Character Discussion Beast Pirates' Calamities Rework (Fanfiction)

After discussing a bit with @RayanOO , I want to elaborate further. About how should Oda write the Calamities imo. Basically, this is a "what if / fanfiction" thread.

1. King The Wildfire

Let's start with King. While there are some missed opportunities, but I think King is already the best written out of the 3, that he needs the least rework.

Devil Fruit: Fine as it is.

Missed opportunities:
- Oda should have shown the moment Kaido and King travelled together in duo to Marineford, instead of just telling it via Vivre Card or SBS.
In that little flashback, Oda should have explained two things: the motive Kaido wanted to meet Whitebeard (did he really want to attack Whitebeard, or did he want to help him as a fellow former Rocks member, or did he try to stop Whitebeard going to Marineford knowing that was a suicide, or is there any other reason). The second thing is, what actually happened between Kaido / King and Red Hair Pirates: did they talk out of it, did Shanks wifi diff Kaido, etc.

Anyway, let me remind: Kaido and King tried to "attack" Whitebeard on his way to Marineford is not a chicken thing.
Otw-to-Marineford Whitebeard actually had gathered more allies, 43 allied crews than the usual Whitebeard on his regular days. Attacking Whitebeard in that moment was worse than attacking Whitebeard on his regular days.

- King should at least have basic CoC. It is only fitting for King to have Supreme King Haki or CoC.
Can't really comment on awakening part, because Onigashima Oda was really off. He didn't bother to give awakening to even Kaido and Big Mom, and also to Marco, Queen and Jack. Then he also didn't bother to give or show Kizaru's awakening in Egghead.

- As @Sentinel pointed out, his Wildfire should have played more role during act 3. The explosion caused by Kanjuro, could be rewritten as it was caused by King's Wildfire.

2. Queen The Plague
Next is Queen. Queen is the one Calamity that needs the most rework imo.
First of all, let's forget the whole Queen's canon character. Let's forget Queen the Judge's Friend. Let's forget Queen the Franky's dad (the 2 didn't even interact during the whole long arc).

Queen's identity should be Evil Hiyori.

Devil fruit: Not sure. Instead of canon Queen's Brachiosaurus, a female Queen maybe fits more with Queen Bee or Queen of another strong insect DF, leading an army of insect fruit users. But that would feel too similar with Black Maria's Spider DF.

I think Hiyori could genuinely sided with Kaido and Beast Pirates. Unlike Viola, who joined Donquxiote Family but actually against them. And unlike Pudding, who pretended to be good, but changed to good for real mid way. She should be the antagonist until the end, or at least until Wano arc's ending.

"But Hiyori is Oden's daughter, how could she become evil??"
I can think of a build up:
Since the beginning, Oda writes Oden cared more for his adventure than his country's well being. He turned his back knowing there was something wrong in Wano, and still chose to continue his adventure with Roger, leaving his family and sick Toki behind.
That could be the start of Hiyori not liking on his dad, thinking his dad is selfish. She started growing closer to her mom Lady Toki, and to 1 of her retainer Kawamatsu, than to Oden.
Then story continued like how it is in the manga: Oden came back, got tricked by Orochi and Kaido, and ended up dancing naked in street for 5 years like complete moron. Instead of forcing readers to think how Oden is this good, perfect, likeable character, Oda could make that his stupid action should have deeper consequence. Deeper than "oooh he acted stupid but actually he had good motive, Lord Oden so good!!".
The consequence being Hiyori is disappointed and hated him more, in similar way Doflamingo was disappointed and hated his own father.
Then after Oden got executed like how he was in manga, we had Orochi and his goons (note: not the Beast Pirates) killed Lady Toki and Kawamatsu. Instead of just capturing Kawamatsu and throw him to Udon for 20 years, he was killed in this scenario. Both Toki and Kawamatsu were killed by Orochi's side in front of Hiyori.

Hiyori, just like Doflamingo, started to think and blamed everything that happened to her, her family, and her country was not fully because of Orochi and Beast Pirates, but also because of the incompetence and stupidity of his dad, Oden. Oden's naivety of doing nothing but dancing naked for 5 years resulted in Toki and Kawamatsu's death and Wano in ruins. She kept thinking Wano was doing alright for centuries since Ryuma's story, but it fell during incompetent Oden's era.

At first, Hiyori didn't instantly join with the Beast Pirates. But Kaido met her, saw the potential in her (Oden was Natural Born Monster, she could inherit this), and slowly trying to recruit her, along with the line:
Kaido: You interest me. Your eyes are different from the eyes of the other Wano weaklings. Just below the surface, I see the darkness inside you. Surely you must felt it too."
Then slowly Hiyori got interested in joining Beast Pirates, climbing the rank until she reaches Calamity as Queen. Kaido gave the young Hiyori protection, good food and good life, she began to genuinely liked joining the crew.

"But-but Sanji can't defeat her then! He can't hurt female!!". Chill, there is always Flying Six for him.
Oden's daughter, Queen Hiyori's arc opponent should be Kaido's daughter, Yamato.

