Interesting. I didn't know that this process had a name. I think trying to deconstruct a concept in its most basic components is the most efficient way to make someone understand it.

Little bio moment because I think it's interesting to understand why I do that:

I applied that to me first. As far as I can remember, I've been obsessed with the nature of reality and since my studient years I've been obsessed with one thing : seeking the truth in all its aspect.

This process led me to complotism, it got me out of it, it then led me to far right ideas and got me out of it etc. for all the beliefs and knowledge I encountered.

I remember being a studient and having a pitch black vision of reality and everything surrounding it. I simply did not understand the world. Despite my education, everythink looked like a neverending maze with a magical like inaccessible knowledge at the center.
Flashforward to this day: I've never seen things I care about that clearer. Art, societies, politics, reality, science, One Piece etc.. For about a year or two, I have been living with the feeling of a subtle illumination : I know that I don't know, but I know that I'm close to knowing.

All of that was thanks to this process : At everypoint, I approached reality like an art study : Instead of trying to complexify things, I tried to simplify them.

You see, I have a flaw. For some reason, books are afraid of me. So I can't rely on them to gather knowledge. So what do I do to evolve ? Well...

I seek conflicts. Because where there is conflict, there is a form of truth.

So, everytime I start to get a little bit rigid in a position about something in our reality, I hang on a conflict that involves the position I'm in against a position I never encountered before or never got rid of. Then, instead of taking side, I spend days or month deconstructing all the most basic elements that create the conflict for the opposing side, I put all the elements I have deconstructed in the past(that I know are solid) and I try to judge which is the most rationnal approach based on a baby approach.

For ex: At one point a few years ago, I had very liberal and someone reactionnaries ideas about politics, self development and Islam. I was critic to the religion to a point were I was going a bit Islamophobic and yet I was calling myself a leftist at the time. But... people like me were called out by leftists... so there was a conflict and since I was becoming rigid in my beliefs, I thought that it was the time to start understanding and judging the vision of those leftists.

So.. I went quiet. I stopped talking and listened. And at this time, the left on twitter was starting to voice strongly their opinion on skeptics. And it was very similar to what I was facing. So I listened.

And this is were I learned about something I wasn't aware of : Sociology. I literally had no knowledge of this scientific field (for systemic reasons).

So I started to deconstruct the basic ideas behind this field of knowledge : Materialism, the structures that create societies, the notions of systemic oppressions etc.

And in the blink of a eye, the hatred I had of Islam faded away the moment I understood that the problem were not religions but the capitalist and patriarcal systems that created them. It took me a few month of deonctruction and simplifying each values to the most basic elements but I managed to understand bit by bit a radical leftist knowledge without ever opening a single book.

Of course, the flaw of this process is that I can't speak about the history or the personnalities behind the knowledge I have, but the knowledge itself is clear as crystal.

I know that I will never go back toward far rightism but I also know that there are still things to understand and therefore a potential radicalization toward the left.

So as you can see, I managed to find a way to prevent any rigidity in my thinking process. And this is also the reason why I'm so assured here. Pretty much all the knowledge I'm sharing are things that I had to understand and weight myself on a scale against other beliefs systems or preconceived certainties and I know that I'm at a point where there is very little knowledge left to understand in all of my field of care.

It just seems like this knowledge is not possible for me to share at this moment.

Thanks for the compliment anyway. :)
I do the same for science, but it's much easier since the parties in conflicts are very rationnal to begin with


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Interesting. I didn't know that this process had a name. I think trying to deconstruct a concept in its most basic components is the most efficient way to make someone understand it.

Little bio moment because I think it's interesting to understand why I do that:

I applied that to me first. As far as I can remember, I've been obsessed with the nature of reality and since my studient years I've been obsessed with one thing : seeking the truth in all its aspect.

This process led me to complotism, it got me out of it, it then led me to far right ideas and got me out of it etc. for all the beliefs and knowledge I encountered.

I remember being a studient and having a pitch black vision of reality and everything surrounding it. I simply did not understand the world. Despite my education, everythink looked like a neverending maze with a magical like inaccessible knowledge at the center.
Flashforward to this day: I've never seen things I care about that clearer. Art, societies, politics, reality, science, One Piece etc.. For about a year or two, I have been living with the feeling of a subtle illumination : I know that I don't know, but I know that I'm close to knowing.

All of that was thanks to this process : At everypoint, I approached reality like an art study : Instead of trying to complexify things, I tried to simplify them.

You see, I have a flaw. For some reason, books are afraid of me. So I can't rely on them to gather knowledge. So what do I do to evolve ? Well...

I seek conflicts. Because where there is conflict, there is a form of truth.

