's why i offered the rotation / hydra solutions

I do think Ultra is also overly agressive and uses quite colorful language against them sometimes, like those prints showed, that shit ain't okay
It's a vicious circle of spite. And I don't think it will ever stop unless you resolve the issue somehow.
Also I'm trying to help you all here. I'm one of those people who are here the longest and I don't want to see my home becoming more of a mess than it already is. I think we're also all adults who know how to compromise. I don't want certain behaviour to fly anymore here and that we can go back to the friendly environment this site once was.
Thats why my suggestion is the best compromise. It does everything you all (figuratively) want and gives a slight bit of a small chance to play in a game against each other there. If say occasionally outside of playing as a hydra (2/10 games), 2/3 of a games players or a host is fine with us playing it shouldn't be a problem. Isn't that compromise enough given we haven't done a single thing wrong to actually warrant the issue. Ultra has pretty much poisoned the well so to speak that it probably ends up being no for those say 2 games. What you are suggesting is just what they did without talking to us and branding us as cheaters publically without evidence. I'm just asking for say a 20% maybe chance depending on the host/players of a game. Isn't that a super generous compromise given we haven't done anything wrong and the lies, attacks, and crap spewed by Ultra and company
Thats why my suggestion is the best compromise. It does everything you all (figuratively) want and gives a slight bit of a small chance to play in a game against each other there. If say occasionally outside of playing as a hydra (2/10 games), 2/3 of a games players or a host is fine with us playing it shouldn't be a problem. Isn't that compromise enough given we haven't done a single thing wrong to actually warrant the issue. Ultra has pretty much poisoned the well so to speak that it probably ends up being no for those say 2 games. What you are suggesting is just what they did without talking to us and branding us as cheaters publically without evidence. I'm just asking for say a 20% maybe chance depending on the host/players of a game. Isn't that a super generous compromise given we haven't done anything wrong and the lies, attacks, and crap spewed by Ultra and company
How about trying the Hydra for 1-2 games and seeing how it works out for you?
Honestly, i don't mind either way

as i'm not really competitive

i would allow them to play together anyway

but i can see the POV of the more invested players being against it, that's why i offered the rotation / hydra solutions

I do think Ultra is also overly agressive and uses quite colorful language against them sometimes, like those prints showed, that shit ain't okay
Just for perspective here - not an ounce of any of this was brought up until post game. I had to deal with a scum mate who actively was playing against his own wincon out of spite, by admission, called me retarded in the scum chat, etc.

I think if you were subject to similar treatment - and I don't mean any offense by this but just for some perspective you would probably not even want to even come close to playing anymore. Instead I literally carried his gasoline guzzling ass.

But this is all fine since it's only at my expense lol
It's a vicious circle of spite. And I don't think it will ever stop unless you resolve the issue somehow.
I've been here since almost the start of the section. I've contributed greatly to eatablishing it and I'm one of the pillars of WG Mafia. If you bring off site beef into my home I want to help you deal with it so people get along again.
I really appreciate you trying, its more than anyone has done on any site to this point.

Just to help you feel a little more how we do. Imagine for a minute how would you feel if you were now forced to only play as a hydra with someone bc muugen and ultra called you a cheater

Real pissed I bet. In fact you would probably be fighting tooth and nails against it I bet

I think @The Orca is trying to find something that is not a total punishment for some made up bogus stuff by ultra.
How about trying the Hydra for 1-2 games and seeing how it works out for you?
I can tell you know it does not work. Can it be done, yes, but no it does not work or will. Mafia and the internet allows an avenue where say I can have some individuality to my own. Remove that aspect and forcing it into a single entity will just not work. Again it can be done but ill be screaming inside the whole time. All I'm asking is literally 1 or 2 games where there is a chance. Given how they went about this, the threats, attacks, and posts trying to ban me for my playstyle and character assassination by Ultra over something they have no evidence of and I haven't done, and given he came here to start it here as well. That should be the something they should agree to. Watson said they screwed up how they handled it I believe and trust me they did. They can at least give that one bit of consideration
I really appreciate you trying, its more than anyone has done on any site to this point.