One more thing, this scene
Swap King with Queen Hiyori and her sword. Although it would lessen the relationship between Kaido and King, but Hiyori's matter with Orochi is more personal. Orochi's goons killed Toki and Kawamatsu. She is never loyal to Orochi and only loyal to Kaido and got along with Kaido's Beast Pirates, except Jack.

Scene happened after Orochi's death:

Proceeded to target Kurozumi Tama the whole raid

The real Queen the Judge's friend can still exist, but not as Calamity. He can work as goofy scientist and part of Flying Six. The counterpart of Oven or Daifuku. Not as Franky's dad though, if Oda never bothered the 2 interacting.

3. Jack the Drought
Devil Fruit: Fine as it is.

Already mentioned this several times, Jack being 28 years old, the same with Yamato, the 2 should be childhood friend.

Jack's backstory should be expanded. Similar to King, child Jack was saved by Kaido. Probably from slave auction house like the one in Sabaody Archipelago. Jack was sold as a kid fishman, but Beast Pirates invaded the island where auction house was, Kaido met Jack and recruited him.

Kid Jack was a good boy. When he first joined the Beast Pirates, he kinda had a hard time fitting in, because everyone acted more violent than the former slave.
He tried to befriend kid Hiyori, but Hiyori was naturally more evil.
He got bullied like Momo, and couldn't befriend her, because just like almost everyone else in Beast Pirates, she was very violent.

Then, he found kid Yamato which is same age with him, and the 2 quickly became good friends. Everything good until Oden's execution day.
Just like in manga, Yamato slowly hating his own dad and siding with Oden and Wano samurais. But unlike Yamato, Jack was personally saved by Kaido, he got conflicted siding either with his savior or his childhood friend. Eventually, he sided with Kaido the savior and became more distant with Yamato.

Since Jack was supposed to be more of a good guy in the scenario more than how he actually is in the manga. I would change a bit thing of his invasion at Zou.
Jack shouldn't have done this.
He never tortured the minks, he never cut the dukes' limbs. Instead, he fought them, couldn't defeat them, got frustrated and resorted to use poison gas like in the manga.
But after that, he left the island, leaving the minks to die, but we know Chopper came and saved them all.

At first I thought he should have fought Yamato, the childhood friend. But since the Oden cosplayer was more fitting to fight Oden's daughter, then Jack can have the dukes, or Jinbe. Deciding who is the stronger fishman, the strongest known fishman from Fishman Island, or the hidden gem that was kidnapped early and sold as slave.
Long story short, Jinbe beat him, leaving unconscious Jack behind. But having zoan recovery, later he got up again like how Ulti got up again after Big Mom pierced her stomach. He was still wounded then met Yamato. Jack quickly got overpowered in his wounded state, but Yamato didn't want to land the finishing blow to her childhood friend.
As Jack began to hesitating, Hiyori came, pissed off at the thought of hesitating Jack, then KOed him. And the 2 began to fight.

Jack's future role post Wano arc should be what Kaya is, to Yamato's Usopp (Yamato joined the crew btw). Childhood friend waiting in hometown and potential EoS pairing.

Thoughts? Feel free to add how you want to rework Calamities as well. Just refrain from posting low IQ nonsense like "but I think King should fight Sanji because both wear black, are fast, can fly, and have dick (can't confirm the last part though after what happened during timeskip).
@JoNdule @Sentinel @Tyki_Mikk @Steven @MonsterKaido @ZenZu @TheAncientCenturion @TheKnightOfTheSea @Embers Kaios @Sir Yasheen @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier @Buusatan94 @nik87 @L57 @The DevilMaster @Elder Lee Hung @Kizaruber Eats etc.
Take in mind Oda didn't give Kaido even a proper flashback, only half chapter in a arc with 150 chapters where he was the main villian. We never know why Kaido want to suicide, why he believe that pirates betray, why he took on wano and who lead him to that, we never know why he gone after Whitebeard wlth King and why they stopped(most likely Shanks but why and how).
We never know who defeated Kaido 7 times.

Kaido the main villian was threated poor in my opinion, King and the other calamity getting worse threatment is not surprising me.

King should clearly have CoC, literally his name as King fit into it. Also he deserved to have awakening, lunarian power with awakening would be broken. I mean fucking Kaku awakened but not King, yeah...

Longer flashback for King and his background would be perfect.

Kizaruber Eats

Left with no reason, we come undone
After discussing a bit with @RayanOO , I want to elaborate further. About how should Oda write the Calamities imo. Basically, this is a "what if / fanfiction" thread.

1. King The Wildfire
Let's start with King. While there are some missed opportunities, but I think King is already the best written out of the 3, that he needs the least rework.

Devil Fruit: Fine as it is.

