Extreme diff V sleep/neg diff
Luffy misjudged Sentomarou strength to not be able to handle it. Its difference to going all out blood lusted Zoro losing to Lucci, Shawk etc etc.
Lucci got KO'ed by holding back Luffys weakest G5 attacks, different to 1HP badly injured weakened 99% nerfed Lucci ez tanking strongest attack ever of going all out blood lusted death extreme diff Zoro and almost killing him.
Luffy sleep neg Lucci. Going all out KOH ACOC Zoro lost to 1HP nerfed Lucci at 1% power despite getting help from JinbeI (then almost died as Jinbei had to carry his body away).
Yes Zoro lost to Lucci. Thats true. Luffy however won and neg diffed Lucci.
Well rested 100% fresh going all out KOH ACOC Ashura Zoro then lost to 1HP badly injured massively nerfed weakened, near deaths door Lucci and had to get carried away by Jinbei in order to not get killed.
Yes Luffy played with Lucci and sleep neg diffed him, thats true Zoro going all out KOH Ashura ACOC bandana and 100% fresh lost to badly injured 1HP Lucci.