Controversial How did this fandom turn into a cult?


The only one who can beat me is me
There are always going to be extreme fans and opinions on both sides of the spectrum. One blindly supporting the series and oda irrespective of how bad certain things are and one blindly hating it.

It is same for most fanbases.
Nah One Piece fans in the west uniquely behave like cultists, someone needs to do a study on it. I have a theory on why it ended up like this.

I think it has to do with DBZ, Naruto, and Bleach. Most people started off with those as their gateway anime before getting into One Piece in the West, and it didn't help the Big 3 were ongoing at the same time.

Preskip One Piece was simply mogging the writing of Naruto and Bleach, going from Naruto's writing to preskip One Piece was like a new stronger drug just got introduced to your brain and these cult like One Piece fans are still living off that high. They've developed a superiority complex cause of it. One Piece hasn't been good in ages but they still act like Oda could do no wrong.
Preskip One Piece was simply mogging the writing of Naruto and Bleach, going from Naruto's writing to preskip One Piece was like a new stronger drug just got introduced to your brain and these cult like One Piece fans are still living off that high. They've developed a superiority complex cause of it. One Piece hasn't been good in ages but they still act like Oda could do no wrong.
That's really what happens with anything people consume, be it media lifestyle or any other shit basically
I watch a lot of fitness content, the latest fad is "science based lifting", where hundreds of thousands of dumbfucks watch some clickbait "muh science based" tutorial backed by one vague paper and think they understand better than literal Mr. Olympias and world class athletes.
Nah One Piece fans in the west uniquely behave like cultists, someone needs to do a study on it. I have a theory on why it ended up like this.

I think it has to do with DBZ, Naruto, and Bleach. Most people started off with those as their gateway anime before getting into One Piece in the West, and it didn't help the Big 3 were ongoing at the same time.

Preskip One Piece was simply mogging the writing of Naruto and Bleach, going from Naruto's writing to preskip One Piece was like a new stronger drug just got introduced to your brain and these cult like One Piece fans are still living off that high. They've developed a superiority complex cause of it. One Piece hasn't been good in ages but they still act like Oda could do no wrong.
Naruto has better characters and fights. One has better world building and plot. I do agree at the end the final arc of Naruto sucks. But best of Naruto > best of one piece for me.
Watching Naruto again, I feel the opposite.
Hard to watch, since the focus truly was on Sasuke the first arcs. He dragged to much around Sasuke.
Naruto was a bad maincharacter, trained 3 years only to learn nothing.
Was most times weakless and couldn´t do anything.

Plot around Akatsuki was however top tier and I agree it would clear Wano arc far.
After Danzo death, Naruto become worse.

I think Kishi should never bring alien/op god tier shit into his manga.
Stay with Ninja skills and taijutsu battles on solid lvl.
OP character moments > Naruto moments >>> Bleach moments

Naruto battles >>> OP battles > Bleach battles

Bleach drip >>> OP drip > Naruto drip

OP story > Naruto story >>> Bleach story

Naruto and Bleach only really got shat on during their final arcs but their mid-series everybody was praising them to high heaves. OP was still in mid-series by the time these two went on to their final arcs

OP fans only feel superior cuz of the longevity of the series. But the truth is, the longer a series goes on for, the shittier it gets. OP is no exception to that. It simply has a much bigger fanbase and much bigger factions
No not this. This is simply a baseless statement.

I will repeat again and again until it's heard : The quality did NOT drop. In fact it got better.

These type of people are actually the ones with the superiority complex:

- Do not understand the story on FACTUAL and TECHNICAL basis
- Can't stand that people are having the time of their lives.

One Piece is praised because it's continuously good and because it resonnate with people outside of the baseless and tasteless discussions that are on this forum. Are people praising Oda to much, on some things, yes, but the main praises are deserved.

I only worship my master Fujimoto

As for the big 3 they always had unique strengths, it just tourists, especially from the wano anime days, try to push agenda war shit.
Kishi to this day for example clears Oda and Kubo in character writing, the minato one shot is a testament to that to this day
Oda be brainwashing people :willight:
No. this forum has. Actually this forum and a very hatefull part of the fanbase.

