Current Events Akainu’s Portrayal Never Ends


The only one who can beat me is me
We were talking about speed and attack speed, If Kaido can not only keep up with G5 but actually blitz him then why cant Shanks lol? And if he can then he can tag Kizaru its that simple bro.
Because Kaidou does purely blunt damage, Oda used him as a tool to have Luffy straight up tank his shit to showcase his enhanced durability and resistance to blunt damage. The Kaidou fight was a G5 showcase, you can bet your ass when Luffy is seeing a future where his head is being lopped off he will dodge instead of facetanking into looney tunes effects the way he was against Kaidou. Heck we even have an example of it here, he even saw this one coming

After getting hit like 20 times, this is the first Kaidou attack he was cautious about. This shitty demolition gust which is much weaker than those attacks. It's because he's still weak to them that he is simply more careful around them.

There is zero chance Luffy is fighting the same way he did against Kaidou, against someone who can cut him limb from limb.

Im sure a swordsman cant cut things.
Doubt that is Shanks' focus, I bet Shanks mostly uses AdCoA + AdCoC to create barriers like this while attacking

I'm pretty confident Shanks' is hardly gonna have any precision cutting attacks in his arsenal. I can already see the direction Oda is going with him. Divine Departure is more blunt than anything. Characters like Mihawk and Zoro would drop dead before purposefully creating a barrier infront of their blades to shield their opponents from their own cutting prowess. Shanks will probably be throwing these haki bombs out left and right, actually to the benefit of Luffy, cause he would rather face those than precision cuts.

Or like how does Kizaru win against Shanks? Flying high and bombarding him with hits ? Im pretty sure Shanks knows Airwalk lol. And when Kizaru bombards with his ligh hes stationary.
Idk, I didn't say Kizaru beats Shanks. I'm not gonna assume anything yet. But the onus is on Shanks rn. Kizaru might even have an awakening ontop of his speed and clones.


Lead them to paradise.
Because Kaidou does purely blunt damage, Oda used him as a tool to have Luffy straight up tank his shit to showcase his enhanced durability and resistance to blunt damage. The Kaidou fight was a G5 showcase, you can bet your ass when Luffy is seeing a future where his head is being lopped off he will dodged instead of facetanking into looney tunes effects the way he was against Kaidou. Heck we even have an example of it here, Luffy is taking these attacks, he even saw this one coming

After getting hit like 20 times, this is the first Kaidou attack he was cautious about. This shitty demolition gust which is much weaker than those attacks. It's because he's still weak to them that he is simply more careful around them.

There is zero chance Luffy is fighting the same way he did against Kaidou, against someone who can cut him limb from limb.
So wait youre saying Kaido isnt actually fast and blitzing Luffy but Luffy is allowing him to blitz him? Lol this is a new one. He saw that one attack because Yamato literally told him to look out lol.

Was he allowing him to catch up to him running away here:

Or here where he dodged lightning and jumped all the way up and tagged him?

There is more but I find this supposition funny, are you saying Kaido isnt that fast?

He dodged the demolition gust because its not that fast even the rooftop 5 were dodging them.

Doubt that is Shanks' focus, I bet Shanks mostly uses AdCoA + AdCoC to create barriers like this while attacking

I'm pretty confident Shanks' is hardly gonna have any precision cutting attacks in his arsenal. I can already see the direction Oda is going with him. Divine Departure is more blunt than anything. Characters like Mihawk and Zoro would drop dead before purposefully creating a barrier infront of their blades to shield their opponents from their own cutting prowess. Shanks will probably be throwing these haki bombs out left and right, actually to the benefit of Luffy, cause he would rather face those than precision cuts
Lets wait and see then.
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This is a pirate manga bro, where a Navy Admiral does everything in his power to lose against the literal pirate jesus and still ends up on top
Oda really went out of his way with Egghead, Luffy fans still speechless after that SBS drop


Lead them to paradise.
This is a pirate manga bro, where a Navy Admiral does everything in his power to lose against the literal pirate jesus and still ends up on top
Oda really went out of his way with Egghead, Luffy fans still speechless after that SBS drop
Was Kizaru doing his best to lose when he kept duking Luffy and running? Get real lol. If he tried everything in his power he shouldve stayed stationary and fought Luffy and then lose.