Missed opportunities:
- Oda should have shown the moment Kaido and King travelled together in duo to Marineford, instead of just telling it via Vivre Card or SBS.
In that little flashback, Oda should have explained two things: the motive Kaido wanted to meet Whitebeard (did he really want to attack Whitebeard, or did he want to help him as a fellow former Rocks member, or did he try to stop Whitebeard going to Marineford knowing that was a suicide, or is there any other reason). The second thing is, what actually happened between Kaido / King and Red Hair Pirates: did they talk out of it, did Shanks wifi diff Kaido, etc.

Anyway, let me remind: Kaido and King tried to "attack" Whitebeard on his way to Marineford is not a chicken thing.
Otw-to-Marineford Whitebeard actually had gathered more allies, 43 allied crews than the usual Whitebeard on his regular days. Attacking Whitebeard in that moment was worse than attacking Whitebeard on his regular days.

- King should at least have basic CoC. It is only fitting for King to have Supreme King Haki or CoC.
Can't really comment on awakening part, because Onigashima Oda was really off. He didn't bother to give awakening to even Kaido and Big Mom, and also to Marco, Queen and Jack. Then he also didn't bother to give or show Kizaru's awakening in Egghead.

- As @Sentinel pointed out, his Wildfire should have played more role during act 3. The explosion caused by Kanjuro, could be rewritten as it was caused by King's Wildfire.

2. Queen The Plague
Next is Queen. Queen is the one Calamity that needs the most rework imo.
First of all, let's forget the whole Queen's canon character. Let's forget Queen the Judge's Friend. Let's forget Queen the Franky's dad (the 2 didn't even interact during the whole long arc).

Queen's identity should be Evil Hiyori.

Devil fruit: Not sure. Instead of canon Queen's Brachiosaurus, a female Queen maybe fits more with Queen Bee or Queen of another strong insect DF, leading an army of insect fruit users. But that would feel too similar with Black Maria's Spider DF.

I think Hiyori could genuinely sided with Kaido and Beast Pirates. Unlike Viola, who joined Donquxiote Family but actually against them. And unlike Pudding, who pretended to be good, but changed to good for real mid way. She should be the antagonist until the end, or at least until Wano arc's ending.

"But Hiyori is Oden's daughter, how could she become evil??"
I can think of a build up:
Since the beginning, Oda writes Oden cared more for his adventure than his country's well being. He turned his back knowing there was something wrong in Wano, and still chose to continue his adventure with Roger, leaving his family and sick Toki behind.
That could be the start of Hiyori not liking on his dad, thinking his dad is selfish. She started growing closer to her mom Lady Toki, and to 1 of her retainer Kawamatsu, than to Oden.
Then story continued like how it is in the manga: Oden came back, got tricked by Orochi and Kaido, and ended up dancing naked in street for 5 years like complete moron. Instead of forcing readers to think how Oden is this good, perfect, likeable character, Oda could make that his stupid action should have deeper consequence. Deeper than "oooh he acted stupid but actually he had good motive, Lord Oden so good!!".
The consequence being Hiyori is disappointed and hated him more, in similar way Doflamingo was disappointed and hated his own father.
Then after Oden got executed like how he was in manga, we had Orochi and his goons (note: not the Beast Pirates) killed Lady Toki and Kawamatsu. Instead of just capturing Kawamatsu and throw him to Udon for 20 years, he was killed in this scenario. Both Toki and Kawamatsu were killed by Orochi's side in front of Hiyori.

Hiyori, just like Doflamingo, started to think and blamed everything that happened to her, her family, and her country was not fully because of Orochi and Beast Pirates, but also because of the incompetence and stupidity of his dad, Oden. Oden's naivety of doing nothing but dancing naked for 5 years resulted in Toki and Kawamatsu's death and Wano in ruins. She kept thinking Wano was doing alright for centuries since Ryuma's story, but it fell during incompetent Oden's era.

At first, Hiyori didn't instantly join with the Beast Pirates. But Kaido met her, saw the potential in her (Oden was Natural Born Monster, she could inherit this), and slowly trying to recruit her, along with the line:

Then slowly Hiyori got interested in joining Beast Pirates, climbing the rank until she reaches Calamity as Queen. Kaido gave the young Hiyori protection, good food and good life, she began to genuinely liked joining the crew.

"But-but Sanji can't defeat her then! He can't hurt female!!". Chill, there is always Flying Six for him.
Oden's daughter, Queen Hiyori's arc opponent should be Kaido's daughter, Yamato.

One more thing, this scene
Swap King with Queen Hiyori and her sword. Although it would lessen the relationship between Kaido and King, but Hiyori's matter with Orochi is more personal. Orochi's goons killed Toki and Kawamatsu. She is never loyal to Orochi and only loyal to Kaido and got along with Kaido's Beast Pirates, except Jack.

Scene happened after Orochi's death:

Proceeded to target Kurozumi Tama the whole raid

The real Queen the Judge's friend can still exist, but not as Calamity. He can work as goofy scientist and part of Flying Six. The counterpart of Oven or Daifuku. Not as Franky's dad though, if Oda never bothered the 2 interacting.

