Le Fishe Thread Worstgen iceberg chart

Kizaruber Eats

Left with no reason, we come undone
Need the CCP bot, university degrees, pharma drugs w/e they were posting invasion too lol.

You could also do Finalbeta and his Jiren arc and Logikos whole "character arc" especially the Carrot4Nakama stuff.

@Pot Goblin 's furry Carrot Cult Club, @Mr. Reloaded 's many storylines and trials and betrayals and furry agendas and also "The Family" lol.

Also something about certain users being overly horny too.

Kinyagi shenanigans, Cruxroux and GUI deleting their accounts and returning under alts lol.

MonsterZoros Kpop Idol arc etc.

There is so much crazy lore to this place haha.
Need the CCP bot, university degrees, pharma drugs w/e they were posting invasion too lol.

You could also do Finalbeta and his Jiren arc and Logikos whole "character arc" especially the Carrot4Nakama stuff.

@Pot Goblin 's furry Carrot Cult Club, @Mr. Reloaded 's many storylines and trials and betrayals and furry agendas and also "The Family" lol.

Also something about certain users being overly horny too.

Kinyagi shenanigans, Cruxroux and GUI deleting their accounts and returning under alts lol.

MonsterZoros Kpop Idol arc etc.

There is so much crazy lore to this place haha.
Also all the nicknames (pinzolo,goofy,crydo..)
They're speaking of that shit like it's God Valley lmao
What the hell happened??
Long story short, FinalBeta created a thread simping for a long gone account of a female forum user. Somehow during the course of that thread, Beta's multiple fetishes came up including technophilia and gore. Also past allegations popped up. Beta then threatened to legally sue Worst Gen over information that he himself made public. That legendary exchange between himself and Van also got deleted.

Pages 3 and 4 of this thread is all the other posts I could immediately find with details regarding that incident.


WorstGen temporarily turned WorldGov and covered that incident up but there are still some clues if you know where to look.:PepeReport:
Long story short, FinalBeta created a thread simping for a long gone account of a female forum user. Somehow during the course of that thread, Beta's multiple fetishes came up including technophilia and gore. Also past allegations popped up. Beta then threatened to legally sue Worst Gen over information that he himself made public. That legendary exchange between himself and Van also got deleted.

Pages 3 and 4 of this thread is all the other posts I could immediately find with details regarding that incident.


WorstGen temporarily turned WorldGov and covered that incident up but there are still some clues if you know where to look.:PepeReport:
Oh god. I remember hearing about the female user harassment thing (I think someone said it was specifically him driving away a female mod) and the suing Uncle Van fiasco as well
That shit is crazy lol. This site really attracts some weirdos sometimes
In case you don't know, iceberg chart refers to ranking of information starting from well known information ("normies" level) until information that only few people know. For this chart, I want to include all the topic posts and threads from the users here
Let me know what you think about this

Then deep in crevice: BHH posts
Post automatically merged:

Need the CCP bot, university degrees, pharma drugs w/e they were posting invasion too lol.

You could also do Finalbeta and his Jiren arc and Logikos whole "character arc" especially the Carrot4Nakama stuff.

@Pot Goblin 's furry Carrot Cult Club, @Mr. Reloaded 's many storylines and trials and betrayals and furry agendas and also "The Family" lol.

Also something about certain users being overly horny too.

Kinyagi shenanigans, Cruxroux and GUI deleting their accounts and returning under alts lol.

MonsterZoros Kpop Idol arc etc.

There is so much crazy lore to this place haha.
What about the BHH Drake lore or Big Daddy Saran?
Long story short, FinalBeta created a thread simping for a long gone account of a female forum user. Somehow during the course of that thread, Beta's multiple fetishes came up including technophilia and gore. Also past allegations popped up. Beta then threatened to legally sue Worst Gen over information that he himself made public. That legendary exchange between himself and Van also got deleted.

Pages 3 and 4 of this thread is all the other posts I could immediately find with details regarding that incident.


WorstGen temporarily turned WorldGov and covered that incident up but there are still some clues if you know where to look.:PepeReport:
Thought about this guy a few days back because someone mentioned him and i had totally forgotten about the harassment & stalking & Gore stuff. ..yikes