The only one who can beat me is me
So wait youre saying Kaido isnt actually fast and blitzing Luffy but Luffy is allowing him to blitz him? Lol this is a new one. He saw that one attack because Yamato literally told him to look out lol.

Was he allowing him to catch up to him running away here:

Or here where he dodged lightning and jumped all the way up and tagged him?

There is more but I find this supposition funny, are you saying Kaido isnt that fast?

Lets wait and see then.
No I'm saying Luffy isn't as careful around Kaidou as he would be against someone like Mihawk. Half of those attacks Kaidou landed were a showcase, look at the panel you posted. Luffy is literally clowning, he even looks back at Kaidou's kanabo before he gets hit. Yet he dodges demolition gust right away.

I'm not taking away Kaidou's top end speed when he starts picking it up during the final stage of the G5 fight, but Luffy already set a precedent early on in the fight that Kaidou's kanabo is a non lethal threat. He's looking to avoid demolition gust before avoiding a ragnarok, which is infinitely stronger.

Oda always makes Luffy fight a lot more cautiously around lethal attacks. Look no further than his fight against Katakuri, Kat could land anything and everything he wanted, but Oda shoehorned in mogura as this extremely telegraphed tool, Oda either makes them extremely telegraphed attacks, or makes Luffy more cautious around them, or a bit of both. Kaidou fight isn't a good reference to how Luffy with all the tools in the world, would fight against swordsmen. This isn't pretimeskip anymore.
Was Kizaru doing his best to lose when he kept duking Luffy and running? Get real lol. If he tried everything in his power he shouldve stayed stationary and fought Luffy and then lose.
What are you talking about, this is ndule level of Admiral hate lol
Kizaru was fighting Luffy the whole time, he only left at the end right before WSG
”kept duking Luffy and running” jeez


Lead them to paradise.
No I'm saying Luffy isn't as careful around Kaidou as he would be against someone like Mihawk. Half of those attacks Kaidou landed were a showcase, look at the panel you posted. Luffy is literally clowning, he even looks back at Kaidou's kanabo before he gets hit. Yet he dodges demolition gust right away.

I'm not taking away Kaidou's top end speed when he starts picking it up during the final stage of the G5 fight, but Luffy already set a precedent early on in the fight that Kaidou's kanabo is a non lethal threat. He's looking to avoid demolition gust before avoiding a ragnarok, which is infinitely stronger.

Oda always makes Luffy fight a lot more cautiously around lethal attacks. Look no further than his fight against Katakuri, Kat could land anything and everything he wanted, but Oda shoehorned in mogura as this extremely telegraphed tool, Oda either makes them extremely telegraphed attacks, or makes Luffy more cautious around them, or a bit of both. Kaidou fight isn't a good reference to how Luffy with all the tools in the world, would fight against swordsmen. This isn't pretimeskip anymore.
I see, well to me the demolition gust being dodged is because its pretty slow, the rooftop 5 were dodging it. I think youre right though Luffy will fight differently against swordsmen or sharp weapon users by using barrier haki and stuff.

Anyways this wasnt my main point lol, I was talking about Shanks tagging Kizaru. If Shanks can fight Kaido who can tag Kizaru then why cant Shanks? Do you think Shanks just gets blitzed by Kaido?


The only one who can beat me is me
I see, well to me the demolition gust being dodged is because its pretty slow, the rooftop 5 were dodging it. I think youre right though Luffy will fight differently against swordsmen or sharp weapon users by using barrier haki and stuff.