3. Jack the Drought
Devil Fruit: Fine as it is.

Already mentioned this several times, Jack being 28 years old, the same with Yamato, the 2 should be childhood friend.

Jack's backstory should be expanded. Similar to King, child Jack was saved by Kaido. Probably from slave auction house like the one in Sabaody Archipelago. Jack was sold as a kid fishman, but Beast Pirates invaded the island where auction house was, Kaido met Jack and recruited him.

Kid Jack was a good boy. When he first joined the Beast Pirates, he kinda had a hard time fitting in, because everyone acted more violent than the former slave.
He tried to befriend kid Hiyori, but Hiyori was naturally more evil.
He got bullied like Momo, and couldn't befriend her, because just like almost everyone else in Beast Pirates, she was very violent.

Then, he found kid Yamato which is same age with him, and the 2 quickly became good friends. Everything good until Oden's execution day.
Just like in manga, Yamato slowly hating his own dad and siding with Oden and Wano samurais. But unlike Yamato, Jack was personally saved by Kaido, he got conflicted siding either with his savior or his childhood friend. Eventually, he sided with Kaido the savior and became more distant with Yamato.

Since Jack was supposed to be more of a good guy in the scenario more than how he actually is in the manga. I would change a bit thing of his invasion at Zou.
Jack shouldn't have done this.
He never tortured the minks, he never cut the dukes' limbs. Instead, he fought them, couldn't defeat them, got frustrated and resorted to use poison gas like in the manga.
But after that, he left the island, leaving the minks to die, but we know Chopper came and saved them all.

At first I thought he should have fought Yamato, the childhood friend. But since the Oden cosplayer was more fitting to fight Oden's daughter, then Jack can have the dukes, or Jinbe. Deciding who is the stronger fishman, the strongest known fishman from Fishman Island, or the hidden gem that was kidnapped early and sold as slave.
Long story short, Jinbe beat him, leaving unconscious Jack behind. But having zoan recovery, later he got up again like how Ulti got up again after Big Mom pierced her stomach. He was still wounded then met Yamato. Jack quickly got overpowered in his wounded state, but Yamato didn't want to land the finishing blow to her childhood friend.
As Jack began to hesitating, Hiyori came, pissed off at the thought of hesitating Jack, then KOed him. And the 2 began to fight.

Jack's future role post Wano arc should be what Kaya is, to Yamato's Usopp (Yamato joined the crew btw). Childhood friend waiting in hometown and potential EoS pairing.

Thoughts? Feel free to add how you want to rework Calamities as well. Just refrain from posting low IQ nonsense like "but I think King should fight Sanji because both wear black, are fast, can fly, and have dick (can't confirm the last part though after what happened during timeskip).
@JoNdule @Sentinel @Tyki_Mikk @Steven @MonsterKaido @ZenZu @TheAncientCenturion @TheKnightOfTheSea @Embers Kaios @Sir Yasheen @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier @Buusatan94 @nik87 @L57 @The DevilMaster @Elder Lee Hung @Kizaruber Eats etc.
Excellent post, thanks for the tag. There's a lot here I really agree and resonate with, especially evil Hiyori which is something I had hoped for too. She would have really suffered being Komurasaki especially for Cockroachi for these 2 decades and thus it would have made her more bitter, cynical imo.
Denjiro was too much of a good guy and his character was immediately ruined and irrelevant upon being revealed as a traitor to Orochi ironically. Kyoshiro was far more interesting and being setup as an amazing fight for Zoro.

You thought of that same Queen Bee idea as me which I love but for Hiyori ofc (Beeyori lmao), we could have Hiyori being Kaidos replacement for his own child refusing to be a calamity and loyal to him too. I felt jack played that role too, given his identical age, to Yamato, kaidos affection for him and such but still.

I wanted to see King causing wildfires which Zoro and Kin’emon could fight with fire cutting and thus Sanji could run in with the raid suit, using its fireproof nature to save people, thus Super Sentai Firefighter Sanji too.

But yeah to get back to your post, you've put far more thought and care into this with than Oda did and stuff like Kaido going to Marineford which is the bare minimum we needed and an important plotline yer never shown and elaborated on, especially with Kaido gone now and Shanks getting the spotlight finally is immensely frustrating.

I would have made Queen a 4th calamity here I guess or Ulti, the "Ace" card of the crew or maybe even Drake idk, but Queen would make most sense ofc.

But yeah this is genuinely far better than what we got and I'm glad to see Oden being called out for the hypocritical, sefish POS he is. His amazing final act doesn't redeem Al the nonsense he did, caused and openly enabled for years in the first place.
Never asking Whitebeard amd Roger for help too just makes my blood boil like he boiled too ofc lmfao.

Kizaruber Eats

Left with no reason, we come undone
Take in mind Oda didn't give Kaido even a proper flashback, only half chapter in a arc with 150 chapters where he was the main villian. We never know why Kaido want to suicide, why he believe that pirates betray, why he took on wano and who lead him to that, we never know why he gone after Whitebeard wlth King and why they stopped(most likely Shanks but why and how).
We never know who defeated Kaido 7 times.

