Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1136 Spoilers Discussion

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Луффи определенно силен и достаточно способен, чтобы сразиться с Локи и, возможно, Лэнсом, ЕСЛИ он не так силен, как Шанкс, но он будет чертовски силен.

Вопрос в том, смогут ли Зоро и Нами противостоять Девушке-Бандажу, потому что она должна быть намного выше этой парочки.

Луффи должен был взять с собой Санджи и Дзимбэя вместо этого, чувак 🤦🏾‍♂️
Achieves everything with magical swords and borrowed haki+special family sword god genes and plot*

Indeed Zoro is stacked!
Achieves everything with magical swords and borrowed haki+special family sword god genes and plot*

Indeed Zoro is stacked!
Did you mean a sword that steals the owner's haki, prevents him from fighting, and turns the arm into a branch, killing the owner? Or Sandai kitetsu, which simply kills the owner a year after use if it is unworthy? If it's atom magic that would weaken Zoro, then I agree. It's just that after chapter 1033, Zoro himself learned how to put a lot of haki into any sword on his own. About haki Oden in enma, neither in the manga, nor in the sbs, nor in the anime (but in all three it says that this is haki Zoro). You can frame Oden's haki in enme, otherwise I didn't find it🤣 Meanwhile, all of Lanji's power , including the flame, is Judge's sperm and it's in the manga
Has anyone noticed that Yonkou fans ceased to exist after the last sbs?
--Shanks is oda's fav. He is only going to get wins after wins.
--When BB's time comes , BB will also show why he is strongest luffy opponent. 3 DFs + 3 awakenings.
--Kaido still has best of composite feats with only joyboy's haki and topman's dura being better than Kaido.
--Prime WB is level above mid gen.

--Yonkos look good. Luffy does looks mid. Ngl about that. His G5 timelimit holds him back severely.
--Shanks is oda's fav. He is only going to get wins after wins.
--When BB's time comes , BB will also show why he is strongest luffy opponent. 3 DFs + 3 awakenings.
--Kaido still has best of composite feats with only joyboy's haki and topman's dura being better than Kaido.
--Prime WB is level above mid gen.

--Yonkos look good. Luffy does looks mid. Ngl about that. His G5 timelimit holds him back severely.
When BB time comes the yonko system will cease to exist, moot point
--Shanks is oda's fav. He is only going to get wins after wins.
--When BB's time comes , BB will also show why he is strongest luffy opponent. 3 DFs + 3 awakenings.
--Kaido still has best of composite feats with only joyboy's haki and topman's dura being better than Kaido.
--Prime WB is level above mid gen.

--Yonkos look good. Luffy does looks mid. Ngl about that. His G5 timelimit holds him back severely.
Luffy taking L now won't really change humiliation awaiting the red puppy admiral twerkers love to remind zoro fans who the mc is yet who are getting ahead of themselves now :saden:
Doesn't change the fact BB is still considered a yonko himself. And no proof yonkos will cease to exist at that time. WG are final villains. BB probably loses as a yonko. Luffy will become PK post BBPs defeat.
You think BB will kill Shanks or something and they gonna apoint Kid or someone else as a new yonko or what?
Wanna bet? :kobeha:
We already had in universe confirmation that the system is a meme already at the end of wano
You think BB will kill Shanks or something and they gonna apoint Kid or someone else as a new yonko or what?
Wanna bet? :kobeha:
We already had in universe confirmation that the system is a meme already at the end of wano
WDYM? Yonko as a system is very much there. Unless BB is endgame villain and not WG , he will lose as a yonko.
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