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Sera played like 2020 Town Sera. No interest in lynching him today.
don't remember that tbh and my reads suck in general so i'm deeply influenced by this atm
The Orca
Crying bc no Cryo

Mr. Reloaded
Pot Goblin

Dr. Watson
Random Asshole

Above is my final PoE. These are roughly tiered, bottom is "basically wouldn't give a flying fuck if they died right now". Top is "I have some reasons to read these town, but would kick down this door after going through the rest"

14 players here but best I can do given how atrocious playing here is
DAY 4, VC 6
up to post #6,025

The lynch for today has been set to be between @Destroya , @Alexis2282AE , @Dr. Watson , @Seraphoenix and @Luka
Luka - 8
Dr. Watson - 6
Seraohoenix - 3
Destroya - 0

Flower: Luka > noone > Luka
The Orca: Dr. Watson
Yoho: Luka
Pot Goblin: Luka
Mr. Reloaded: Luka > Watson > Seraphoenix
Luka: Seraphoenix > Destroya > Seraphoenix
Destroya: Dr. Watson > Seraphoenix > Luka
Muugen: Luka
Indigo: Luka > Watson
Michelle: Dr. Watson
Charlie: Dr. Watson
Crying: Dr. Watson > Seraphoenix > Dr. Watson > Seraphoenix
Dr. Watson: Luka > unvote
Random Asshole: Dr. Watson
Kweh: Luka
Seraphoenix: Luka
Stargate18: Luka
Crowned Witch: Dr. Watson

DAY 4, VC 7
up to post #6,036

The lynch for today has been set to be between @Destroya , @Alexis2282AE , @Dr. Watson , @Seraphoenix and @Luka
Luka - 8
Dr. Watson - 7
Seraohoenix - 2
Destroya - 0

Flower: Luka > noone > Luka
The Orca: Dr. Watson
Yoho: Luka
Pot Goblin: Luka
Mr. Reloaded: Luka > Watson > Seraphoenix
Luka: Seraphoenix > Destroya > Seraphoenix
Destroya: Dr. Watson > Seraphoenix > Luka
Muugen: Luka
Indigo: Luka > Watson
Michelle: Dr. Watson
Charlie: Dr. Watson
Crying: Dr. Watson > Seraphoenix > Dr. Watson > Seraphoenix > Dr. Watson
Dr. Watson: Luka > unvote
Random Asshole: Dr. Watson
Kweh: Luka
Seraphoenix: Luka
Stargate18: Luka
Crowned Witch: Dr. Watson



red colored checked locations were picked already

Ground Floor
Entrance Hall
Entrance Courtyard
Great Hall
Staff Room
Filch’s office
Classroom 11

Potions Classroom - Yoho

Snape’s Office
Slytherin Common Room
Dungeon Corridors - Alexis2282AE

The Kitchen - Pot Goblin

Hufflepuff Common Room

Outside Buildings
Herbology Classroom - Stargate18
Charms Classroom - Red Night

Transfiguration Courtyard
Transfiguration Classroom

First Floor
Hospital Wing
Professor McGonagall’s Office - Charlie
Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom - Yo Tan Wa
Muggle Studies Classroom
History of Magic Classroom

Second Floor
Defense Against the Dark Arts Office
The Swiveling Staircase
Moaning Myrtle’s Bathroom
Slughorn’s Office

Third Floor
Trophy Room - Michelle

Armor Gallery - Random Asshole
The Charms Corridor - Destroya

Fourth Floor
The Library - Crowned Witch

Fifth Floor
Prefect’s Bathroom - Ratchet

Swamp (courtesy of Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes)
Statue of Gregory the Smarmy Corridor

Sixth Floor
Boy’s Bathroom
Girl’s Bathroom - Crying

Seventh Floor
Gryffindor Common Room
Divination Classroom
Room of Requirement - Indigo
Flitwick’s Office

The Towers
Dumbledore’s Office
Trelawney’s rooms
Ravenclaw Common Room
Tower Courtyard
Astronomy Tower - Ekko + Ultra
Owlery - KWEH