Kaido the main villian was threated poor in my opinion, King and the other calamity getting worse threatment is not surprising me.

King should clearly have CoC, literally his name as King fit into it. Also he deserved to have awakening, lunarian power with awakening would be broken. I mean fucking Kaku awakened but not King, yeah...

Longer flashback for King and his background would be perfect.
Completely agree man, always my sentiments and frustrations here, you're always on point when it comesto things like these.

Kaido and King only got 1 arc too ffs, and even then he was competing with Orochi as the main villain until Onigashima especially and Kanjuro took opportunity from Jack and King to be more relevant. Jack appeared just to get wrecked by Shutenmaru ffs lmao.
You has to rewrite the entire Wano Arc to make them good

Kaido and Jack in their introducen were awesome.

But then,Jack become a Meme in Wano and Kaido a written mess with plotpoints which got introduced but never awnswered or talked again.No idea how you can fail SO much with 1 character.For the "Main" Villain of like what,3 Arcs,that was a joke.
I think i would preferred ic Queen was a martial artist wbile King was a swordsman and Jack a fishmen karate user. Oda isn't even trying anymore. :whitepress:
After discussing a bit with @RayanOO , I want to elaborate further. About how should Oda write the Calamities imo. Basically, this is a "what if / fanfiction" thread.

1. King The Wildfire
Let's start with King. While there are some missed opportunities, but I think King is already the best written out of the 3, that he needs the least rework.

Devil Fruit: Fine as it is.

Missed opportunities:
- Oda should have shown the moment Kaido and King travelled together in duo to Marineford, instead of just telling it via Vivre Card or SBS.
In that little flashback, Oda should have explained two things: the motive Kaido wanted to meet Whitebeard (did he really want to attack Whitebeard, or did he want to help him as a fellow former Rocks member, or did he try to stop Whitebeard going to Marineford knowing that was a suicide, or is there any other reason). The second thing is, what actually happened between Kaido / King and Red Hair Pirates: did they talk out of it, did Shanks wifi diff Kaido, etc.

Anyway, let me remind: Kaido and King tried to "attack" Whitebeard on his way to Marineford is not a chicken thing.
Otw-to-Marineford Whitebeard actually had gathered more allies, 43 allied crews than the usual Whitebeard on his regular days. Attacking Whitebeard in that moment was worse than attacking Whitebeard on his regular days.

- King should at least have basic CoC. It is only fitting for King to have Supreme King Haki or CoC.
Can't really comment on awakening part, because Onigashima Oda was really off. He didn't bother to give awakening to even Kaido and Big Mom, and also to Marco, Queen and Jack. Then he also didn't bother to give or show Kizaru's awakening in Egghead.

- As @Sentinel pointed out, his Wildfire should have played more role during act 3. The explosion caused by Kanjuro, could be rewritten as it was caused by King's Wildfire.

2. Queen The Plague
Next is Queen. Queen is the one Calamity that needs the most rework imo.
First of all, let's forget the whole Queen's canon character. Let's forget Queen the Judge's Friend. Let's forget Queen the Franky's dad (the 2 didn't even interact during the whole long arc).

Queen's identity should be Evil Hiyori.

Devil fruit: Not sure. Instead of canon Queen's Brachiosaurus, a female Queen maybe fits more with Queen Bee or Queen of another strong insect DF, leading an army of insect fruit users. But that would feel too similar with Black Maria's Spider DF.

I think Hiyori could genuinely sided with Kaido and Beast Pirates. Unlike Viola, who joined Donquxiote Family but actually against them. And unlike Pudding, who pretended to be good, but changed to good for real mid way. She should be the antagonist until the end, or at least until Wano arc's ending.

"But Hiyori is Oden's daughter, how could she become evil??"
I can think of a build up:
Since the beginning, Oda writes Oden cared more for his adventure than his country's well being. He turned his back knowing there was something wrong in Wano, and still chose to continue his adventure with Roger, leaving his family and sick Toki behind.
That could be the start of Hiyori not liking on his dad, thinking his dad is selfish. She started growing closer to her mom Lady Toki, and to 1 of her retainer Kawamatsu, than to Oden.
Then story continued like how it is in the manga: Oden came back, got tricked by Orochi and Kaido, and ended up dancing naked in street for 5 years like complete moron. Instead of forcing readers to think how Oden is this good, perfect, likeable character, Oda could make that his stupid action should have deeper consequence. Deeper than "oooh he acted stupid but actually he had good motive, Lord Oden so good!!".
The consequence being Hiyori is disappointed and hated him more, in similar way Doflamingo was disappointed and hated his own father.
Then after Oden got executed like how he was in manga, we had Orochi and his goons (note: not the Beast Pirates) killed Lady Toki and Kawamatsu. Instead of just capturing Kawamatsu and throw him to Udon for 20 years, he was killed in this scenario. Both Toki and Kawamatsu were killed by Orochi's side in front of Hiyori.

