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Maybe I'm misremembering but the one giant said to road to not mess with the strawhat cause they easily could kill him because of their bounties. Meaning the strongest warrior nation pirates who have the most life experience use it as a barometer for strength

I think if the specific bounties are kinda recent oda clearly uses them as a power scale meter in and out story, atleast that's the vibe I get
Yeah they told Road “Have you seen their bounties? You don’t stand a chance.”
@EmperorKinyagi Oda is a massive Dragon Ball so Vegeta/Nappa analogy isn't that crazy. It does give a similar vibe with Shamrock letting his underling handle all the action. (Like Nappa was handling all the Z fighters, Gunko is handling the fodder giants, animals and restrained Loki)
Yep, Shamrock won’t get serious until it’s clear Gunko is in trouble.

Just like Vegeta/Nappa
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