Who is the leader of Conejo Blanco: Election for the Leader!

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🗨️ 🖥️ Here's a good story from my real-life to tell in this fanclub.
🏠 🐰 🐰 🐰 We had three pet rabbits here at home. One male and two females. The male was called Alvinho, a female was called Verônica, and the other female was called Jabuticaba. Alvinho was a white rabbit, Verônica was a gray rabbit, and Jabuticaba was a black rabbit. I named Alvinho and Verônica, and my mother named Jabuticaba after a small dark fruit native here in Brazil.
Alvinho was a gift given to my mother by a child who was her student(My mother is a teacher.). Since we knew that Alvinho would want to mate and procreate, my father bought Verônica from a pet shop. They had a lot of babies. One day, my mother saw Jabuticaba in another pet shop, liked her color and bought her. She and Alvinho had mixed-colored babies.
We cared for the three lovingly, and my sister and I enjoyed playing with the three and their babies.
🥹 🥹 🥹 🥹 One day, all three of them turned up dead in different places in our house. We buried the three in our yard. We never knew the cause of their death. It must have been some disease that rabbits catch and we didn't know about it. 💗 💗 💗 💗 But like any pet we have ever had, we will always be proud to have lovingly cared for them and remember them with our memories, hearts, and the photos and home videos we have of them.
@Pot Goblin @Devilbat @AL sama @Kizaruber Eats @Bepo D. Bear
@Jaguark101 @Tyki_Mikk @Mr. Reloaded @Yoho @NikaInParis
@Akai2 @Adam 🍎 @Reborn @Toby D. Dog @Fujishiro @Sir Yasheen