The fanbase that thought that they would look more intelligent by being over-critical in area that are technically amazing.

Very similar to first years college studients in writing classes who think they can understand everything about storytelling because they have read all Stephen King's book, read Kingdom and Berserk twice and watched all the filmography of Kubrick.

And thus sh*t on everyone who loves to read trendy and popular stuff not understanding that they know absolutely nothing.

This forum is lost.
Watching Naruto again, I feel the opposite.
Hard to watch, since the focus truly was on Sasuke the first arcs. He dragged to much around Sasuke.
Naruto was a bad maincharacter, trained 3 years only to learn nothing.
Was most times weakless and couldn´t do anything.

Plot around Akatsuki was however top tier and I agree it would clear Wano arc far.
After Danzo death, Naruto become worse.

I think Kishi should never bring alien/op god tier shit into his manga.
Stay with Ninja skills and taijutsu battles on solid lvl.
Did you watch Japanese dub or German dub?
I will repeat again and again until it's heard : The quality did NOT drop. In fact it got better.
I hear you but i disagree.
- Do not understand the story on FACTUAL and TECHNICAL basis
Last tine you used those fancy sounding words you tried to explain in 2000 word essays why Carrot will join the crew and we all know where this went.
Oda be brainwashing people :willight:
Manipulative writing to boost sales.
That's why he's the GOAT of marketing

I only worship my master Fujimoto

As for the big 3 they always had unique strengths, it just tourists, especially from the wano anime days, try to push agenda war shit.
Kishi to this day for example clears Oda and Kubo in character writing, the minato one shot is a testament to that to this day
Are you rej's alt or is calling casual readers 'tourists' a thing?
Throughout the years, one piece fandom became more of a cult where they worship anything Oda do and excuse whatever he does

They also try hard to rewrite history
Always making up clickbaits on twitter and YouTube against other shonen or so.

People have really developed weird antics to praise their "goda" to the moon.

One Piece fans became one of the worst fandoms.

Ever since Naruto and Bleach ended, most fans started pushing stupid narratives to make OP seem like it's flawless and giving Oda credits that he himself doesn't realise.

@RayanOO @TheAncientCenturion @Tyki_Mikk
Genuinely way off base. Majority of people on forums about one piece are hating on one piece.
Big Meme

and Oda gets the worst of it.

Obviously all of this comes from a fringe minority, else the series wouldn't still be making money and the editors would cancel it. In fact I think I lot of the criticisms come from a few youtubers who are just fanning flames of delusion to get more views and more moolah.
Last tine you used those fancy sounding words you tried to explain in 2000 word essays why Carrot will join the crew and we all know where this went.
Which was a theory (or rather, an hypothesis). Again. People, you included, need to understand the difference between a theory and an analysis.

Carrot will join the crew : Theory
Carrot was crafted in her character design and story as a link between the Night and the Day : Analysis

What I did here about Carrot is : 20 % explaining my theory, 80% explaining the analysis of her character. And since people here can't understand the difference, they took the analysis as wrong because the conclusion of the theory was wrong. Big literacy mistake.

Again. When I say that One Piece got better, it's not a me showing my taste, it's me explaining the conclusion of a technical analysis.

But since people here do not understand what a narrative analysis here and are confusing it with an headcanon, they can't be convinced of anything.

Hence, the cult is in this forum right here (and with a few people outside, mainly in the influencer side). Not the fanbase who is loving One Piece.
There was a long ass time where One Piece was indeed peak shounen (and that’s where I tip my hats off to Oda, great longevity run). One Piece concepts were also unique even when compared to other unique and chic concepts like Naruto and Bleach.

Now a lot of the fans have gaslighted themselves that it can‘t ever have bad writing. A good first impression is a lasting one. Factor in that a lot of the readers have held onto this positive feeling about One Piece for years and has left a mark. Easy to trace why there’s rabid defenders, it’s common in a lot of fandoms and even politics or religion. Just how human psyche works.

Art and shit is also very subjective, you can’t deny that factor. Maybe it really is a flawless experience for those peeps.