Ground Floor
Entrance Hall
Entrance Courtyard
Great Hall - Stargate18
Staff Room
Filch’s office
Classroom 11

Potions Classroom
Snape’s Office - Yoho
Slytherin Common Room - Crowned Witch

Dungeon Corridors

The Kitchen
Hufflepuff Common Room

Outside Buildings
Herbology Classroom
Charms Classroom
Transfiguration Courtyard - Charlie
Transfiguration Classroom

First Floor
Hospital Wing
Professor McGonagall’s Office
Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom
Muggle Studies Classroom - Mr. Reloaded
History of Magic Classroom

Second Floor
Defense Against the Dark Arts Office - Destroya

The Swiveling Staircase
Moaning Myrtle’s Bathroom - Crying
Slughorn’s Office

Third Floor
Trophy Room
Armor Gallery
The Charms Corridor

Fourth Floor
The Library

Fifth Floor
Prefect’s Bathroom
Swamp (courtesy of Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes) - Pot Goblin
Statue of Gregory the Smarmy Corridor

Sixth Floor
Boy’s Bathroom
Girl’s Bathroom

Seventh Floor
Gryffindor Common Room
Divination Classroom - Michelle
Room of Requirement
Flitwick’s Office

The Towers
Dumbledore’s Office - Indigo

Trelawney’s rooms
Ravenclaw Common Room
Tower Courtyard
Astronomy Tower

Ground Floor
Entrance Hall
Entrance Courtyard
Great Hall
Staff Room
Filch’s office
Classroom 11

Potions Classroom
Snape’s Office
Slytherin Common Room
Dungeon Corridors
Dungeons - Flower

The Kitchen
Hufflepuff Common Room

Outside Buildings
Herbology Classroom
Charms Classroom
Transfiguration Courtyard
Transfiguration Classroom

First Floor
Hospital Wing
Professor McGonagall’s Office
Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom
Muggle Studies Classroom
History of Magic Classroom

Second Floor
Defense Against the Dark Arts Office
The Swiveling Staircase
Moaning Myrtle’s Bathroom - Michelle
Slughorn’s Office

Third Floor
Trophy Room
Armor Gallery
The Charms Corridor

Fourth Floor
The Library

Fifth Floor
Prefect’s Bathroom
Swamp (courtesy of Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes)
Statue of Gregory the Smarmy Corridor - Charlie

Sixth Floor
Boy’s Bathroom
Girl’s Bathroom

Seventh Floor
Gryffindor Common Room
Divination Classroom - KWEH
Room of Requirement
Flitwick’s Office

The Towers
Dumbledore’s Office
Trelawney’s rooms
Ravenclaw Common Room
Tower Courtyard
Astronomy Tower

Clock Tower
Clock Tower Courtyard
Stone Bridge - Pot Goblin
Stone Circle
Hagrid’s Hut
Viaduct - Crying
Viaduct Entrance
Fluffy’s Corridor
Library Forbidden Section
Mirror of Erised Room
Chamber of Secrets - Crowned Witch

Ground Floor
Entrance Hall
Entrance Courtyard
Great Hall
Staff Room
Filch’s office
Classroom 11 - Charlie

Potions Classroom
Snape’s Office
Slytherin Common Room
Dungeon Corridors

The Kitchen
Hufflepuff Common Room

Outside Buildings
Herbology Classroom
Charms Classroom
Transfiguration Courtyard
Transfiguration Classroom

First Floor
Hospital Wing
Professor McGonagall’s Office
Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom
Muggle Studies Classroom
History of Magic Classroom

Second Floor
Defense Against the Dark Arts Office
The Swiveling Staircase
Moaning Myrtle’s Bathroom
Slughorn’s Office

Third Floor
Trophy Room
Armor Gallery
The Charms Corridor

Fourth Floor
The Library

Fifth Floor
Prefect’s Bathroom
Swamp (courtesy of Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes)
Statue of Gregory the Smarmy Corridor

