According to Hitetsu, Enma will rise of grade if it becomes a Black Blade, so it implies that it was so for Yoru and Shusui or any future Black Blades, and it also would explain why no top tiers have Black Blades, because turning a Supreme Grade Blade Black has not been achieved ever yet..
Shusui is not superior to Ace, Murakumogiri, Shodai Kitetsu and Yakuza Kasen.. Or any Supreme Grade Blade that isn't Black..
2 Yonkos got Supreme Grade Blade, Shanks used same name technique as Roger, and he can CoC Lightning wifi control with his Sword, it's not far fetched to think that Gryphon could be a Supreme Grade Blade..
And Garling is hyped up for being a Swordsman, he was just promoted Gorosei, there already is one Gorosei with a Supreme Grade Blade, so again this one too is not far that he could be in possession of a Supreme Grade Blade..
Based on Hitetsu's words, Enma would rise rank if it became a Black Blade.. And Yoru and Shusui are different Graded Swords..