Controversial A Song of Salt and Tears: WorstGen ASOIAF 1v1 Fighting Tournament

Where is Varys’s Manhood?

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Jaehaerys was oft brusied and bloody by evening, to Alysanne’s distress, but his prowess improved so markedly that near the end of his time on Dragonstone, old Ser Elyas himself told him, “Your Grace, you will never be a Kingsguard, but if by some sorcery your uncle Maegor himself were to rise from the grave, my coin would be on you
Anyone think the Kingsguard comment was in reference to his martial prowess or not?
I think it was meant as "you can never be a kingsguard because you are the King, but you have the skills for it"
It was in reference to the fact that he can’t be a Kingsguard because he was the King. Maegor was Kingsguard level and this same source is saying Jahaerys > Maegor.
Yeah, I vaguely remembered a line from Fire and Blood saying he wasn't good enough to be Kingsguard, but the actual quote is a lot more ambiguous when I looked it up rn. I have Maegor above some of the kingsguard portrayal-wise, so it should be in reference to his status as King. But Jaime should still be superior by a solid margin.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Yeah, I vaguely remembered a line from Fire and Blood saying he wasn't good enough to be Kingsguard, but the actual quote is a lot more ambiguous when I looked it up rn. I have Maegor above some of the kingsguard portrayal-wise, so it should be in reference to his status as King. But Jaime should still be superior by a solid margin.
Jahaerys is literally the gold standard Targaryen King. Top tier politician, rider of the legendary Vermithor, and an outstanding warrior even though he seldom fought. Most people historically forget that Jahaerys was a warrior at all but he was pretty much the best Targaryen warrior of all time by that point in history. Aegon the Conqueror could fight but never did, so his martial skill was unknown. Maegor was a terror of a fighter, but Jahaerys was called better than Maegor. Political flattery? Maybe but Jahaerys was 6 foot 3, combat trained by Kingsguard, and later in life slayed Borris Baratheon 1v1 at the climax of the 3rd Dornish War.

People remember Jahaerys as the Concilliator and a Politician, but he won the respect of all of the warrior lords of the realm through his martial prowess in the 3rd Dornish War. And the 4th Dornish War was straight up the most humiliating war victory in history. Jahaerys utterly trashed the Dornish in overwhelming fashion in that war, though Jahaerys used Dragons.

Who won between Khal and Daemon? Lol.

And what is round sixxxxxx:steef:
Daemon 5-2 as far as I can tell. Will post round 6 in a bit lol.

How many match ups do we have in this first cycle?
I wish I could post the bracket lol. I don’t know why this bracket is set up the way it is, but there are twenty fighters in all. 8 fighters got shafted as they have one extra fight to win in order to advance. There will be 10 rounds in bracket 1.
And neither makes sense:kayneshrug:
The man couldn't run his own household, he mostly lucked into having a kingdom that ran well and having a wife that birthed him plenty of dragon rider kids that helped keep the grip of Targaryen rule tight on the realm even if he mostly sucked at parenting them.

Jahaerys inherited peace as much as he presided over it. He is to be commended for not fucking it up.
Ohhhh man. Tell me the weed hasn’t worn off yet without telling me the weed hasn’t worn off yet.

Literally half the Kingdom was openly planning rebellion after the horrific kingships of Aenys and Maegor when Jahaerys took over. Lol
He inherited peace.

Men were tired of fighting and bloodshed. That's why Jahaery's regency was, for the most part, peaceful and efficient, and it's why the transition of power went so smoothly once it ended.

The Seven Kingdoms had known centuries of bloodshed before Aegon arrived. There was a real yearning for peace all across the realm and so it came easy to Jahaerys. All he had to do was not upset the apple cart.
Gerold Hightower looks decently impressive, Jaime considered him to be physically stronger than he was, and he was the lord commander of Aery's kingsguard.
But Aemon is supposed to be the "perfect" knight, the greatest example of his era, so I'll give him the win. I wouldn't be surprised if he was around the same level as Jaime/Arthur Dayne in martial prowess.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars