but manic depressive life long escapism goes BRRRRRRR!

(I kept myself going from wanting to take my own life (ALMOST TYPED WANKING LMFAO) for over 20 years as I used stuff like Bleach, Naruto, One Piece etc to keep myself going when I felt I had nothing left to live for, no reason to keep going at that point. I had to see these series end at least, I had to hold on for that long no matter how bad things got for me and still do now. As sad/cringe as it sounds.)


HEY WAIT A MINUTE!!!! HISTORY REALLY REPEATED ITSELF DIDN'T IT?! Shanks WAS my favourite character pre TS along with Sanji, Brook, Zoro, Mihawk, but probably Shanks most of all and now....well....you know the situation ofc.
If it makes you feel better I also never really liked Shanks, he kind of just feels like that typical badass hero who's super strong and what not. A lot of people say the same applies to Zoro, but the difference is Shanks doesn't have a ton of depth (the only good thing he has going for him is that he'd be a "good" cd, or at least much better than the others who as we know actively kidnap minorities and take advantage of random people just because they can, but the good cd thing has already been done a few times anyway) while Zoro is a genuinely interesting and good character. Zoro's all bark and all bite, he's willing to go through so much pain and trouble and spend a good portion of his life on a goal that to anyone else would seem impossible, just because he wants to honor his late cousin(?) and keep his promise to her and Luffy. It's even better that he's also selfless enough to give that up if it means he can save his captain's life (Nothing Happened and his interactions with Kaido on the rooftop for example), he knows when to put his pride and own self fulfillment goals aside and fight for the greater good.
I dropped OPM because of Puri Puri Prisoner and I felt the series jumped the shark and started taking itself too seriously and becoming too long, drawn out and becoming a parody of itself tbh. As in it became exactly what it was meant to satirise.
Yeah I understand the PPP thing, honestly reminds me of how atrocious the Momoiro Island stuff was in OP, but at least Oda kind of righted that wrong later on.
chapter title: "King Loki"

- Hajrudin and Gerth meet Road and beat him. Hajrudin calls Stansen and Goldberg and tells them to chase Luffy and the rest
- Loki is now the king of Elbaf and changed the ancient customs of giants. He destroyed the temple of the Sun God and is a follower of the Dark God. He created new temples for him
- some giants bowed to him and some are against him. Loki banished the resistance to the lower levels of Yggdrasil.
- We see Elbaf in an amazing double spread. Yggdrasil is in the middle of the county and has cities on its branches. The banished giants live beneath the roots
- We see Loki in his castle. He looks badass and has a black staff. He’s worried about Dory and Brogy. They could lead a revolution against him.
- Loki calls someone with his Den Den Mushi
"Imu-sama, everything goes according to your plan. The Black Staff you sent me with your God Knights… it gives me incredible abilities… I can change into various beast but I need more time."
- Suddenly someone appears behind Loki (we don’t see his face)
"Don’t worry Loki, Imu-sama sent us to support you. No one can touch you."
The chapter ends with the same panel
The only difference is that the character is smiling

If it makes you feel better I also never really liked Shanks, he kind of just feels like that typical badass hero who's super strong and what not. A lot of people say the same applies to Zoro, but the difference is Shanks doesn't have a ton of depth (the only good thing he has going for him is that he'd be a "good" cd, or at least much better than the others who as we know actively kidnap minorities and take advantage of random people just because they can, but the good cd thing has already been done a few times anyway) while Zoro is a genuinely interesting and good character. Zoro's all bark and all bite, he's willing to go through so much pain and trouble and spend a good portion of his life on a goal that to anyone else would seem impossible, just because he wants to honor his late cousin(?) and keep his promise to her and Luffy. It's even better that he's also selfless enough to give that up if it means he can save his captain's life (Nothing Happened and his interactions with Kaido on the rooftop for example), he knows when to put his pride and own self fulfillment goals aside and fight for the greater good.
Calm down man, you have to see his story before you can say that he has no character depth. If we were to look at it that way, we could say that there is no character depth for all of these characters akainu , kizaru , mihawk , aokiji , ryoukugyu , fujiitora And many such characters
chapter title: "King Loki"

- Hajrudin and Gerth meet Road and beat him. Hajrudin calls Stansen and Goldberg and tells them to chase Luffy and the rest
- Loki is now the king of Elbaf and changed the ancient customs of giants. He destroyed the temple of the Sun God and is a follower of the Dark God. He created new temples for him
- some giants bowed to him and some are against him. Loki banished the resistance to the lower levels of Yggdrasil.
- We see Elbaf in an amazing double spread. Yggdrasil is in the middle of the county and has cities on its branches. The banished giants live beneath the roots
- We see Loki in his castle. He looks badass and has a black staff. He’s worried about Dory and Brogy. They could lead a revolution against him.
- Loki calls someone with his Den Den Mushi
"Imu-sama, everything goes according to your plan. The Black Staff you sent me with your God Knights… it gives me incredible abilities… I can change into various beast but I need more time."
- Suddenly someone appears behind Loki (we don’t see his face)
"Don’t worry Loki, Imu-sama sent us to support you. No one can touch you."
The chapter ends with the same panel
The only difference is that the character is smiling
Fake, no bounties
Calm down man, you have to see his story before you can say that he has no character depth. If we were to look at it that way, we could say that there is no character depth for all of these characters akainu , kizaru , mihawk , aokiji , ryoukugyu , fujiitora And many such characters
Shanks just isn't interesting to me tbh
I mean maybe it could change in the future, but I really don't see it happening
He just feels bland to me.