Anyways this wasnt my main point lol, I was talking about Shanks tagging Kizaru. If Shanks can fight Kaido who can tag Kizaru then why cant Shanks? Do you think Shanks just gets blitzed by Kaido?
It's gonna be very tough to tag Kizaru, Luffy with FS + Snakeman angles that even Kaidou couldn't perceive were portrayed as a joke to him. G5...I repeat G5 itself in its entire run and brought to complete stamina drain, managed to land 1 attack. We're to assume they were fighting offpanel.

This isn't even about Kizaru's attack speed, it's strictly the ability to tag an onguard Kizaru has proven to be virtually impossible for CQC types. It'll take some crazy shit to get to Kizaru, speed alone isn't the counter. You gotta be unpredictable, maybe mix in some AOE.

It might take hours upon hours or maybe even days with an onguard Kizaru taking a clean attack without being able to defend.

Does this mean Shanks won't be able to keep up with Kizaru? No, that's false, but landing a deadly blow is another matter altogether. And even keeping up with Kizaru will prove to be tiring. You have to be at the top of your game, and it will drain stamina.


Lead them to paradise.
It's gonna be very tough to tag Kizaru, Luffy with FS + Snakeman angles that even Kaidou couldn't perceive were portrayed as a joke to him. G5...I repeat G5 itself in its entire run and stamina drain, managed to land 1 attack. We're to assume they were fighting offpanel.

This isn't even about Kizaru's attack speed, it's strictly the ability to tag an onguard Kizaru has proven to be virtually impossible for CQC types. It'll take some crazy shit to get to Kizaru, speed alone isn't the counter. You gotta be unpredictable, maybe mix in some AOE.

It might take hours upon hours or maybe even days with an onguard Kizaru taking a clean attack without being able to defend.

Does this mean Shanks won't be able to keep up with Kizaru? No, that's false, but landing a deadly blow is another matter altogether. And even keeping up with Kizaru will prove to be tiring. You have to be at the top of your game, and it will drain stamina.
How do you see Akainu of any admiral tagging Kizaru? I mean Akainu doesnt seem like a speedster lol. I think youre overrating Kizaru right now because he had the perfect opponent with a time limit.

Imo all top tiers can react to Kizaru and even tag him in their own ways. Maybe not Big Mom though I guess.
Kizaru created clones to get past Luffy and went for Usopp, then he tried to hit the carriage which Luffy intercepted and ate the lasers, then they had an offscreen back and forth and then Kizaru once again left to attack Vegapunk mking Luffy run after him, timing him out.

There was one instance of fighting and 2 of Luffy trying to keep up with Kizaru. Im not saying its a bad thing you know Kizaru did well and Luffy ran out of time But you cant see this and say Kizaru tried everything in his power to lose.
It was Luffy who sent Kizaru flying out of the island, who’s ducking whom
Anyway that whole exchange at most was a minute long lmfao, the rest of the time it took Gear5 to completely die out was pure CQC between the two, you’re just trying to find ways out of this embarrassment for Luffy me think


The only one who can beat me is me
How do you see Akainu of any admiral tagging Kizaru? I mean Akainu doesnt seem like a speedster lol. I think youre overrating Kizaru right now because he had the perfect opponent with a time limit.

Imo all top tiers can react to Kizaru and even tag him in their own ways. Maybe not Big Mom though I guess.
I think Akainu will have to go the pure AOE route, perhaps have clones of his own to throw Kizaru off, perhaps some sort of awakening, and I deadass would not be surprised if Oda decided to give Akainu future sight at this point.

You mix in Akainu's environmental control, AOE, along with FS, and some unknown awakening properties. There may be a way for him to get to Kizaru. Based off everything we have seen currently, Akainu has NO shot at touching Kizaru. But I expect Oda to get real creative. I don't expect Akainu to be tagging Kizaru straight up, he will probably block his line of sight and use tactics to do so.

Logia types atleast give Oda that flexibility, for someone like Luffy who just boxes for the most part, Kizaru seems to be a nightmare. Although G5 is something else entirely, Luffy can warp the environment around him.


