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Even if scum has to pick specific locations, we're still sending 1 person per location maximum with the current strategy, which minimizes location effects anyway just in case multiple people went to the same location on accident.
Wolves likely have abilities to prevent this / make it a bad idea. I listed multiple examples if you actually read, which you evidently didn't. Say where you went - not where you're going. Also, I have not gotten mad once when someone disagreed. Or hated on them. Infact, I locked them town.
Draco Malfoy
Dodge first negative action targeted at me itg
If I vote a town at eod my vote becomes 0 the next day
Loved modifier (basically, technically its negate first vote on me each cycle)
Empowerer (make them tamper immune)
This sounds extremely indi
would indie need ability to buff other people tho?
It's like the default thing that gets tacked on to indi roles if you want them to appear plausibly a bit town

You haven't seen this before...? Give non-town obligatory refills or motivators or butt lickers or whatever to gain favor? Pretty common.

Doesn't have to be but totally plausible
ah fair. i like following N1 kill legacies tho cuz they usually have better reads than i could ever ask for.

but yeah on my homesite (not MU) we prefer to sniff glue and color outside the lines so understandable have a nice day
17th shard since you're an Aeo alt (I am tunneled on you being an Aeo alt.) (I cannot wait till you're actually Cryo.)
Luka on MU would post in waves then go mia, I think it was on purpose (not sure though), feels the same here
It wasn't on purpose for the most part. Sometimes I flaked thread but that happened very rarely and largely near the end. It's just how I play mafia, as well as how much my schedule allowed for me to do this.
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