Super Role Madness Cinematic Mafia: Into the DC Verse


-Post Requirement-Atleast 3 posts per phase
-A cycle consists of a day and a night phase
-No kill shots or investigation abilities can be activated in the 1st 24 hours
-No Role Revealing, you can claim your alignment
-You can say you are discussing your role with the host but do not reveal your waiting for your actions to be processed
-Please be Patient
-Have fun~


Drawphase: At the start of each phase you will randomly draw out a ability from your deck

Dayphases-At the start of the game phases will be 45-46 hours long. This will drop down to 24 hours once only half the players remain

Twilight Phases-Once the 34/24 hours pass votes will locked and the phase will enter the Twilight phases. These will vary from 1-2 hours depending if players want to activate any abilities or the hosts still counting votes

Nightphase-Nightphases will be 20-22 hours long. No reaction posts

First 24 hours no investigation results or kill shots. Omega Kill abilities won't become usable till the start of day 3.

Do not post yet until game starts
Status Ailments New

Freeze: Role Blocks and role crushes fall in this category.

Role Block: Players Role blocked cannot use their base form ability nor can they activate any Supers or set Assist abilities

Role Crush: Players are rendered into a tree stump. They cannot vote, use any base ability, super or assist ability

Burned: Players burned are partially Blocked. These include Blocking a player from drawing cards, Vote blocking a player. Blocking a player from activating supers, setting or activating assist abilities

Paralyzed: Players Paralyzed have a 50% chance of their abilities base, supers and assists not being processed/failing

Confusion: Players confused have their actions redirected to another player or abilities to trick the players. Either via rng or via the player targeting them. Busdrives for example are confusion abilities, aswell as nexus or fake write ups etc
Player List New
Player List 35
1: Flower
2: Yoho
3: Alexis2282AE
4: Soulkiller
5: Indigo
6: Saber
7: Fujishiro
8: Polar Bear
9: The Orca
10: MangoSenpai
11: BoaHancocksHusband
12: Jaguark101
13: Random Asshole
14: Yo Tan Wa
15: Emil
16: Luka
17: Charlie
18: Mr. Reloaded
19: Pot Goblin
21: Apollo
22: Ratchet
23: Blax Blah
24: Daniel
25: GhostfaceKillah
26: Sir Yasheem
27: Jinri
28: Alwaysmind
29: York
30: Red Night
31: Bill Slipton
32: Worst
33: Lord Melkor
34: KWEH
35: Dr. Watson
Base/Super/Assist Abilities New
To make this less complex/confusing will further the yugioh comparison to break down the roles for this game. You start the game with your base ability and at the start of each phase you draw out randomly one of your abilities from your deck either supers or assists

Base Ability /Base Ability = Effect Monster: These are standard mafia abilities you start the game with. They are your permanent role Ability, They can be activated once per cycle

Super Abilities/Super Abilities=Magic Cards

These are one shot abilities that can be used once obtained

Assist abilities/Assist Abilities=Trap Cards

These are one shot abilities that need to be set first in the game field and need a specific condition met to be activated. Usually the condition is just waiting a phase but some are wait a phase + a additional condition. Do not worry these conditions arent that complex its usually something like make 2 posts or quote someone etc.

I just want to tell peeps who don't know anything DC Comics I will be using the term Mother Boxes, inside the mother box contains your assist abilities you set. So for ex: player 1 has set a Mother Box on the field

I will threadmark each time someone puts one on the field. When the conditions are met you can either activate it (your assist ability) or leave it on the field to activate on another phase if you choose
Task Force X/Suicide Squad Assists New

These are one shot abilities that can be activated without needing to set them once obtained but these abilities are one game use. They cannot be copied or reused. To obtain them you must find them. They will be scattered across the DC Verse. First come first serve

Task Force X Assists 1-15

1: Deadshot : If you are town See 3 incoming anti town actions, if you are mafia or Indie any 3 incoming actions and who was targeted. Destroy 1, redirect one and let one pass

2: Rick Flag Jr: Challenge a Hostile Indie role to r/p/s. If you win role block them for cycle

3: PeaceMaker: Target any player and if they are culted uncult them

4: Captain Boomerang: Reuse your base form ability

5: Enchantress: Make a fake write up

6: Poison Ivy: Target any 2 players and bus drive their next action onto one another

7: Bane: Role crush any player

8: Clock King: End the phase early

9: Blackguard: Target any set ability and reveal its ability

10: White Dragon: Reveal a ??? In a day write up

11: Multiplex: Host rolls a dice of 5 depending on whats rolled determines your vote power for the dayphase

12: General Wade Elling: If you are anti town you can stop a lynch, if you are town you negate any lynch tampering or vote manipulation for the phase