Lead them to paradise.
It was Luffy who sent Kizaru flying out of the island, who’s ducking whom
Yes Luffy didnt want to fight him to the death like he does with people he actually tries to put down lol.

Anyway that whole exchange at most was a minute long lmfao, the rest of the time it took Gear5 to completely die down was pure CQC between the two, you’re just trying to find ways out of this embarrassment for Luffy me think
The exchange of hits was one panel lol, thats way less then the other situations. Anyways for me Luffy didnt go all out and wasnt trying to actually put down Kizaru and Kizaru was the same, thus he exploited Luffys time limit and there is nothing wrong with that.

I dont think Luffy did bad honestly.
I think Akainu will have to go the pure AOE route, perhaps have clones of his own to throw Kizaru off, perhaps some sort of awakening, and I deadass would not be surprised if Oda decided to give Akainu future sight at this point.

You mix in Akainu's environmental control, AOE, along with FS, and some unknown awakening properties. There may be a way for him to get to Kizaru. Based off everything we have seen currently, Akainu has NO shot at touching Kizaru. But I expect Oda to get real creative. I don't expect Akainu to be tagging Kizaru straight up, he will probably block his line of sight and use tactics to do so.

Logia types atleast give Oda that flexibility, for someone like Luffy who just boxes for the most part, Kizaru seems to be a nightmare. Although G5 is something else entirely, Luffy can warp the environment around him.
How is aoe magma going to hurt Kizaru though? I do think its possible Akainu has FS yeah.


The only one who can beat me is me
Yes Luffy didnt want to fight him to the death like he does with people he actually tries to put down lol.

The exchange of hits was one panel lol, thats way less then the other situations. Anyways for me Luffy didnt go all out and wasnt trying to actually put down Kizaru and Kizaru was the same, thus he exploited Luffys time limit and there is nothing wrong with that.

I dont think Luffy did bad honestly.

How is aoe magma going to hurt Kizaru though? I do think its possible Akainu has FS yeah.
Maybe certain attacks can have haki incorporated in them. Long as they are coming directly from the source (being Akainu). But I was mostly thinking of the AOE being a distraction, not the means to harm Kizaru. Akainu can potentially use that to get to Kizaru, also I think Akainu will act as a mole, where he will pop up from underground a la Naruto vs Neji.

Neji had 360 vision or some shit, and was much faster, but Naruto went underground and used shadow clone feints to break his defense. This is 100% something I can see Akainu doing, given he is magma and can erupt from underground. Kizaru taking flight would give him some trouble, but at the end of the day in One Piece, you have to get up close and personal if you want to deal real damage especially to a logia. So Akainu could make this a complete guessing game for Kizaru, where random explosions are coming out of the ground underneath, maybe even Akainu magma clone feints.

Tldr; you are never gonna see Akainu just walk up and land meigo on Kizaru, impossible. Oda can't even draw that without it looking silly. He will have to get creative af.


Lead them to paradise.
So you are strictly speaking about panel time
Because if you introduce context, and actually read the scenes, you’ll see how biased you’re being
Whats the context here, they scrapped off panel but we dont know for how long.
Admiral haters are a truly unbelievable bunch
Im an admiral hater now lol, amazing. I just think Kizaru going all out and Luffy going all out are relative imo. Both didnt go all out so its pointless to shit on Luffys performance.


Lead them to paradise.
Long enough for Luffy to completely run out of gas
Kizaru even said he was spending all of his time on Luffy
I guess the anime will clear it out, to me it was a small exchange before Kizaru once again tried to go for Vegapunk. Kizaru said ''If I spend all my time on you'' not that hes spent all his time on him. Hence why he dipped because he didnt want to spend all his time on him.

Just get it off your chest, this is a judgment free zone :catpole:
Ive been fighting for the Admirals being relative to Yonko for years, Sera literally called me a fake Yonko fan because of that belief, foh lol.