Who will be our new champion?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I’m coming for you next tournament!

I want to say a big big thank yoi to @Mr. Reloaded who makes big events like this even happen. Thx mate.

I know how stressy it can be, it take lot of time and prepare stuff for doing work like this, deserve big respect for your hard work mate.
oh shet

@Mr. Reloaded thx a lot :O idk if I said that

for organisation and tbh, for like convincing me to take part to begin with :o

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
End post:

First and foremost I want to thank everyone for participating!
And I want to give a particular shout-out to @MangoSenpai for probably using the most unorthodox team submitted lol. That was fun.
I was quite amazed at the lack of legendaries outside the usual Zapdos and Suicune, expected a barrage of Mewmium Z's and Sub Calm Mind Raikou's tbh.
To @TheAncientCenturion @Yoho and @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier never feel overwhelmed if you're not packing exactly the best team, we're not playing for money lol all in good fun.

Now to address some issues:
In the future, DQ's will be more strict.

Anyone not submitting teams by the given deadline will be DQ'd on the spot.

When hosting tournaments where modern mechanics are in use but the available Pokemon is being limited to specific gens, given the amount of complaints I got but in and out of the thread, a vote may be in place to ban specific Pokemon deemed maybe too strong for a limited format. Suicune and Blissey in hindsight were perhaps a bit too good here lol.

If something comes up IRL and you either can't play or need extra time, I respectfully ask that you communicate with your opponent or the host in advance of your match. Flexibility with availability will always be a thing due to timezones.

And for the battle timer, if you need it disabled please don't wait till the last minute to request for it. Kiku should not have been put in that situation.

And that's all I got for ya's. Congrats to the champ @Charlie

See ya in the summer for the best gen:

Final players tag:
