Future Events What if Shanks, Buggy and Luffy found the One Piece together? (Fanfic)

Kizaruber Eats

"To live, would be an awfully grand adventure."
So I randomly decided to write a fanfic on Shanks, Buggy and Luffy finding the One Piece together, I hope you guys really like it too, I was legit crying reading it and I wanted it to be emotional, heartfelt, funny, nostalgic etc ideally! I recommend listening to this as you read it too!:

Title: "The Day We All Laughed"

The scene opens on the legendary island of Laugh Tale, a place of myth and legend. A golden light bathes the island as the sun begins to set on this fateful day. Anchored near the shore are the Thousand Sunny, the Red Force, and Buggy's ship, somehow miraculously still afloat. The air buzzes with the weight of history as three unlikely figures step forward: Luffy, Shanks, and Buggy.


Luffy, Shanks, and Buggy, each overwhelmed with a mix of excitement and disbelief, approach the legendary treasure—the One Piece. It sits there, a simple yet powerful symbol, seemingly glowing with anticipation.

Luffy: (eyes sparkling with wonder, fists clenched) "Shishishi! We made it! This is it... The One Piece! Right in front of us!"

Shanks: (grinning warmly, almost nostalgic) "It’s funny. After all these years, I never thought it’d be the three of us here. Kind of fitting, don’t you think, Buggy?"

Buggy: (flustered, arms crossed, clearly trying to hide his emotions) "Yeah, yeah, don’t get all mushy on me, Shanks! I should’ve found it first! I’m a legendary pirate too, you know!"

Luffy, still laughing, stretches his arms and pulls both Shanks and Buggy into a spontaneous hug, much to Buggy’s horror.

Luffy: (laughing) "Who cares who found it first? We’re here now, together! Shishishi!"

As they move closer to the treasure, the air around them shimmers with a strange light. Suddenly, the ghosts of the past begin to materialize. Roger, Ace, Whitebeard, Oden, Toki, and the entire Rumbar Pirates appear, glowing faintly as if made of light and memories.

Roger’s Ghost: (laughing heartily) "Well, well, well! So this is the new generation, huh? I knew someone would make it eventually!"

Luffy, Shanks, and Buggy: (in unison, wide-eyed) "ROGER?!"

Roger’s Ghost: (beaming with pride) "You’ve done it, boys. You’ve carried on the dream. And you…" He turns to Luffy, his eyes filled with admiration. "You’ve done more than I ever could, Straw Hat."

Luffy: (tears welling up, but grinning ear-to-ear) "Roger! I’m gonna be King of the Pirates, just like you!"

Roger’s Ghost: (laughing warmly) "You already are, kid. You’re what I always hoped the future would be."

Suddenly, the ground beneath them rumbles, and with a tremendous crash, a massive whale bursts through the ground near the shore—Laboon. Water cascades down in waves as Laboon lets out a joyful wail, having somehow broken through the Red Line in search of Brook.

Luffy: (eyes wide, shocked) "LABOON?! What are you doing here?!"

Laboon: (incomprehensible but somehow joyous whale sounds)

Brook, hearing Laboon’s call, runs over in a mad dash, violin in hand, tears streaming down his skeletal face.

Brook: "Laboon! Yohohoho! It’s you! My dear friend, we’re finally reunited!" He leaps onto Laboon’s head as the whale nuzzles him affectionately.

Ghost of Rumbar Pirates: (one of Brook’s former crewmates) "Brook! You did it! You kept your promise, and now we’re all here together again."

Brook: (wiping his non-existent tears) "Yohoho! To be with Laboon again, to see all of you... This is the greatest moment of my life—well, afterlife!"

Brook pulls out his violin and begins to play a slow, emotional version of “Binks' Sake.” The melody fills the air, blending with the golden light of the setting sun. The atmosphere becomes a celebration, not just of finding the treasure, but of every journey, every memory, and every friend they’ve gained along the way.

Ace’s Ghost: (appearing beside Luffy, resting a hand on his shoulder) "You did it, Luffy. I always knew you would. I’m so proud of you."

Luffy: (smiling through tears) "Ace! I wish you were here with me... for real."

Ace’s Ghost: (smiling warmly) "I am here, Luffy. I’ll always be with you."

Whitebeard’s Ghost: (booming voice) "Look at you kids. This new era… it’s everything we fought for. You’ve done well. Everyone has done well."

Sabo: (walking up beside Luffy, looking at Ace’s ghost) "Luffy, you’ve changed the world more than we ever imagined."

Dragon: (appearing behind Sabo, smiling for perhaps the first time) "You’ve done what no one else could, Luffy. You’ve united the world."