Just to help you feel a little more how we do. Imagine for a minute how would you feel if you were now forced to only play as a hydra with someone bc muugen and ultra called you a cheater

Real pissed I bet. In fact you would probably be fighting tooth and nails against it I bet

I think @The Orca is trying to find something that is not a total punishment for some made up bogus stuff by ultra.
I mean, I literally got a ban and might miss out on an Aries game because of it when others would deserve bans much more and nothing is done about that, so yeah, it's a shit feeling. Orca's solution isn't gonna work for the other side of the argument, so I do think a Hydra is the best thing.

But whatever, I tried.
I mean, I literally got a ban and might miss out on an Aries game because of it when others would deserve bans much more and nothing is done about that, so yeah, it's a shit feeling. Orca's solution isn't gonna work for the other side of the argument, so I do think a Hydra is the best thing.
And I voiced my opinion publically about that as I completely agree that

1. You should not have banned for more than like 1 game (if at all)
2. Others deserved more
I'm at work but I literally invited you guys to play unranked and have said I don't give a shit what you do, hydra, play together, whatever
All we (I) are asking is you allow 1 or 2 games of ranked out of say 10...let the players or host decide. You have incorrectly called us cheaters and attacked our character and said I have no honor...without evidence and without talking to us first (outside of a game). You all handled this about as poorly as possible and let Ultra continue it and take it to different sites
All we (I) are asking is you allow 1 or 2 games of ranked out of say 10...let the players or host decide. You have incorrectly called us cheaters and attacked our character and said I have no honor...without evidence and without talking to us first (outside of a game). You all handled this about as poorly as possible and let Ultra continue it and take it to different sites
You're not going to be allowed to play together in ranked. Allowing people to play from the same household requires good faith to be given my the players/hosts towards you and due to your actions and inability to talk about the concerns like normal people, you have no good faith. We extended it to you both when you first joined, despite knowing you lived together and you both destroyed it so that's that. You're not playing together in ranked

And btw, flower is wrong. To hydra, you can both post on your own accounts. You'll just be considered 1 slot.
You're not going to be allowed to play together in ranked. Allowing people to play from the same household requires good faith to be given my the players/hosts towards you and due to your actions and inability to talk about the concerns like normal people, you have no good faith. We extended it to you both when you first joined, despite knowing you lived together and you both destroyed it so that's that. You're not playing together in ranked

And btw, flower is wrong. To hydra, you can both post on your own accounts. You'll just be considered 1 slot.
Oh I see. I thought Hydra would be a shared account as they have it on MU.
You're not going to be allowed to play together in ranked. Allowing people to play from the same household requires good faith to be given my the players/hosts towards you and due to your actions and inability to talk about the concerns like normal people, you have no good faith. We extended it to you both when you first joined, despite knowing you lived together and you both destroyed it so that's that. You're not playing together in ranked

And btw, flower is wrong. To hydra, you can both post on your own accounts. You'll just be considered 1 slot.
1. Who are you (Poyser I'm guessing)
2. Explain how I have no good faith (From D1 to the decision)
3. If you are putting it on the host/players to have that good faith, what is wrong with taking a poll, every x amount of games since you are are falsely accusing us of cheating with no evidence
See the issue seems to be 3/4 fold as far as OLF stands and is ever changing and don't know wtf is of concern

1. False cheating accusations
2. Living situation (which you don't know)
3. Playstyle
4. View from the players and hosts

You all have admitted 1 has no evidence
You all have admitted 2 is based on word of mouth from a 3rd party 1.5 years ago on info from 6-8 years prior to thay and never asked us before doing anything
Playstyle isn't against the rules
You put it on the players/host, but don't want to give them a voice, which after 1 player spoke up here was shit on by Ral (love you @Naomi definitely respect that)

So. Now we have the issue at hand according to big fly is living situation and having good faith from the players/host.

If I ask Ultra, Watson, or Ral are they going to agree with that or it going to change again?

Like can you all stick to one story
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