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Alright, everyone, listen up. I need to talk about Fujishiro.

We’ve all been overthinking and overcomplicating things, but if you take a step back and really look at Fujishiro's game, it becomes clear as day: Fujishiro is town.

First off, let’s look at their actions. From the very start, Fujishiro has been actively solving the game. They’re pushing discussions forward, questioning inconsistencies, and calling out suspicious behavior. That's not something scum does willingly. Scum wants to coast and blend in. Fujishiro? They’ve been front and center, stirring the pot to get us information. That’s a town mindset.

Second, let’s talk about voting patterns. Fujishiro’s votes align perfectly with town interests. They’ve consistently been on wagons that make sense, they haven’t flip-flopped or hesitated in critical moments, and their reads have been sound. Scum doesn’t act like that—scum hedges, hesitates, or votes opportunistically. Fujishiro has done none of that.

Now let’s think about behavior and tone. Scum under pressure will often crumble or overcompensate. But Fujishiro? They’ve been steady. When questioned, they respond logically. When pushed, they push back with reasoning, not panic. Everything about Fujishiro’s demeanor reads as someone who’s genuinely frustrated about the state of the game because they want to win for town.

And here’s the biggest question I want you all to ask yourselves: If Fujishiro were scum, why would they act this way? Why would they take risks, start conversations, and draw attention to themselves? Scum doesn’t play like that. Scum sits back and lets the chaos unfold. Fujishiro has been trying to reduce the chaos, and that’s the most townie thing you can do.

Finally, let’s address the accusations against Fujishiro. They’re weak. I haven’t heard a single convincing argument as to why Fujishiro is scum. People keep throwing shade without evidence. And you know what that sounds like? Scum pushing a mislynch.

So I’m telling you right now: If we mislynch Fujishiro, we’re making a huge mistake. We’re eliminating someone who has been actively working for town’s success. Instead of chasing shadows, let’s focus on the players who are actually suspicious—the ones sitting in the background, throwing shade, and not contributing.

Fujishiro is town. It’s obvious. Don’t let scum trick you into thinking otherwise. Let’s stay focused, let’s stay smart, and let’s not fall for this nonsense.
Heh. You post this while having an avatar of Megumin, a character known for lies, exaggerations, and, of course, explosions? Obviously you're scum - a chunni servant attempting to appear innocent while using the violence of mass pings! Isn't that right, Jeanne Alter?

(/s, obviously lol)
did all the good players take an early christmas vacation or what? this player list's looking kinda rough, considering i'm the only top tier player around
not that i'm not used to it
but do you really call yourselves "heroic spirits"????
...ever since the mobile game, even some random dutch dancer can become a servant, so i guess the standards aren't that high anymore
I feel like this is a posting restriction, honestly. Between this and the next post offering advice but in a very condescending way, feels like its forced? (And, let's face it, Gilgamesh role being forced to act like this is incredibly plausible.)


Lead them to paradise.
I feel like this is a posting restriction, honestly. Between this and the next post offering advice but in a very condescending way, feels like its forced? (And, let's face it, Gilgamesh role being forced to act like this is incredibly plausible.)
It would out them immediately so no.


Lead them to paradise.
I dont really like your hard defense on this angle, he can not be so obvious. & he dropped off from the game in general.
The drop off is noted, but Im just saying that a Gilgamesh PR would out them immediately if hes scum. The fact that hes being obvious about it is a good sign imo. Saber knows the lore, if he rolls mafia with Gilgamesh hes not going to obviously roleplay him imo. You seem to think its a slip but I dont buy it atm.


King of Knights
it's not roleplay, it's not a post restriction, i've just been stating facts so far
if you think i'm not "being serious" about the colossal difference in mafia skills between me and all of you, maybe you should stop hiding from the truth and try to get better at the game though, honestly, i doubt any of you have the potential to reach my level anyway

and, oh well, as expected, it looks like it's up to me to guide town in the right direction
Vote Lynch Flower
it's not roleplay, it's not a post restriction, i've just been stating facts so far
if you think i'm not "being serious" about the colossal difference in mafia skills between me and all of you, maybe you should stop hiding from the truth and try to get better at the game though, honestly, i doubt any of you have the potential to reach my level anyway

and, oh well, as expected, it looks like it's up to me to guide town in the right direction
Vote Lynch Flower
hell nah



King of Knights
this is historically how average people react to intellectual breakthroughs made by far more brilliant individuals
do not fear what you don’t understand, muugen
if you have any questions about my vote, i can explain it to you step by step until you comprehend it
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