So, everytime I start to get a little bit rigid in a position about something in our reality, I hang on a conflict that involves the position I'm in against a position I never encountered before or never got rid of. Then, instead of taking side, I spend days or month deconstructing all the most basic elements that create the conflict for the opposing side, I put all the elements I have deconstructed in the past(that I know are solid) and I try to judge which is the most rationnal approach based on a baby approach.

For ex: At one point a few years ago, I had very liberal and someone reactionnaries ideas about politics, self development and Islam. I was critic to the religion to a point were I was going a bit Islamophobic and yet I was calling myself a leftist at the time. But... people like me were called out by leftists... so there was a conflict and since I was becoming rigid in my beliefs, I thought that it was the time to start understanding and judging the vision of those leftists.

So.. I went quiet. I stopped talking and listened. And at this time, the left on twitter was starting to voice strongly their opinion on skeptics. And it was very similar to what I was facing. So I listened.

And this is were I learned about something I wasn't aware of : Sociology. I literally had no knowledge of this scientific field (for systemic reasons).

So I started to deconstruct the basic ideas behind this field of knowledge : Materialism, the structures that create societies, the notions of systemic oppressions etc.

And in the blink of a eye, the hatred I had of Islam faded away the moment I understood that the problem were not religions but the capitalist and patriarcal systems that created them. It took me a few month of deonctruction and simplifying each values to the most basic elements but I managed to understand bit by bit a radical leftist knowledge without ever opening a single book.

Of course, the flaw of this process is that I can't speak about the history or the personnalities behind the knowledge I have, but the knowledge itself is clear as crystal.

I know that I will never go back toward far rightism but I also know that there are still things to understand and therefore a potential radicalization toward the left.

So as you can see, I managed to find a way to prevent any rigidity in my thinking process. And this is also the reason why I'm so assured here. Pretty much all the knowledge I'm sharing are things that I had to understand and weight myself on a scale against other beliefs systems or preconceived certainties and I know that I'm at a point where there is very little knowledge left to understand in all of my field of care.

It just seems like this knowledge is not possible for me to share at this moment.

Thanks for the compliment anyway. :)
You are welcome

You have a gift or you can say a really good skill.

All I will say is just two things

1) If you use this skill WISELY and PRODUCTIVELY then you would go very high in your career and in relationship

2) you need to overcome the rigidity which is associated with it. Its natural to have rigidity regarding your strong beliefs/opinions but you will start seeing the actual beauty of this gift when you will overcome this aspect of it
All I will say is just two things

1) If you use this skill WISELY and PRODUCTIVELY then you would go very high in your career and in relationship

2) you need to overcome the rigidity which is associated with it. Its natural to have rigidity regarding your strong beliefs/opinions but you will start seeing the actual beauty of this gift when you will overcome this aspect of it
Thanks. :)

I think rigidity is part of the game. I know that I don't know a lot of things (so I'm not rigid on them) but I also know and have "tested" a lot of other ones, so the rigidity I depict here is but a result of the fact that I have nothing to counter rationnaly those beliefs with.

But if you pay attention, you will see that recently I've started to become a bit more flexible once again, not with everyone, but with some. And you can thank @Blax Blah for that. You could say that his values are in some ways more radical than me and his posture very different. So I have gone quiet, and I've started to listen since it's a set of values that I have never weighted.

And already, there has been some evolutions. I do not think the same way about Gun control anymore, I'm less open to authoritarism and more to anarchism. I'm softening my approach and I now adopt a more cynical and ironical approach.

This is mainly due to the fact that I have given up trying to fight for this forum and for this part of the fanbase. I came to peace with the fact that our fanbase is partly toxic and I will focus on finding those who can make it more positive. It's also due to the fact that I realize that no matter my efforts, I will never be able to reason with someone who create alternative facts.

So.. I still write a lot.. But I take things a little bit less seriously now.

My rigidity is just a part of my illusion. It's not really there. In reality, my mind is constantly open. The filter is just a very thick.
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Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Thanks. :)

I think rigidity is part of the game. I know that I don't know a lot of things (so I'm not rigid on them) but I also know and have "tested" a lot of other ones, so the rigidity I depict here is but a result of the fact that I have nothing to counter rationnaly those beliefs with.

But if you pay attention, you will see that recently I've started to become a bit more flexible once again, not with everyone, but with some. And you can thank @Blax Blah for that. You could say that his values are in some ways more radical than me and his posture very different. So I have gone quiet, and I've started to listen since it's a set of values that I have never weighted.

And already, there has been some evolutions. I do not think the same way about Gun control anymore, I'm less open to authoritarism and more to anarchism. I'm softening my approach and I now adopt a more cynical and ironical approach.

