General & Others If Pre Timeskip is a 10 what is Post Timeskip at this Point?

What is Post Timeskip if Pre is a 10?

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I would say 7 compared to 10.
There are highs in pre timeskip and lows.
Also most of us read it when we were teenagers, and for example I didn't follow it "live" until Enies Lobby started.
This makes arcs like Little Garden or Drum or even alabaster bearable, but week by week people here would have murdered someone during stuff like: oh another desert chapter, oh luffy is stuck in cement and cannot fight, oh luffy got golden balled and cannot fight.
I prefer the times where lousy ass df merchants, especially logia merchants, can't play invincible anymore and get their asses kicked by actual fighters.
I think Hody was New Arlong, Doffy was New Crocodile & Kaidou was New Enel.
So around 450 Post-TS Chapters we've had till End of Wano Arc are Equivalent of Pre-TS First 300 Chapters.
I'm only gonna Compare to that.

If First 300 Chapters were a 10, then Post-TS is an 8 imo.
Egghead imo is way way better than Long Ring Long Land Arc, and Elbaf Arc is like Post-TS Version of Water 7,
It seems promising tbh, so i think Post-TS is on track to become a 9 for me

However, now it all comes to whether War against Holy Knights, WG, Final Villain, Blackbeard & Marines is gonna be better than Enies Lobby, Thriller Bark & Last 100 Chapters of Pre-TS
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No, I meant a cure to the haki merchants.
They are the cure to the logia merchants.
But we need a cure to the "my adCoC is greater than yours because I was born this way" crowd.
Great Lolda, wanker of wankers, prankster of pranksters delivered a solution for that already!
It's the storage haki merchants :akasalt:

Can't wait for goofy to untie the hidden gigaknot in the strawhat.
And we can be sure as hell there's some shitton of haki reservoir in the nika fruit itself. Only to be tapped on at the very last moment.
I think there were more peaks during the post ts, and outside of the stupid shit that always existed and got worse, majority of arcs were peak.

I feel like the consistency of quality was better during pre-timeskip, but overall I can't say why would Fishmen island, WCI or Wano be worse than pre timeskip arcs. I get the decrease of quality in fights but if we talking story alone then it's the same if not better.

Biggest issue for Egghead was art imo. Oda's art peaked at Punk Hazard, maybe Dressrosa too, stayed with high quality until the third act of Wano.

Also I wouldn't compare anything to Marineford because Marineford was basically the climax of half the story. We didn't get something of this relevance post ts yet, it'll come.

Overall I would say 8-9.


✌𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓲𝓬𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓛𝓲𝓯𝓮✌
Overall I enjoy post time skip more, I like majority of the characters introduced or flushed out post time skip more than pre
What’s everyone’s temperature right now?

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A 12 at least, take off the nostalgia glasses and you'll see that pre-timeskip is massively overrated.
How is it that you outdo yourself on a daily basis when it comes to making senseless comments? :gokulaugh:

You'll say something stupider tomorrow, we all know that. But this post of yours is your crowning achievement so far, I gotta say. :milaugh:
About 7. It’s had some solid scenes and moments, but the general writing has taken a hit as the pacing post timeskip has slowed incredibly and for most the arcs the characters have become flanderized to their basic gags. Not saying there aren’t still solid moments but there’s been a great deal of character degradation.

The actual plot is still interesting and the story’s lore has continued to be interesting though. And despite some major L side characters like the scabbards, there have been some very well loved side casts that have enhanced the story.

Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.
How is it that you outdo yourself on a daily basis when it comes to making senseless comments? :gokulaugh:

You'll say something stupider tomorrow, we all know that. But this post of yours is your crowning achievement so far, I gotta say. :milaugh:
Some people are really addicted to being contrarians like a certain egotistical, superiority complex, argumentative person on here lol. I had a friend like that and he was extremely exhausting to deal with, constantly changing positions, moving goalposts too.
A 1 considering that it got so bad that I dropped it. It had a few peak moments and only a select amount of good characters that I can count on one hand, but all that pale in comparison to the Pre-TS. The only thing I can give Post over Pre is Doffy's characterization compared to other villians, but even that got fumbled thanks to the characters that were suppose to support him being one note outside of Law and Corazon, and even they came up short by claiming that Doffy was born evil when that's laughably wrong.