Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1136 Spoilers Discussion

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CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
A single panty shot and she's already YC1+ level
Unreal lol
Big Mom with no lower-clothing besides panties is Fleet Admiral level.

Brook nearly made a huge mistake in Whole Cake when he asked Big Mom to show him her panties/Whole Cake.

No one let Linlin take her clothes off or we're all going to die one way or another.
• Zoro has better portrayal and feats than Deskainu :

Akainu vs Brain-dead and tortured Kuma :

A blood-lusted Akainu used his signature attack, "Meigo," but failed to stop a severely injured, brain-dead, and tortured Kuma.

Afterward, Kuma still had the strength to defeat New Pacifistas and Vice Admirals, land a punch on Saturn, and save Bonney from an attack using his back.

Zori vs Awakened Lucci :

Zoro evaded Awakened Lucci's dual-handed gauntlet attack while simultaneously retrieving his fallen sword. He then defeated Lucci using a basic technique, without resorting to the KoH Sword Style, KoH Dragon Style, or Asura.

Lucci was shown to be heavily injured, to the extent that he could not muster the strength to walk to the nearby building to save his partner, Kaku. Since then, he has been out of action.

Awakened Lucci >> Brain-Dead and tortured Kuma.

Zori > Deskainu
• Zoro has better portrayal and feats than Deskainu :

Akainu vs Brain-dead and tortured Kuma :

A blood-lusted Akainu used his signature attack, "Meigo," but failed to stop a severely injured, brain-dead, and tortured Kuma.

Afterward, Kuma still had the strength to defeat New Pacifistas and Vice Admirals, land a punch on Saturn, and save Bonney from an attack using his back.

Zori vs Awakened Lucci :

Zoro evaded Awakened Lucci's dual-handed gauntlet attack while simultaneously retrieving his fallen sword. He then defeated Lucci using a basic technique, without resorting to the KoH Sword Style, KoH Dragon Style, or Asura.

Lucci was shown to be heavily injured, to the extent that he could not muster the strength to walk to the nearby building to save his partner, Kaku. Since then, he has been out of action.

Awakened Lucci >> Brain-Dead and tortured Kuma.

Zori > Deskainu
Bro's copy & pasting some of his past posts lol
i supported you in your lightning haki color debates. I stood behind you in your Bougya era. But this, i cannot abide.

We have King a yc1 in full bdsm gear

We have queen a yc2 making big holes in himself and shooting his snake out of the hole

We have Smoothie a yc3 in what is basically a panty

Lolden literally laughed and danced like a retard in his underwear for 5 years

sanji a yc4 was literally wearing a dress and most likely a panty under it for 2 years

we have canonically seen big meme's panties

What more evidence do you need?

Gunko is yc1+++
You posted hella headcanons, it seems you got triggered from my posts which is funny lmao.

Let me help you with facts :
> Fraudmirals's Feats :

- Deskainu :
1/ He couldn't get past an already weakened Marco while being blood lusted :

2/ He used his signature attack, "Meigo," but failed to stop a 1HP severely injured, brain-dead, and tortured Kuma.

Afterward, 1 HP Kuma still had the strength to defeat New Pacifistas and Vice Admirals, land a punch on Saturn, and save Bonney from an attack using his back, this is how much Meigo affected him with literally nothing lmao :

3/ Sabo speed blitzed him and saved both Luffy and Ace while he was attacking Luffy :

4/ He couldn't hit Buggy who was overweight :

5/ He got sonned when Shanks came to Marine Ford :
Dude literally went from this

To this

When Shanks came, so NO lol

No wonder dude had to use Squardo to hope for internal betrayal before attempting any confrontation with Whitebeard

No wonder he had an equal 10 days fight with Kuzan later on, ending up scarred all over the body and barely winning despite magma devil fruit when regular fire can cancel out Kuzan's fruit:josad:

6/ Deskainu was treated as nonexistent and his presence was completely disregarded when Shanks was near him casually picking up the Straw Hat while leaving himself open and exuding confidence.

- Pizzalu :

1/ He got humiliated in a clash against Marco :

2/ He needed Marco to be distracted and in 2 v 1 with the help of a Vice Admiral to weaken him so he could affect his HP after the 1st humiliation :

3/ He couldn't get past an old man who was rusty and hadn't wielded a sword for decades and what's funny is Pizzalu started panting mid-clash:

4/ Pizzalu couldn't get past Gear 5th nor speed blitzing it and neither giving moderate damage which Kaido did for fun :

5/ His only damage against Gear 5th was giving a paper cut damage while using an army of clowns that got negdiffed:

6/ Franky, Sanji, Bonney, and Sentomaru suffered nothing from his attacks :
- Midkiji :

1/ He couldn't handle a human form Jozu without a distraction :

2/ He disappeared after a single open-handed attack from old Garp, who had been fighting hundreds of fodder soldiers and Teach’s officers. He only reappeared when Garp decided to leave.

3/ He couldn’t handle an old Garp who had significantly lost his strength due to age, even with thousands of fodder soldiers and Teach’s officers helping him. This only conveyed a sense of desperation on Blackbeard’s side.
No one believed in his strength lmao.

4/ He was speed-blitzed by an already weakened old Garp, who, with a hakiless and nameless throw, treated him as an afterthought to save Coby—and succeeded :

5/ He acknowledged being a weak ass without the help he received in Hachinosu against Garp by stating that they barely won with a team effort :

6/ He got stopped by Ace's flame attack easily :

- Fraudtora :

1/ A YC-level Zoro managed to send a slash from his weakest sword, even under his own gravity, to overpower Fraudtora's Devil Fruit power. Fraudtora was left shivering, pushed back, and kneeling, with his soldiers screaming his name :

2/ He failed to beat a Dressrosa Gear 2sd,3rd Luffy while stating that he was using his utmost :

3/ He couldn't do shit to 2 swords Zoro :

- Fraud Bull :

1/ He got sonned from miles away by Shanks's CoC and chose to retreat while he was shivering and crying :

"Although he cornered Momonosuke and his comrades, he retreated due to Shanks's Haki."

2/ He didn't want Kaido's smoke and only came after he got beaten :

3/ He struggled against a YC 7 Morley :

Fake news.
Kuma tried to dodge the first blow, still got his face burned.
Then he immediately RAN AWAY and Akainu still got his foot.
That's a 1 HP severely injured, brain-dead, and tortured Kuma who could dodge having his whole face burnt, he still got his leg? Tf are you smoking? In Egg Head he was seen running and nothing about his leg got burnt despite being on panel being caught.

So let me see Deskainu against a 1 HP mf and yet he failed at the first named attack.
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