13: Thinker: Target any player and give them a random one shot ability

14: El Diablo: Target any player and burn them from setting or activating any Assist abilities for the cycle

15: King Shark: Pick any set ability and destroy it

Task Force X Assists 16-30
16: Savant: Give out a fake investigation result to a cop role

17: Warp: Target any player and hide behind them for the cycle

18: Plastique: Role Block any player in the game for the cycle

19: Shrapnel: Hide one of your actions

20: Harbinger: Gain a super ability that has been activated

21: John Diggle: Pick any player and heal them from any status ailments

22: Cupid: Vote Steal any player for the dayphase

23: Katana: Redirect the first ability that targets you in the game

24: Slipknot: If a Assist ability is destroyed or fails you can activate this to burn that player from setting or activating and assist abilities

25: T.D.K: Increase your vote power by 3 for the dayphase

26: Javelin: Target any player and if they are cult kill them

27: Mongal: Pick any player and protect them for the phase

28: Weasal: Gain a Jester win con (This does not end the game)

29: Bloodsport: If you are town amp the Vigilante kill to a super kill, if you are mafia amp the Faction Kill to a super kill if you are Indie gain a kill shot

30: Polkadot man: Target 4 players and inflict them with a status ailment for the cycle

Task Force X Assists 31-45
31: Ratcatcher: Target any player and find out their role

32: Bronze Tiger: Face any player in r/p/s if you win you can reuse a super ability

33: Count Vertigo: Target any player and confuse them for the cycle

34: Merlyn: Pick any player and amp their Super ability to not fail

35: The Penguin: If a Mafia player is killed gain one of their assist abilities

36: Killer Croc: Janitor a lynch, gain their base form ability

37: Copperhead: Target a player and paralyze them for the cycle

38: Eric Frankenstein: Pick any player and restore the abilities they have used

39: The Bride: Target any player and protect them for 2 cycles

40: GI Robot: Gain 2x vote power for the rest of the game

41: Doctor Phosphorus: See any 2 set abilities. Banish one and spare the other one

42: Clayface: Target any assist ability that has been activated and copy its effect as a one shot

43: The Electrocutionator: Target any 2 players and paralyze them for the cycle

44: Hugo Strange: Become immune to investigations and lie detects

45: Tommy Elliot: Gain a Indie win con

Task Force X Assists 46-50
46: Metallo: Become Bulletproof for the cycle

47: Magpie: Target any set ability on the field and steal it as your own

48: Selina Cat Kyle: Target any player and steal their vote for the dayphase

49: Judomaster: Face any player in r/p/s. If you win skip their drawphase and gain an additional drawphase ability

50: Vigilante: Target any player with a kill shot
The Endless Supers New
These are unlocked via being the first to answer a DC Trivia question once they appear.

1: Destiny: You can activate Assist abilities without having to set them for the rest of the game

2: Death: Pick any player that has been omega killed and return them back into the game with a new role . If town the player returns as The Spectre. If Mafia the player returns as Eclipso, If Indie the player returns as the Phantom stranger

3: Dream: Pick any Super ability that has been activated and add it to your hand.

4: Destruction: Target any write up and negate it

5: Desire: Target any player and switch your role with another player

6: Despair: Make everyone return any abilities they have in their hand back in their deck. Reshuffle everyone's deck and draw 1 ability while you draw 2.

7: Delirium: If you are Hostile Indie or Mafia you can hide your actions for the cycle. If you are Town reveal 3 ??? Write ups

8: Dream V2: Pick any Assist ability you have used and regain it

Bonus: Lucifer Morningstar: After Day 5 return any abilities used back to the players deck. Reshuffle everyone's deck and draw 1 card. (Banished abilities will not return)
Trinity Roles New

The Final Unlockable in the game. While Task Force X and The Endless are one shot abilities this unlockable changes your role completely for 3 phases. Now if it hasn't been obvious my dc game is heavily inspired by yugioh then this will really hammer it home. Consider these to be the 3 Egyptian gods equivalent. If you are town you will unlock one of these roles

Superman (Christopher Reeves)

Batman (Christian Bale)

Wonder Woman (lyndia Carter)

While if you are Mafia or Hostile Indie you unlock their evil counterparts instead

General Zod

Ra Al Ghul

Game Start New

After the events of Weebs Aries heads back to time to host a Mafia game to stop the power creep from destroying super rolemadness Mafia games... but in doing so creates another Crisis... The Mafia Host Monitor watches the events unfold

Game Begins. No Role Revealing. Claiming your alignment is fine. Kills and investigation abilities will be banned for first 24 hours. Day 0 will have 2 drawphases one at the start and one midway.
Alright everyone has been notified about game starting. I still need to do a few more drawphase orders so I won't process any until everyone gets there order. For those who already received it, you can strategize on what to do next