Sanji fans: they're only Zoro haters, as sanji offers zero properties to like.
Gorosei fans: they're only admiral haters or disappointed former admiral fans (except the radical pure WG fans which ironically are the only truthful group among gorosei fans)
Shanks fans: those are basically hardcore Goofy fans to the point of feeling threatened by Zoro, thus they go with the Shanks agenda pushing the Shanks>Mihawk theorem to shit on zoro by proxy. At the same time, they believe said Goofy with exceed their supposed object of desire, Shanks, thus ultimately putting Goofy at the top of their pyramid, very tricky but very obvious and easy to predict fanbase.
Gorosei fans: they're only admiral haters or disappointed former admiral fans (except the radical pure WG fans which ironically are the only truthful group among gorosei fans)
Shanks fans: those are basically hardcore Goofy fans to the point of feeling threatened by Zoro, thus they go with the Shanks agenda pushing the Shanks>Mihawk theorem to shit on zoro by proxy. At the same time, they believe said Goofy with exceed their supposed object of desire, Shanks, thus ultimately putting Goofy at the top of their pyramid, very tricky but very obvious and easy to predict fanbase.