Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1131 Spoilers Discussion

Are you satisfied with Loki’s bounty?

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When were you under the impression this game is..
The tree explosion, the arm which can hardly connect, I don't man:endthis:
The tree exploded from the front if it was ACoA it wouldve exploded from the otherside like when Luffy punched that one tree in Wano lol.

Also idk where youre seeing the no touch part to me it looks like he punched the tree and then retracted his arm lol.
The tree exploded from the front if it was ACoA it wouldve exploded from the otherside like when Luffy punched that one tree in Wano lol.

Also idk where youre seeing the no touch part to me it looks like he punched the tree and then retracted his arm lol.
How could a tree the size of an island explode from the other side lol:risitavirus:


When were you under the impression this game is..
Kaido literally said “don’t think you’re the only one who can see the future straw hat” in that fight

Yeah but that doesnt mean he was using it then he might have been refering to Luffys earlier use of it dodging his Thunder Bagua lol.
Snakeman against Katakuri -> Luffy used FS
Snakeman against Kaido -> Luffy used FS

Snakeman against Kizaru -> um actually, we can’t be sure since he didn’t say he was using it (he never said he was using it until Kaido called him out but whatever)

@Kurozumi Wiwi
Personally except if one ability is clearly relying on visual indicators, I just assume that they are used.
Otherwise I can argue Kizaru hasn't used haki once on Egghead tbh


When were you under the impression this game is..
The only haki that needs visual indicator is ACOC because it’s rare (rarer cases require stronger evidence), basically everything else Luffy does I’m assuming ACOA at minimum and ACOO if he’s in G4
This is a dumb line of thought lol.
Personally except if one ability is clearly relying on visual indicators, I just assume that they are used.
Otherwise I can argue Kizaru hasn't used haki once on Egghead tbh
You can since he couldnt hurt Luffy at all lol.
Lol what. He didnt invent Snakeman during the Katakuri fight he likely knew it before that lol.

No he just learned FS which helped him dodge and predict movements better.
But pre-Kizaru there’s never an instance of snake man without FS. Not even in flashbacks like bound man.

And he did use it against Kaido, specifically it’s what led to Kaido talking about FS
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