Controversial Admirals and Yonko from most to least attractive

Akainu is a lock for top 1, can't justify putting anyone over him as per Oda's own words.
But I assume the thread asks who the fandom finds most attractive, not which character Oda finds most attractive. Akainu may or may not be based on the most handsome dude in his books, doesn't mean we can't have a different taste in regards to aesthetics.

I would personally put Mihawk above Akainu, because he has more distinctive features. As you said, he has that vampire look. He looks groomed and distinctive due to his eyes, eyebrows and beard, has that nice embellished coat, with that cross pendant and Yoru.

So basically:

1. Mihawk
2. Akainu
3. Shanks
4. Aokiji
5. Ryokugyu