Controversial I’m Back Mofos πŸ”ͺ

Ali v2

Aka @ALI!
After my previous account was brutally violated by a pack of bots, I was brought back to you mofos by the mighty necromantic power of (I got nothing better to do rn so I better return to forum life and slay some Zoro > sanji debates into Lanji cucksmoke fans) :HoldThisL:

good to be back, brought up extra spice too :myman:

Ali v2

Thats because to me youre all my close friends those that name me Fridge or Frigo that is lol. I was thinking about if it could be you lol.

How have you been my man?
Ohhh lovely boi fridge fan favorite, tears are suiciding off my eyelid … you even named Zara, motherfucking zara πŸ˜‚

I’ve been doing great actually, doctor at day, cheap-ass batman at night, how have you been?