This is mainly due to the fact that I have given up trying to fight for this forum and for this part of the fanbase. I came to peace with the fact that our fanbase is partly toxic and I will focus on finding those who can make it more positive. It's also due to the fact that I realize that no matter my efforts, I will never be able to reason with someone who create alternative facts.

So.. I still write a lot.. But I take things a little bit less seriously now.

My rigidity is just a part of my illusion. It's not really there. In reality, my mind is constantly open. The filter is just a very thick.
Glad to hear that.

There are two kinds of ignorance.

1) when you are capable of knowing something but you don't try to know

2) when you start believing whatever you know is correct and you know everything.

Socrates dialectical method is centered around the second ignorance.

To him knowledge is virtue. And, by repeated questioning or through process of arguments - counter arguments, one filter his opinions to reach true knowledge. However, this attainment of true knowledge is also an illusion which we feel after this process and we start believing what we know is correct and right understanding thus making us rigid. We hit the plateau.

And, that's why Socrates said - - "real wisdom is knowing you know nothing "and thereby one should never feel that they understand everything or whatever they know is correct view point.

Well, you have the skill - just use it productively and you would do good.

And, I am done.. I don't like to do serious talks on a weeb forum. Lol

Time to troll
And, that's why Socrates said - - "real wisdom is knowing you know nothing "and thereby one should never feel that they understand everything or whatever they know is correct view point.
We have to replace that in context, Socrates lacked a lot of knowledge that we have today in the scientific world. So while this is true to a certain point for knowledges that are still beyond our reach, for most, some things are just factual. (But maybe he was talking about knowledge as an ensemble in which case this doesn't apply)

For example, I can say that Capitalism is a factually oppressive system and we must get rid of it, this is something that is corraborated by scientific analysis that our own analysis of the world. But what I'm not sure of is the way to do that. For this, I know that my knowledge is not perfect so my mind remains open.



Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
We have to replace that in context, Socrates lacked a lot of knowledge that we have today in the scientific world. So while this is true to a certain point for knowledges that are still beyond our reach, for most, some things are just factual. (But maybe he was talking about knowledge as an ensemble in which case this doesn't apply)

For example, I can say that Capitalism is a factually oppressive system and we must get rid of it, this is something that is corraborated by scientific analysis that our own analysis of the world. But what I'm not sure of is the way to do that. For this, I know that my knowledge is not perfect so my mind remains open.

It's upto you how you wanna interpret what I said.
Thanks. :)

I think rigidity is part of the game. I know that I don't know a lot of things (so I'm not rigid on them) but I also know and have "tested" a lot of other ones, so the rigidity I depict here is but a result of the fact that I have nothing to counter rationnaly those beliefs with.

But if you pay attention, you will see that recently I've started to become a bit more flexible once again, not with everyone, but with some. And you can thank @Blax Blah for that. You could say that his values are in some ways more radical than me and his posture very different. So I have gone quiet, and I've started to listen since it's a set of values that I have never weighted.

And already, there has been some evolutions. I do not think the same way about Gun control anymore, I'm less open to authoritarism and more to anarchism. I'm softening my approach and I now adopt a more cynical and ironical approach.

This is mainly due to the fact that I have given up trying to fight for this forum and for this part of the fanbase. I came to peace with the fact that our fanbase is partly toxic and I will focus on finding those who can make it more positive. It's also due to the fact that I realize that no matter my efforts, I will never be able to reason with someone who create alternative facts.

So.. I still write a lot.. But I take things a little bit less seriously now.

My rigidity is just a part of my illusion. It's not really there. In reality, my mind is constantly open. The filter is just a very thick.
I may be wrong, but I think
We have to replace that in context, Socrates lacked a lot of knowledge that we have today in the scientific world. So while this is true to a certain point for knowledges that are still beyond our reach, for most, some things are just factual. (But maybe he was talking about knowledge as an ensemble in which case this doesn't apply)

For example, I can say that Capitalism is a factually oppressive system and we must get rid of it, this is something that is corraborated by scientific analysis that our own analysis of the world. But what I'm not sure of is the way to do that. For this, I know that my knowledge is not perfect so my mind remains open.

