Interesting. I didn't know that this process had a name. I think trying to deconstruct a concept in its most basic components is the most efficient way to make someone understand it.
Little bio moment because I think it's interesting to understand why I do that:
I applied that to me first. As far as I can remember, I've been obsessed with the nature of reality and since my studient years I've been obsessed with one thing : seeking the truth in all its aspect.
This process led me to complotism, it got me out of it, it then led me to far right ideas and got me out of it etc. for all the beliefs and knowledge I encountered.
I remember being a studient and having a pitch black vision of reality and everything surrounding it. I simply did not understand the world. Despite my education, everythink looked like a neverending maze with a magical like inaccessible knowledge at the center.
Flashforward to this day: I've never seen things I care about that clearer. Art, societies, politics, reality, science, One Piece etc.. For about a year or two, I have been living with the feeling of a subtle illumination : I know that I don't know, but I know that I'm close to knowing.
All of that was thanks to this process : At everypoint, I approached reality like an art study : Instead of trying to complexify things, I tried to simplify them.
You see, I have a flaw. For some reason, books are afraid of me. So I can't rely on them to gather knowledge. So what do I do to evolve ? Well...
I seek conflicts. Because where there is conflict, there is a form of truth.
So, everytime I start to get a little bit rigid in a position about something in our reality, I hang on a conflict that involves the position I'm in against a position I never encountered before or never got rid of. Then, instead of taking side, I spend days or month deconstructing all the most basic elements that create the conflict for the opposing side, I put all the elements I have deconstructed in the past(that I know are solid) and I try to judge which is the most rationnal approach based on a baby approach.
For ex: At one point a few years ago, I had very liberal and someone reactionnaries ideas about politics, self development and Islam. I was critic to the religion to a point were I was going a bit Islamophobic and yet I was calling myself a leftist at the time. But... people like me were called out by leftists... so there was a conflict and since I was becoming rigid in my beliefs, I thought that it was the time to start understanding and judging the vision of those leftists.
So.. I went quiet. I stopped talking and listened. And at this time, the left on twitter was starting to voice strongly their opinion on skeptics. And it was very similar to what I was facing. So I listened.
And this is were I learned about something I wasn't aware of : Sociology. I literally had no knowledge of this scientific field (for systemic reasons).
So I started to deconstruct the basic ideas behind this field of knowledge : Materialism, the structures that create societies, the notions of systemic oppressions etc.
And in the blink of a eye, the hatred I had of Islam faded away the moment I understood that the problem were not religions but the capitalist and patriarcal systems that created them. It took me a few month of deonctruction and simplifying each values to the most basic elements but I managed to understand bit by bit a radical leftist knowledge without ever opening a single book.
Of course, the flaw of this process is that I can't speak about the history or the personnalities behind the knowledge I have, but the knowledge itself is clear as crystal.
I know that I will never go back toward far rightism but I also know that there are still things to understand and therefore a potential radicalization toward the left.
So as you can see, I managed to find a way to prevent any rigidity in my thinking process. And this is also the reason why I'm so assured here. Pretty much all the knowledge I'm sharing are things that I had to understand and weight myself on a scale against other beliefs systems or preconceived certainties and I know that I'm at a point where there is very little knowledge left to understand in all of my field of care.
It just seems like this knowledge is not possible for me to share at this moment.
Thanks for the compliment anyway. :)
Little bio moment because I think it's interesting to understand why I do that:
I applied that to me first. As far as I can remember, I've been obsessed with the nature of reality and since my studient years I've been obsessed with one thing : seeking the truth in all its aspect.
This process led me to complotism, it got me out of it, it then led me to far right ideas and got me out of it etc. for all the beliefs and knowledge I encountered.
I remember being a studient and having a pitch black vision of reality and everything surrounding it. I simply did not understand the world. Despite my education, everythink looked like a neverending maze with a magical like inaccessible knowledge at the center.
Flashforward to this day: I've never seen things I care about that clearer. Art, societies, politics, reality, science, One Piece etc.. For about a year or two, I have been living with the feeling of a subtle illumination : I know that I don't know, but I know that I'm close to knowing.
All of that was thanks to this process : At everypoint, I approached reality like an art study : Instead of trying to complexify things, I tried to simplify them.
You see, I have a flaw. For some reason, books are afraid of me. So I can't rely on them to gather knowledge. So what do I do to evolve ? Well...
I seek conflicts. Because where there is conflict, there is a form of truth.
So, everytime I start to get a little bit rigid in a position about something in our reality, I hang on a conflict that involves the position I'm in against a position I never encountered before or never got rid of. Then, instead of taking side, I spend days or month deconstructing all the most basic elements that create the conflict for the opposing side, I put all the elements I have deconstructed in the past(that I know are solid) and I try to judge which is the most rationnal approach based on a baby approach.
For ex: At one point a few years ago, I had very liberal and someone reactionnaries ideas about politics, self development and Islam. I was critic to the religion to a point were I was going a bit Islamophobic and yet I was calling myself a leftist at the time. But... people like me were called out by leftists... so there was a conflict and since I was becoming rigid in my beliefs, I thought that it was the time to start understanding and judging the vision of those leftists.
So.. I went quiet. I stopped talking and listened. And at this time, the left on twitter was starting to voice strongly their opinion on skeptics. And it was very similar to what I was facing. So I listened.
And this is were I learned about something I wasn't aware of : Sociology. I literally had no knowledge of this scientific field (for systemic reasons).
So I started to deconstruct the basic ideas behind this field of knowledge : Materialism, the structures that create societies, the notions of systemic oppressions etc.
And in the blink of a eye, the hatred I had of Islam faded away the moment I understood that the problem were not religions but the capitalist and patriarcal systems that created them. It took me a few month of deonctruction and simplifying each values to the most basic elements but I managed to understand bit by bit a radical leftist knowledge without ever opening a single book.
Of course, the flaw of this process is that I can't speak about the history or the personnalities behind the knowledge I have, but the knowledge itself is clear as crystal.
I know that I will never go back toward far rightism but I also know that there are still things to understand and therefore a potential radicalization toward the left.
So as you can see, I managed to find a way to prevent any rigidity in my thinking process. And this is also the reason why I'm so assured here. Pretty much all the knowledge I'm sharing are things that I had to understand and weight myself on a scale against other beliefs systems or preconceived certainties and I know that I'm at a point where there is very little knowledge left to understand in all of my field of care.
It just seems like this knowledge is not possible for me to share at this moment.
Thanks for the compliment anyway. :)