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Right now?
Ultra is very against the town attempting to collaborate instead putting his hope in RPG which I think is counter to this style of game.

Luka has flip flopped a few times whether or not that’s just because he’s just messing around since it’s only day 1 or because he’s legit sus is beyond me tho.

That’s about it though. Theres no solid information since it’s only D1
Never believe D1s don't matter, especially when it's seventy two hours.

I think Ultra is fine for now. I don't have any reason to believe what he's said has any ulterior motives and I do think I see his thought process in his posts, even if I've disagree on some points.
Also, are you calling Ultra wolf here?

While my vote is still on Luka, I feel like your only other read being Luka is kind of uninspiring. You've obviously been active and around, so just something pingy about only having two reads.
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