Hiyori, just like Doflamingo, started to think and blamed everything that happened to her, her family, and her country was not fully because of Orochi and Beast Pirates, but also because of the incompetence and stupidity of his dad, Oden. Oden's naivety of doing nothing but dancing naked for 5 years resulted in Toki and Kawamatsu's death and Wano in ruins. She kept thinking Wano was doing alright for centuries since Ryuma's story, but it fell during incompetent Oden's era.

At first, Hiyori didn't instantly join with the Beast Pirates. But Kaido met her, saw the potential in her (Oden was Natural Born Monster, she could inherit this), and slowly trying to recruit her, along with the line:

Then slowly Hiyori got interested in joining Beast Pirates, climbing the rank until she reaches Calamity as Queen. Kaido gave the young Hiyori protection, good food and good life, she began to genuinely liked joining the crew.

"But-but Sanji can't defeat her then! He can't hurt female!!". Chill, there is always Flying Six for him.
Oden's daughter, Queen Hiyori's arc opponent should be Kaido's daughter, Yamato.

One more thing, this scene
Swap King with Queen Hiyori and her sword. Although it would lessen the relationship between Kaido and King, but Hiyori's matter with Orochi is more personal. Orochi's goons killed Toki and Kawamatsu. She is never loyal to Orochi and only loyal to Kaido and got along with Kaido's Beast Pirates, except Jack.

Scene happened after Orochi's death:

Proceeded to target Kurozumi Tama the whole raid

The real Queen the Judge's friend can still exist, but not as Calamity. He can work as goofy scientist and part of Flying Six. The counterpart of Oven or Daifuku. Not as Franky's dad though, if Oda never bothered the 2 interacting.

3. Jack the Drought
Devil Fruit: Fine as it is.

Already mentioned this several times, Jack being 28 years old, the same with Yamato, the 2 should be childhood friend.

Jack's backstory should be expanded. Similar to King, child Jack was saved by Kaido. Probably from slave auction house like the one in Sabaody Archipelago. Jack was sold as a kid fishman, but Beast Pirates invaded the island where auction house was, Kaido met Jack and recruited him.

Kid Jack was a good boy. When he first joined the Beast Pirates, he kinda had a hard time fitting in, because everyone acted more violent than the former slave.
He tried to befriend kid Hiyori, but Hiyori was naturally more evil.
He got bullied like Momo, and couldn't befriend her, because just like almost everyone else in Beast Pirates, she was very violent.

Then, he found kid Yamato which is same age with him, and the 2 quickly became good friends. Everything good until Oden's execution day.
Just like in manga, Yamato slowly hating his own dad and siding with Oden and Wano samurais. But unlike Yamato, Jack was personally saved by Kaido, he got conflicted siding either with his savior or his childhood friend. Eventually, he sided with Kaido the savior and became more distant with Yamato.

Since Jack was supposed to be more of a good guy in the scenario more than how he actually is in the manga. I would change a bit thing of his invasion at Zou.
Jack shouldn't have done this.
He never tortured the minks, he never cut the dukes' limbs. Instead, he fought them, couldn't defeat them, got frustrated and resorted to use poison gas like in the manga.
But after that, he left the island, leaving the minks to die, but we know Chopper came and saved them all.

At first I thought he should have fought Yamato, the childhood friend. But since the Oden cosplayer was more fitting to fight Oden's daughter, then Jack can have the dukes, or Jinbe. Deciding who is the stronger fishman, the strongest known fishman from Fishman Island, or the hidden gem that was kidnapped early and sold as slave.
Long story short, Jinbe beat him, leaving unconscious Jack behind. But having zoan recovery, later he got up again like how Ulti got up again after Big Mom pierced her stomach. He was still wounded then met Yamato. Jack quickly got overpowered in his wounded state, but Yamato didn't want to land the finishing blow to her childhood friend.
As Jack began to hesitating, Hiyori came, pissed off at the thought of hesitating Jack, then KOed him. And the 2 began to fight.

Jack's future role post Wano arc should be what Kaya is, to Yamato's Usopp (Yamato joined the crew btw). Childhood friend waiting in hometown and potential EoS pairing.

Thoughts? Feel free to add how you want to rework Calamities as well. Just refrain from posting low IQ nonsense like "but I think King should fight Sanji because both wear black, are fast, can fly, and have dick (can't confirm the last part though after what happened during timeskip).
@JoNdule @Sentinel @Tyki_Mikk @Steven @MonsterKaido @ZenZu @TheAncientCenturion @TheKnightOfTheSea @Embers Kaios @Sir Yasheen @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier @Buusatan94 @nik87 @L57 @The DevilMaster @Elder Lee Hung @Kizaruber Eats etc.
I can't express how much I LOVE the evil Hiyori part. Oda wasted and ruined her entire character, every time I thought it can't get worse he surpassed himself once more. The Jack&Yamato part is good too.
It still frustrates me how terribly written the Wano arc was. What was Loda thinking when he wrote this incoherent, character bloated mess with some of the most stupid characters in the whole show (Loden aka Oda's self insert, I'm looking at you).
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Oh and the Queen being Franky's dad part is just ridiculous
Loda really doesn't care anymore
1. King The Wildfire
Design edit:

Devil Fruit edit:

Mythical Zoan: Wyvern Dragon.

