Alrighty, so that would people in the idf, why?,
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You should hate your enemies and wish for their death actually
You should defend yourself and

Matthew 5:43-45
Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.

44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.",

Both can be done,
This will take as much time as it took them to engage in the conflict to actually withdraw. Which means roughly 1 year. Or way more depending on military and political support.

We're two weeks way from US elections. They ain't withdrawing now.

Imagine your whole family is there and you don't have deep bonds overseas, not so easy.
Good point, although the Israelis I met have many family bonds overseas.
This will take as much time as it took them to engage in the conflict to actually withdraw. Which means roughly 1 year. Or way more depending on military and political support.

We're two weeks way from US elections. They ain't withdrawing now.

Good point, although the Israelis I met have many family bonds overseas.
Of course they do, because they are Western citizens colonizing a foreign country. But does having some relatives abroad mean that you are ready to go there by the time you are 16?
Yahya Sinwar started a war he had no hope of winning and got thousands of innocent people, mostly from his own side, killed in the process while also completely obliterating his country.

Tho I guess he did kill Israelis and anger Israel into committing war crimes that damaged their international reputation, so perhaps he got what he wanted? Doesn’t change the fact he used the lives of his own people as pawns in his agenda.
oct 7 was supposed to start a regional war, sinwar had a plan its just that he overestimated Iran and Hezbollah.
You can also refuse to collaborate and face the consequences.
It's either this or you take part in war and massacres
Imagine being stuck between a rock and another hard place.

Remember that Muhammad Ali called out the Vietnam war draft for what it was and refused to be drafted, publically denouncing it mainly for the reason that he and his people shouldn't be forced to die for the people that think treating black people like garbage was an acceptable thing.

The consequences for him doing that? Losing his title and being forced into exile, a $10,000 dollar fine, and a 5 year long jail sentence. The US government really did have full intentions on making an example out of anyone who refused getting drafted.

A shame the war itself and its result did a real number on those Vietnam war veterans though.

If you really do want to get drafted, be prepared for your own people to throw hate towards you after it's done and over.
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Imagine being stuck between a rock and another hard place.

Remember that Muhammad Ali called out the Vietnam war draft for what it was and refused to be drafted, publically denouncing it mainly for the reason that he and his people shouldn't be forced to die for the people that think treating black people like garbage was an acceptable thing.

The consequences for him doing that? Losing his title and being forced into exile, a $10,000 dollar fine, and a 5 year long jail sentence. The US government really did have full intentions on making an example out of anyone who refused getting drafted.

A shame the war itself and its result did a real number on those Vietnam war veterans though.
He was just scared of hearing the trees speak Vietnamese. By the way how can you be both jailed and exiled at the same time?