Yeah that's a 1 HP heavily injured, brain dead, already tortured Kuma who deskainu failed to beat after he used
his named attack LMAO.
Melted what? 😭 The mf was seen running in Egg head, it was seen on panel that it caught his leg but nothing was burnt.
That Kuma still had the strength to beat a VA, New Pacifistas, punching Saturn and saving bonney, that's how much Kuma was affected from Deskainu's attack, with literally nothing lmao.
Unlike Base Kaido who one shotted someone stronger than 1 HP Heavily injured, brain dead, already tortured Kuma
Deskainu against a 1 HP already heavily injured, Brain dead, tortured Kuma :
Base Kaido against someone who's stronger than 1 HP already heavily injured, Brain dead, tortured Kuma :