Yeah, however I think something that may be really important to mention when it comes to studying modes of production like capitalism, feudalism, socialism, is that they are man-made, so having a complete understanding of them is very different compared to having a complete understanding of physics, because these are systems with laws people made, so knowing all the laws and studying them is easier than with sciences like physics, if physics will even exist in the future and it won't turn into something else, or of biology, if biology will even exist and it won't turn into something else,

In a video Anark made named "Philosophy underpins everything", also I would like to mention a person named Airidescence on youtube and twitter may have worked with Anark to make that video, or another video on Anark's channel, and Airidescence makes really great drawings and art, in the video, he mentions that in either the late 19th century, or in the early 20th century, someone that may have been a very well informed scientist said that all important branches of science have been discovered, and that from then on the discoveries would be in the realm of digits, like as in taking the base discovery and going into very specific parts and make very small incremental improvement because there would be not much more to make, and after that, even for me who I'm not very knowledgeable about science, the theory of relativity, and quantum physics, disprove that by itself, also the many other discoveries and improvements made since that time,
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Also the thumbnail is a photo of a woman who fought in the CNT FAI, the spanish anarchist organization, against Franco's fascist army,

Also George Orwell said that if he had understood the situation better, he would have liked to fight together with the anarchists,

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Glad to hear that.

There are two kinds of ignorance.

1) when you are capable of knowing something but you don't try to know

2) when you start believing whatever you know is correct and you know everything.

Socrates dialectical method is centered around the second ignorance.

To him knowledge is virtue. And, by repeated questioning or through process of arguments - counter arguments, one filter his opinions to reach true knowledge. However, this attainment of true knowledge is also an illusion which we feel after this process and we start believing what we know is correct and right understanding thus making us rigid. We hit the plateau.

And, that's why Socrates said - - "real wisdom is knowing you know nothing "and thereby one should never feel that they understand everything or whatever they know is correct view point.

Well, you have the skill - just use it productively and you would do good.

And, I am done.. I don't like to do serious talks on a weeb forum. Lol

Time to troll
You never know what is or isn't productive just because it may seem silly, this has helped me at the very least by encouraging me a lot! =],
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A product of a physical thing.

Just like an idea is a product of physical interactions in the brain, my experiences are the product of the interactions beween every results producted by matter in my brain : Memory, consciousness etc.

My experience is a real physical product of the interactions between real matter, but it is an illusion as an object of study.
Then do you think it may be possible to turn it into an object or to study it with some technology?,
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These stories are horrific. I know most of you only care about trolling and triggering the wokies and the libs but this is fucking real life. The Biden administration is complicit and directly responsible for all these deaths, and now we have an administration coming in that is even more committed to this genocide. We're the bad guys, there's no way around it.

Since your choices, and even the voters' choices don't reflect the actions of the president, I don't think you are the bad guy,

Like if say people decide they want a different system, they will be opposed violently by politicians and the forces they command, so you don't have that kind of say, in this system,
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While I agree that dreams are not hidding a deep meaning, they are still a clear reflection of our desires and fears.
Someone I spoke who believed in paganism had a dream once that an angel came and showed him a dried up tree, I'm not sure if he knew, but I did mention, trees in the Bible are meant to represent people,

Mark 8:22-26

22 And he cometh to Bethsaida; and they bring a blind man unto him, and besought him to touch him.

23 And he took the blind man by the hand, and led him out of the town; and when he had spit on his eyes, and put his hands upon him, he asked him if he saw ought.

24 And he looked up, and said, I see men as trees, walking.

25 After that he put his hands again upon his eyes, and made him look up: and he was restored, and saw every man clearly.

26 And he sent him away to his house, saying, Neither go into the town, nor tell it to any in the town.

Also since people's actions represent fruits,

Mark 7:16-23
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

I think that may have been a dream in the spirit, having a spiritual experience and being shown things that have a meaning given by God but that are not known to the person at the time,
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Hustlerversity Graduate
Nah man I am good lol

But I do know majority of the times what we see or experience is nothing but guided by our subconscious mind

For instance, if you go to a haunted house without knowing it's haunted or hearing any ghost stories then most likely you won't experience anything.

But if you go to the same place after hearing some story about it being haunted then your experience would differ

If you see something moving on its own, without a wind of whatever. That is an objective reality. If you got recoding then that shows it's not some hallucinations


100% Big Mike is gonna win in 2028 so I disagree. Also Elon 2032 (if he can run) or 2036 if Mike gets a second term.
Elon can't ever run, but it's ok b/c he's the right-hand man to Trump right now.

Wouldn't be shocked if Lara didn't run. I think she is trying to take the senate seat in Florida?
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What if Bill meant him and Hillary are changing to republicans and Hillary is going to run again. :milaugh:
Bill Clinton said something I agree with. We will have a woman president soon, but she will be conservative. He's not the only one I heard say this, but I can't remember the other person. I've believed this for some time.
Are you running for president Zemmi?
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Not confirmed yet apparently but if so, this is wild
Its true.

Apparently with a lot coordination and warning 48 hours before.

No big explosion or damage.

It's just flexing strength to deter idea of deep missiles in Moscow
That's a clear warning to Nato - interfere more and ICBM with nuclear warhead would be on the way
It was so stupid of Ukraine to give up their nuclear arsenal.