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Town Roles


Arbiter of Truth
@Michelle as Charles Babbage

You are Charles Babbage, a member of Town

[Passive - A big hammer] - Charles Babbage is a man of action, he does not waste time on things that doesn’t matter. Coincidentally his big hammer is not just for show, if Babbage is to place a vote he may only do so if it is the vote that reaches majority (hammering the lynch).

Breaking the terms will result in mod-block

[Active - The Father of Computers] - Babbage is an incredibly smart person who made the original computer, he is able to connect a lot of dots that others might not see.
He can make computations and algorithms to investigate their behavior.
However Babbage has little interest in the conflict, and often forgets to check his results.

Target someone to leave an analytical computation running, forgetting all about it.

Wincon - Eliminate all threats to Town
@Mr. Reloaded as Gilles de Rais

You are Gilles de Rais (Caster), a member of Town

[Passive - The Coolest Duo] - You and Ryuunoske understand each others like nobody else ever could, and naturally you stick together through thick and thin.
You are Masoned with Ryuunoske from the start of the game and will be in a private chat where you can discuss freely.
You cannot reveal being masons, nor your true flavor in the game thread, hinting or vouching is allowed so long it doesn’t conclusively or directly reveal that you are masons with one another.

No fake role, but this is your fake flavor if you need to claim:

You are Jeanne d'Arc, a member of Town

Wincon - Eliminate all threats to Town
@Naomi as Ryuunosuke

You are Ryuunoske, a member of Town

[Passive - The Coolest Duo] - You and Gilles de Rais understand each others like nobody else ever could, and naturally you stick together through thick and thin.
You are Masoned with Gilles de Rais from the start of the game and will be in a private chat where you can discuss freely.
You cannot reveal being masons, nor your true flavor in the game thread, hinting or vouching is allowed so long it doesn’t conclusively or directly reveal that you are masons with one another.

No fake role, but this is your fake flavor if you need to claim:

You are David, a member of Town

Wincon - Eliminate all threats to Town
@Stargate18 as Asclepius

You are Asclepius, a member of Town

[Active - The Father of Medicine] - Asclepius is widely regarded as the father to modern medicine. He is a Greek hero and God of Medicine, he believed Death to be a disease and worked day in and day out to find a cure to death. This research of his landed him however in big trouble with the Greek Pantheon.

Target a player to heal their wounds, protecting them from kills.

Wincon - Eliminate all threats to Town
@Alexis2282AE as Hektor of Troy

You are Hektor, a member of Town

[Active - The Hero of Troy] - As an ancient Greek hero, you know your ins and outs of wars, battles and skirmishes. In terms of fighting power few could compare, it took the demigod Achilleus to take you down after all.
Hektor chooses to use his prowess to single out a target he deems suspicious to interrogate them, their fates are now in Hektor’s hands.
Target a player during the DAY to put them in Jail. During the night you can communicate with your jailed target through the Host. [3-shot]
---[Judgement] -
You may choose to Execute your target or spare your prisoner any time during the night. If you chose to execute, your prisoner will be met with certain death that bypass any and all defenses
You may change your mind at any point, but once the night phase is over your last order will be in effect.
If you haven’t submitted whether to spare or execute them by the time actions lock, the target will be spared. (This part of the ability is not immune to roleblocks)

Your Target will know if you have chosen to Execute them

Wincon - Eliminate all threats to Town
@tepig19283 as Amakusa Shirou

You are Amakusa Shiro, a member of Town

[Active - Playing the long game] - Amakusa Shiro is a character who keeps his cards close to his chest, he has goals and ambitions nobody else has any ideas about.
To ensure he will achieve his goals and that nobody interferes with his plans, he will watch a player to see who visited them.

Wincon - Eliminate all threats to Town
@Seraphoenix as James Moriarty

You are James Moriarty, a member of Town

[Active - Mastermind] - You are the Great Moriarty, Sherlock Holmes’ greatest adversary. You know a thing or two about reading people, gathering clues and how to create a solid alibi.
You will use your experience as a Mastermind to investigate players, discerning if they are up to any good or not.

Wincon - Eliminate all threats to Town
@Charlie / @MUUGEN as Hundred Personas

You are Hundred Personas, a member of Town

[Active - Lurking in the shadows] - Hundred Personas is an assassin specializing in reconnaissance, deceit and intel gathering. Nobody knows which of the hundred personas is the real Hassan, or if they are all one and the same.

Target a player and Track their movement that night.

Wincon - Eliminate all threats to Town
@EkkoLoJinx / @Yo Tan Wa as Kotomine Kirei

You are Kotomine Kirei, a member of Town

[Active - Priest in the sheets, Devil in the streets] - Kotomine Kirei oversees the Church, and offers sanctuary to those who need. At least that is his front, but there is much going on behind the scenes which most don’t know. The last thing you want to do is to get on Kotomine’s wrong side.

