-Post Requirement-Atleast 3 posts per phase
-A cycle consists of a day and a night phase
-No kill shots or investigation abilities can be activated in the 1st 24 hours
-No Role Revealing, you can claim your alignment
-You can say you are discussing your role with the host but do not reveal your waiting for your actions to be processed
-Please be Patient
-Have fun~
Drawphase: At the start of each phase you will randomly draw out a ability from your deck
Dayphases-At the start of the game phases will be 45-46 hours long. This will drop down to 24 hours once only half the players remain
Twilight Phases-Once the 34/24 hours pass votes will locked and the phase will enter the Twilight phases. These will vary from 1-2 hours depending if players want to activate any abilities or the hosts still counting votes
Nightphase-Nightphases will be 20-22 hours long. No reaction posts
First 24 hours no investigation results or kill shots. Omega Kill abilities won't become usable till the start of day 3.
Do not post yet until game starts