Personality edit:

A conqueror, complete psychopath that feels indifferent to anyone including his own captain, unlike the canon Joyboy cheerleading pussyboy. Having once killed a Flying Six member solely because he joked about taking his rank one day.

This King is a totally different monster that left the Red Line and formed his own army of Nazguls to conquer the New World "flithy lowly human lands" as an advocate for Lunarian supremacy, only to be ultimately crushed by the Oni race representative Kaido, whom King followed out of fear and anticipation to understand the secert behind his Oni genes and surpass him later.

Completely erase the scene of him jobbing to Ryokugyu, King was actually killed by Zoro in an epic double spread after the former told Zoro he would go on and pay Koushirou and the kids a visit in East Blue when he's done killing Zoro.

Might do one for them later.

Generally Queen has the same appearance but thinner, needs a mythical Zoan version of poisonous creatures like scorpions.

Jack is fine DF-wise, but give him bigger legs and let him job significantly less.
Devil Fruit edit:

Mythical Zoan: Wyvern Dragon.

This is cool, although would feel too similar to Kaido and the 2 belonging in same organization.
But can be seen as "there are 2 dragons in the crew" :steef: Hypes King's relevance to be closer to Kaido than to the rest of Beast Pirates.

Personality edit:

A conqueror, complete psychopath that feels indifferent to anyone including his own captain, unlike the canon Joyboy cheerleading pussyboy.

This King is a totally different monster that left the Red Line and formed his own army of Nazguls to conquer the New World "flithy lowly human lands" as an advocate for Lunarian supremacy, only to be ultimately crushed by the Oni race representative Kaido, whom King followed out of fear and anticipation to understand the secert behind his Oni genes and surpass him later.

Completely erase the scene of him jobbing to Ryokugyu, King was actually killed by Zoro in an epic double spread after the former told Zoro he would go on and pay Koushirou and the kids a visit in East Blue when he's done killing Zoro.
This sucks.
"Big Bad number 2 secretly wanting to overthrow the number 1, only to fail and killed by protagonist, and later proven that power gap between ambitious number 2 & real number 1 to be very huge".
Loyal canon King > Barragan and his troupe's copycat.

The Joyboy worshipping had a mean too. His character developed from Joyboy's legend worshipper but abandons that legend he heard as kid, and becomes genuinely loyal to Kaido. When supposed Joyboy comes to challenge Kaido, he never hesitating or ever thinking to switch sides to childhood idol but still loyal to Kaido.
What happened with Greenbull should be 100% deleted though.
This is cool, although would feel too similar to Kaido and the 2 belonging in same organization.
But can be seen as "there are 2 dragons in the crew" :steef: Hypes King's relevance to be closer to Kaido than to the rest of Beast Pirates.

This sucks.
"Big Bad number 2 secretly wanting to overthrow the number 1, only to fail and killed by protagonist, and later proven that power gap between ambitious number 2 & real number 1 to be very huge".
Loyal canon King > Barragan and his troupe's copycat.

The Joyboy worshipping had a mean too. His character developed from Joyboy's legend worshipper but abandons that legend he heard as kid, and becomes genuinely loyal to Kaido. When supposed Joyboy comes to challenge Kaido, he never hesitating or ever thinking to switch sides to childhood idol but still loyal to Kaido.
What happened with Greenbull should be 100% deleted though.
How is it a copycat of Titty's awful Barragan troupe? The Beasts pirates hierarchy was repeatedly said to be strength-based system of meritocracy, where Kaido himself approves of lower-ranked members killing higher-ranked members to take their position.

Flying Six fight for calamity seats, while King, being a conqueror in this scenario, naturally aims for the Governor-General seat.

It's a massive ass flex for King as a character to be the sole commander of all Yonko crews actively trying to surpass his captain in a crew ruled by power. This could have easily been brought up when Meme asks King to join her and he simply replies with an alarming phrase that foreshadows his backstory: "my fate is not being a mere pirate subordinate in your filthy crew old hag..."
How is it a copycat of Titty's awful Barragan troupe? The Beasts pirates hierarchy was repeatedly said to be strength-based system of meritocracy, where Kaido himself approves of lower-ranked members killing higher-ranked members to take their position.

Flying Six fight for calamity seats, while King, being a conqueror in this scenario, naturally aims for the Governor-General seat.

It's a massive ass flex for King as a character to be the sole commander of all Yonko crews actively trying to surpass his captain in a crew ruled by power. This could have easily been brought up when Meme asks King to join her and he simply replies with an alarming phrase that foreshadows his backstory: "my fate is not being a mere pirate subordinate in your filthy crew old hag..."
Aizen defeated Barragan -> Barragan was forced to serve Aizen -> deep inside Barragan still wanted to overthrow Aizen -> defeated by Hachigen & Soifon, then used last resort attempt to kill Aizen but failed
King in your scenario falls to this trope. Defeated by Kaido, forced to serve him, secretly still wanting to defeat Kaido but can't because he is too weak.