Target a player to offer your service, preventing and protecting them from falling victim to a Planned Attack

[Passive - Twisted Minds think alike] - Nobody is better at detecting a monster, than a monster himself. At the end of each night you will be informed about the number of people who have been marked for a planned attack, and if more than 2 has been marked you will be able to intervene and save one random victim from being marked

Wincon - Eliminate all threats to Town
@Fujishiro as Mephistopheles

You are Mephistopheles, a member of Town

[Passive - Menacing Maniac] - Mephistopheles is a demon and doesn’t have the same culture or sanity of normal humans. Despite your good intentions, Mephisto’s mannerisms and appearance will cause investigations made on you to appear suspicious.

[Active - Evil for the greater good] - As a demon playing dirty tricks is a necessity for survival, the most wicked will come on top. Luckily for town you are going along with their whims, and you chose to help them out this time. That being said, you can’t resist the delicious fear of Townies, you’ll only help them on Odd nights

Target a player on an odd night to mercilessly end their lives. [2-Shot]

Wincon - Eliminate all threats to Town
Indie roles


Arbiter of Truth
@Flower as Emiya Kiritsugu

You are Emiya Kiritsugu, Third Party

[Passive - Always prepared] - Having surrendered most of his precious years to a life of murder, death and evil; Kiritsugu is more familiar with the dark side of society than most anyone else. He trust only a handful of people and money, and operates under extreme caution.
If someone visits Kiritsugu at night they will be marked and Kiritsugu will know who visited.
---[Well trained] - Kiritsugu knows how to fight and defend himself, he would not have survived this long in his field if he didn’t. If anyone is daring enough to pick a fight with the mage slayer himself, they best lay a meticulous plan.
Therefore you may fight to fend off any fools that think they know how to fight, you will survive any basic kills.

[Active - surveying, planning and preparing] - At night Kiritsugu chooses a target that he will mark. They will learn of their habits, usual places they frequent and the best place, time and method of disposal

[Active - Commence Operation] - After having done all the groundwork, all that remains is execution of your plans. Together with Maya you strategically and masterfully dispose of all your marked targets killing them through most immunities and defenses.

Can not be used on the same night as you are marking someone.

Wincon - Kill All
@Saber as Jason

You are Jason, Third Party

[Passive - If you can´t beat ´em, join ´em!] - Jason may be a weak servant, but he has a strong survival instinct. You wouldn´t think that he has due to him creating enemies left right and centre however.

You will survive the first Lynch and adopt the wincon of the last voter on your wagon.
---[The Wisdom of Atalante] - If Jason gets lynched and the last voter was aligned with town, you will find solace in the wisdom of Atalante, and help town find those bastards who turned town against you
---[The Ire of Medea] - If the last vote on you were aligned with Mafia, the seething ire of Medea influences you to take revenge on those clueless townies who wronged you, Joining the Mafia team in their PMs to plot his revenge.
---[Orpheus’ requiem of mortality] - Upon getting hammered by a independent aligned role, you hear the mind of Orpheus is twisting and perversing by the thought of the betrayal, instilling a primal bloodlust and a ungodly desire to hear the screams of the heretical townies. You will turn into a Serial Killer equipped with your very own night kill, and won’t be able to rest before you’ve seen to everyone getting killed.

[Passive - Superiority complex] - Jason likes to believe that he is superior to everyone else. Whether it is to compensate for his obvious lack in power, or if he truly believes that he is above the rest is up in the air.

Jason must therefore act arrogant and better than everyone else around him in every post he makes.

[Active - Heracles, cover me!] - Some call him a coward, but Jason values his life more than anything else, and despite all odds he became good friends with the Demi-god Heracles who would gladly cover for his friend in need.

Once in the game you may summon Heracles to hide behind, protecting you from all actions that night. [2-shot]

Wincon - successfully join a faction and fulfill their objective


No dude... that's a bike...!!
You knew this and didnt push Flower harder lol?
what's the correlation?

i did push her a bit yesterday but we pivoted to a mafia anyway. she'd have been my push today given that mafia is done and we r looking for an indie. probably a big reason why she foiled.

i didnt know what a planned attack was btw. its not classified info. it just gives me a number. n1 = 1, n2 = 0, n3 = 1. flower claimed not having an idea what planned attack is. there was not a direct correlation as u think, just a speculation.


Lead them to paradise.
what's the correlation?

i did push her a bit yesterday but we pivoted to a mafia anyway. she'd have been my push today given that mafia is done and we r looking for an indie. probably a big reason why she foiled.

i didnt know what a planned attack was btw. its not classified info. it just gives me a number. n1 = 1, n2 = 0, n3 = 1. flower claimed not having an idea what planned attack is. there was not a direct correlation as u think, just a speculation.
Her flavor she claimed it lol.
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