Could go either way to be honest
I'd say individualy the Juuko gang are superior to HK but this battle being a 4v3 and since they have greater versatility and teamwork i reckon they take this.
Kyou En vs Sento Un
Kaishibou vs Gen U
Genpo vs Juuko Ou
And that leaves Rinko free to attack any of the wings he wants and tear through them with his offense.
Juuko guys are just a cut above here. Former GGs who clashed with the likes of Kanmei, repelled countless Chu forces, etc.
Kyou En was also a former GG who clashed with Renpa, Kyou and even Hakuki and not even once was he shown to be a cut above the rest
All of the HK were believed to be GG level in ability with Genpo being able to act as the Chief of Zhao's military which is what Karin or SHK do for their states