If you want Kaido to defeat King first, and made King only wants to obey character stronger than him, he works better as Bajio to Yotanwa's Kaido than Aizen and Barragan.

The lower ranked members fight each other to get promoted and acknowledged by Kaido. The Calamities are already acknowledged by Kaido, they don't need to fight each other anymore.
Design edit:

Devil Fruit edit:

Mythical Zoan: Wyvern Dragon.

Personality edit:

A conqueror, complete psychopath that feels indifferent to anyone including his own captain, unlike the canon Joyboy cheerleading pussyboy. Having once killed a Flying Six member solely because he joked about taking his rank one day.

This King is a totally different monster that left the Red Line and formed his own army of Nazguls to conquer the New World "flithy lowly human lands" as an advocate for Lunarian supremacy, only to be ultimately crushed by the Oni race representative Kaido, whom King followed out of fear and anticipation to understand the secert behind his Oni genes and surpass him later.

Completely erase the scene of him jobbing to Ryokugyu, King was actually killed by Zoro in an epic double spread after the former told Zoro he would go on and pay Koushirou and the kids a visit in East Blue when he's done killing Zoro.

Might do one for them later.

Generally Queen has the same appearance but thinner, needs a mythical Zoan version of poisonous creatures like scorpions.

Jack is fine DF-wise, but give him bigger legs and let him job significantly less.
Lol Zoro wouldn't survive that. :gokulaugh:
Aizen defeated Barragan -> Barragan was forced to serve Aizen -> deep inside Barragan still wanted to overthrow Aizen -> defeated by Hachigen & Soifon, then used last resort attempt to kill Aizen but failed
King in your scenario falls to this trope. Defeated by Kaido, forced to serve him, secretly still wanting to defeat Kaido but can't because he is too weak.

If you want Kaido to defeat King first, and made King only wants to obey character stronger than him, he works better as Bajio to Yotanwa's Kaido than Aizen and Barragan.

The lower ranked members fight each other to get promoted and acknowledged by Kaido. The Calamities are already acknowledged by Kaido, they don't need to fight each other anymore.
This comparison is way off the cool scenario i had in mind, King wouldn't be hostile or "salty" towards Kaido for losing like Barragan is. It's more of an admiration of Kaido's Oni strength, but instead of letting it stimulate him to remain the average big bad minion, it motivates him to do enigmatic things in the story, not necessarily hold a grudge for an injured pride.

Closest exampe i could bring:

King would turn from a static antagonist with a fixed powerlevel sitting largely the same for decades like basement lord Katakuri or Barragan, to an interesting dynamic antagonist like Darth Vader, as someone that kept significantly decreasing the gap in strength between him and his captain, holding unrevealed objectives that ask for a more fleshed backstory to uncover.

King ultimately dying weaker than Kaido doesn't undermine this scenario, it still shows that he's peculiar amongst Zoro's opponents.

When Wano ended and King failed to fit all that, I started to and still, hope that Shiryu can assume the mantle.
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This comparison is way off the cool scenario i had in mind, King wouldn't be hostile or "salty" towards Kaido for losing like Barragan is. It's more of an admiration of Kaido's Oni strength, but instead of letting it stimulate him to remain the average big bad minion, it motivates him to do enigmatic things in the story, not necessarily hold a grudge for an injured pride.

King would turn from a static antagonist with a fixed powerlevel sitting largely the same for decades like basement lord Katakuri or Barragan, to an interesting dynamic antagonist like Dark Vader, as someone that kept significantly decreasing the gap in strength between him and his captain, holding unrevealed objectives that ask for a more fleshed backstory to uncover.

King ultimately dying weaker than Kaido doesn't undermine this scenario, it still shows that he's peculiar amongst Zoro's opponents.

When Wano ended and King failed to fit all that, I started to and still, hope that Shiryu can assume the mantle.
Well if King remains loyal to Kaido and didn't want to overthrow him but can't, like ambitious but pathetic bastard, then we cool.
Following Kaido, observing him, and thinking how to surpass him sounds good.

I got different meaning reading your initial post:
conqueror, complete psychopath that feels indifferent to anyone including his own captain
while King, being a conqueror in this scenario, naturally aims for the Governor-General seat.
Somehow got the vibe that you meant King would overthrow Kaido with whatever way just like Barragan's true intention.
Well if King remains loyal to Kaido and didn't want to overthrow him but can't, like ambitious but pathetic bastard, then we cool.
Following Kaido, observing him, and thinking how to surpass him sounds good.

I got different meaning reading your initial post:

Somehow got the vibe that you meant King would overthrow Kaido with whatever way just like Barragan's true intention.
Barragan and 99% of Kubo's antagonists are ass tbh.