Sixth Floor
Boy’s Bathroom - Crying

Girl’s Bathroom

Seventh Floor
Gryffindor Common Room
Divination Classroom
Room of Requirement
Flitwick’s Office

The Towers
Dumbledore’s Office
Trelawney’s rooms
Ravenclaw Common Room - Stargate18
Tower Courtyard
Astronomy Tower

Clock Tower - Mr. Reloaded

Clock Tower Courtyard
Stone Bridge
Stone Circle
Hagrid’s Hut - Michelle
Viaduct Entrance - Pot Goblin
Fluffy’s Corridor
Library Forbidden Section
Mirror of Erised Room
Chamber of Secrets

easier to look at list on locations that were not yet, at any point declared (mafia could've moved horcruxes to already visited locations and some of removed locations could've been visited by mafia, so like, feel free to pick something that's not here)
Ground Floor
Entrance Hall
Entrance Courtyard
Staff Room
Filch’s office

Dungeon Corridors

Hufflepuff Common Room

Outside Buildings
Transfiguration Classroom

First Floor
Hospital Wing
History of Magic Classroom

Second Floor
The Swiveling Staircase
Slughorn’s Office

Sixth Floor
Boy’s Bathroom

Seventh Floor
Gryffindor Common Room
Flitwick’s Office

The Towers
Trelawney’s rooms
Ravenclaw Common Room
Tower Courtyard

Clock Tower
Clock Tower Courtyard
Stone Circle
Hagrid’s Hut
Viaduct Entrance
Fluffy’s Corridor
Library Forbidden Section
Mirror of Erised Room

As earlier, if to tell where you're going you want not, just to red areas go not. Or not. Just go.

@Fujishiro @Dr_Professor83 @Pot Goblin @KWEH @Indigo @Charlie @Flower @Yoho @Luka @Mr. Reloaded @MUUGEN @The Orca @Seraphoenix @Dr. Watson @Crying bc no Cryo @Yo Tan Wa @Stargate18 @~UwU~ @Ratchet @EkkoLoJinx @Michelle @Random Asshole @Destroya @Crowned Witch

forgot to copy tags to last VC so look above
Day 4 ends


When were you under the impression this game is..
My father will hear about this

@Luka / Draco Malfoy has been lynched
Draco Malfoy

[Passive - Pure Blood Privilege] Draco Malfoy enjoys a life of privilege, therefore he will dodge the first negative action targeting him in the game.

[Passive - Lingering Guilty] If you participate in the lynch of a town player you will be riddled with guilt and your vote will count for 0 the following cycle.

[Passive - My Father Will Hear About This] If Draco is voted the first vote on him will be nullified.

[Active - Veiled Threat] Draco may send a message to a player of his choice.

[Active - Reluctant Ally] Draco may reluctantly choose to aid a player at night, rendering them tamper immune.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the wizarding world.
Day 4 ends
Night 4 begins

The winter feast begins!

Celebrate Christmas at Hogwarts with your fellow students and teachers

You may speak during this night

1- @Pot Goblin
2- @Sir Yasheen Justin Finch - Fletchley Killed Night 1
3- @KWEH
4- @Alwaysmind
5- @Indigo
6- @Polar Bear Nagini Lynched Day 1
7- @York Jacob Kowalski Killed Night 1
8- @Charlie
9- @Flower ??? Game Removed
10- @Alexis2282AE
11- @Yoho
12- @Xlaw @tepig19283
13- @Luka
14- @Mr. Reloaded
15- @Red Night
16- @The Orca
17- @Seraphoenix
18- @Dr. Watson
19- @Jesse Pinkman Replaced by @Crying bc no Cryo
20- @Yo Tan Wa
21- @Stargate18
22- @~UwU~
23- @Ratchet
24- @Jaguark101
25- @Ultra
26- @Emil
27- @Michelle
28- @Random Asshole
29- @Destroya
30- @Crowned Witch
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