Garp: (from the sidelines, chuckling) "That brat’s caused more trouble than anyone else I’ve ever known. I guess I can’t help but be proud."

The celebration grows as more characters arrive at Laugh Tale. The Cross Guild members—Crocodile, Mihawk, Buggy (still pretending to be the mastermind behind everything), Perona, and Moria—make their way onto the scene, clearly confused but slowly getting into the festive spirit.

Crocodile: (grinning slightly, watching the chaos) "So, this is what the legendary treasure hunt ends in, huh? A party."

Mihawk: (sipping his wine, observing Luffy) "I never thought I’d see the day... Straw Hat, you’ve truly surpassed all expectations."

Moria: (laughing awkwardly) "Hmph. Who cares about some treasure anyway? What really matters is the chaos, the mayhem! Kishishishi!"

Perona: (floating around Brook, singing along) "This is the weirdest party I’ve ever been to... but it’s kind of fun."

Even Koby and Kuzan are there, watching in awe as pirates, revolutionaries, and marines come together in an unprecedented celebration.

Koby: (smiling nervously) "Luffy, you’ve done something no one else could. You’ve changed everything."

Kuzan: (arms crossed, nodding slightly) "It’s the dawn of a new age, all right."

Shanks: (raising his mug high in the air) "Here’s to Roger’s dream, to Luffy’s dream, and to the future of freedom!"

Everyone in attendance raises their glasses—whether it's sake, grog, or whatever drink they have on hand—and cheers in unison.

Everyone: "TO FREEDOM!"

Luffy looks around, beaming. For him, this is the real treasure—not the gold or the fame, but the people, the journey, and the moments that brought them all together.

Luffy: (grinning, tears of joy in his eyes) "Shishishi! This is it! This is what I’ve always wanted! Everyone, laughing together, free!"

He turns to Shanks and Buggy, eyes twinkling with mischief. They all look at each other knowingly, remembering the legendary story Roger once told them.

Buggy: (snorting, trying to hold back a grin) "Look at us! A Yonko, a rookie, and me—the greatest pirate in the world!"

Shanks: (laughing) "Buggy, you’re always the comic relief."

Luffy: (laughing uncontrollably) "Shishishi! Just like Roger... he laughed, didn’t he?!"

Shanks and Buggy: (bursting into laughter) "Yeah!"

The three collapse into a fit of laughter, their joy contagious. Around them, the spirits of Roger, Whitebeard, Ace, Oden, Toki, and the others smile softly, watching the new generation claim their place in history.

Brook’s violin swells with the final notes of “Binks' Sake,” now fully transformed into a lively, joyous tune. Laboon dances in the water, spraying the gathered pirates as everyone laughs and cheers. Even Moria and Perona are caught up in the moment.

Brook: (singing joyfully as he plays) ♪ "Sailing out to sea, Binks' sake in the hold, the waves are our guide as we head for the gold!" ♪

The song echoes out into the sea, the perfect anthem for this moment of celebration and unity.

Oden’s Ghost: (watching the celebration with pride) "This... this is what we all fought for."

Toki’s Ghost: (nodding) "The dawn of the new era... It’s finally here."

The camera pans across the island, showing pirates, marines, revolutionaries, and ghosts all celebrating together in a moment that transcends their differences. As the sun sets, the golden light fades, but the joy and laughter continue.

The ghosts of the past smile as they begin to fade into the distance, their legacy now living on through the new generation.

As Brook plays the final note of "Binks' Sake," the music fades, but the sound of laughter carries on, echoing through the island and beyond. Just as the screen begins to fade to black, a distant explosion is heard—no doubt Buggy’s doing.

Narrator: (with a wink) "And so, the legend continues... in a world where dreams never die."


@Mr. Reloaded @Pot Goblin @DarkestKnightofSpoilers @Jaguark101 @NikaInParis @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier @CoC: Color of Clowns @Rottkins @Tyki_Mikk @MonsterKaido @NAMELESS @Blax Blah @Fujishiro @Flower

Please feel free to tag as many people as you want and show this thread to others generally too!


Something to enjoy alongside this too:

Post automatically merged:

Bah I should have tagged @Roo @Peroroncino @Jailer @Sir Yasheen too sorry guys!
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Kizaruber Eats

"To live, would be an awfully grand adventure."
Pretty cool bro. Makes me think what Roger's crew with adult shanks and buggy would have been :pepelit:
TYSM! I really appreciate you replying to my threads and giving feedback man!

Oh right?! I've seen fanart of it before, it would be amazing! Oda should really give us a what if chapter or something like that for it! Like the one he did for Sabo rescuing Ace with Luffy at Marineford? That one was incredible too!
